Ch14 - In His Arms

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(Anti's p.o.v)

I have to be was slightly nerve wrecking to be in a cop car again. But at least I  wasn't arrested.

I'm currently pacing the lobby, waiting. Been waiting for about ten minutes now. I think the receptionist is keeping a tally of times I've walked past. I look outside again and see two patrol cars come into the parking lot.

I stop pacing, watching to see if it is them or not. Then (YN) steps out of one,along with another girl. I race to the doors. But they are locked.

"Can you open these please?!" I call over my shoulder.

She laughs. And hits a button. The doors slide open and I race out. (YN) sees me and jumps into my arms.

"Are you OK?" We both ask at the same time. She hugs me tightly and cries.

"Hay, your safe now. Sh." I hug her tightly.

About two hours later we leave the station in a taxi.

" your place?" I ask.

She shakes her head. Then leans her head against my shoulder, looking up at me. "I don't have furniture... Remember?"

"Wanna stop at IKEA?" I ask.

"Sometime yea...but..."

"I still owe ya don't I?" I chuckle. She smiles. I lean over and kiss her. "Yea...I'll order the pizza too." I whisper then tell the driver my address.

(Your p.o.v)

"Your place is nice." I say as Anti opens the front door.

"Thanks. Wander around, but don't get lost." He teases. "I'mma order the pizza."

"OK." I say and wander toward the living room.

I honestly thought it would be trashed...kinda the stereotypical thing for lone men. But it was actually nice. The kitchen was just around the corner, the bathroom next to it, then the stairs. I go up and find the recording room.

"So that's how he's doing it..." I say, tapping a large picture of Sean's room. It stretches from ceiling to floor, wall to wall.

Anti pokes his head in. "So you found it aye?" He chuckles. "Wanna pick a game for me to do?"

"Sure! Gimmy a list."

The rest of the day was filled with playing games with each other. I beat him at rocket league. But I won't even start up about Mario cart...let's just say I'm a horrible driver. I also edited my first video with him. It wasn't good, but he had some awesome tips.

The next time I looked at my phone's clock I gasped. It was eight thirty pm.

"The day went fast yea?" Anti laughs.

"Yea..."I lean back against the couch were we were sitting.

Anti wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer. I snuggle up to him, laying my head on his chest. We stay this way for a long time, just enjoining the quiet.

"My life has been so weird." I chuckle, sitting up and yawning.

"I bet." Anti laughs as I yawn for a second time.

"Ha, don't laugh to soon." I giggle as he yawns.

"You made me do that! They are contagious you know." He smiles.

"I'm about to drop." I tell him.

"The bed is upstairs." He says. "Get some sleep."

I nod and get up. "G'night."

"G'night (YN)." He says, watching me go upstairs.

I climb under the covers sigh. I can smell his Cologne on the fabric. I giggle to myself. I don't know this would be the out come of meeting him on the plane. I had no clue.

I close my eyes for a while, but sleep didn't come. I sigh and roll over, now facing the door.

I hear a small noise, so I peek out, and see Anti open the door. I close my eyes again, pretending to be asleep.

I hear him try to quietly walk around the bed. Then I feel the bed light shift as he climbs under the covers. I feel his breath against me neck, showing me that he is facing me.

I scoot back against his chest.

"Oh...hello." Anti says.

"May I ask what your doing?" I whisper as he wraps his arms around me.

"I cold..." He mumbles.

"Yea... I'm Sure you did." I mumble.

"I did." He whispers in my ear, making me shiver. I feel his arms wrap around me. "You good with this?" Anti whispers.

I turn over and let him kiss me roughly, yet passionately.

"Guessing that as a yes." He chuckles, hugging me tightly.

Running my hands down his chest, and lean my face against it. He holds me, and places his chin on my head. I soon fall asleep on his warm chest, lulled by his steady heartbeat.

Yea...I think things have gotten better.

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now