Chapter 11 - Burn

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Jason's POV
Well I am very attracted to bri more attracted to her then Sam. But I think it's time for me to tell Sam that I no longer like her. I don't really care how she feels to be honest, she's a slut that's just good in bed. The only real reason why I kept her around bri was to get her jealous and I hope it worked but she is a really good kisser.

I went upstairs to find Sam crying on my bed.....

"Sam, you need to leave i no longer like you and you are no longer needed or wanted here" I said dully.

"No babe, c'mon I don't care that you kissed that whore, she's ugly anyway and we can get through this" Sam sobbed out "I love you Jasey" she whispered.

"No I am not a slut, but you are! Get out of this house or I will personally tear you out!" Bree screamed.

Her eyes were black again and she was pissed and I was scared for Sam, I hope she keeps her mouth shut this time because I'm not helping her, not again.

"Come here sweetie" Bri said sweetly.

Woah what the hell, why is bri being nice? I don't understand girls.

"Okay" Sam choked out.

Sam walked over to Briana's welcoming arms and then snap.

"Briana why the fuck would you do that !" I screeched!

Briana just let Sams body drop and her eyes showed pures evil.
"No body speaks to me like that and I snapped her neck, it was painless and that bitch had it coming" she snapped.

"Then you go burn her bitch, because I'm not touching her!"

"My pleasure" she smirked.

Wow this girl is had bad and disturbed as me, she's like me I'm spandex. I think I like her but she's dangerous and that scares me.

Briana's POV

I shouldn't killed that bitch a while ago, I hated her and I'm sure everyone else did too. I dragged her fat ass body down the stairs and everybody snapped there heads around to look at me and well dead Sam.

"We had a little accident" I smiled innocently.

"How did you kill her ? We didn't hear a gun go off, enless you had a silencer?" Nolan asked.

"No I broke her neck" I mumbled, as I flung Sams lifeless body over my shoulder.

They all laughed and Ryan laughed "badass ugh? Only Jason can really kill like that ? You two would be great partners"

"That's hysterical, we would ripp eachother to peices" I said.

"True" Chris said.

"Well I'm going to burn this" i pointed at the corpse.

"Can I help? I didn't really like her anyway" jason shrugged.

"Change of heart I see? Well it's fine but get my lighter out of my purse" and with that I ran outside. Jason got my lighters and followed.

"So tally, your pretty badass ugh?" Jason asked.

"Yeah I have no sympathy, really at all" I said plainly.
Jason started laughing.

"What so funny McCann?" I snapped.

"Your so little and look so innocent but your not and that I actually really like, oh and that ass" jason added.

I just gave him a glare because I don't feel like starting another fight.

"This smell is nasty" I scuffed

"Nah I kind if like it" jason smirked.

"Gross, McCann"

"I'm just kidding" he smiled.

His smile is sorta cute. Ah let's face it, he's so attractive! But I need to stay on task.

"Bri move!" Jason screamed.

I ducked quickly and a bullet went right over my head. I grabbed my gun and spun around to see.............

Hi guys ! How do you like this ? Who do you think is trying to kill bri? Comment and vote

Xoxoxo ~ Renee

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