Ch13 - Freedom

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(Anti's p.o.v)

I tell her all I know. And she is pissed.

"I hate it when this happens. Human trafficking is bad. No its pure evil." She looks back at the guy, laying over a table. "He was part of it?"

"Yea. I hope he has answers when he's up." I say.

"Well. I'mma make this a bit quicker." She mumbles. I watch as she takes a large container and fills it with ice cold water. Then she comes over and slowly pours it over the dude.

He immediately springs up, sputtering. "The hell?" He falls back onto the floor as the rest of the water is poured onto him. "June! Enough! Ahhugh."

"You got a lot to say." She growls, glaring at him.

"What do you mean?" He mumbles, wiping water off his face.

"You don't remember last night do ya...well do these two people refresh anything?" June asks, pointing at Dark and I.

The guys eyes widen. "Ahhhhhh....."

I walk over to him and lift him to his feet by the shirt collar. "Where. Is. She?" I growl.

He starts to sputter nonsense, then gives me what I want. "Chipped crow. Its a pub...a bit away from here."

I let go, he stumbles back to the floor.

"That was easier then I thought." Dark says. He comes over and grabs the guy by the arms. "Rope?"

June smiles. "Got that and a phone." She goes into a back room and soon returns with a coil of rope. Her phone is up to her ear.

"Yes. He is here. No the others aren't." She hands me the rope and I wind it around the guy. He doesn't even struggle.

"No fight this time? Not that it would do ya any good." I say.

"He said a place called...hold on." She turns to me. "What was it?"

I tell her the name of the pub, then she goes back to the bar, removing glasses, continuing the conversation.

I turn to the man. "What happened to her? I swear...if she is hurt in any way..."

" I don't think that would happen." He says, trying to scoot away from me.

"Why...where...just spill it!" I exclaim.

"OK OK! All I can tell ya is that she was"

"Needed?" I spat.

"Let me finish! My friend owns the place...him and several others are trying to out do each other. By seeing how many people they can get in...and woman are the bait."

"Wow." I growl. "That's sick."

Several knocks were heard from the door. June comes over.

"Looks like your personal taxi is here." She opens the door and two officers come in. "Over here gentleman." She says.

"Is someone over at the Chipped Crow?" I ask.

One of the officers turns to me. "No...actually. The place doesn't seem to exist on our system."

"What!?" I go over to the now cuffed guy. "What does he mean?"

One officer pulls me back. "Sir, please stay back."

"It doesn't exist?" I asks.

"I guess it wouldn't..." The guy says. "Its not known to many."

One officer nods. "I'm guessing this facility is illegal."

In His Arms       (Antisepticeye x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now