Chapter 12 - Chills

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I just ducked under, I turned and whipped my gun out and went firing. I hit nothing. That's a first. No one is there. How the hell did I just get shot at ?

"What the hell no one is even there" I snapped.

"I don't know but I think I might know where they are , there's a tiny cabin, past the lake and I bet there by there. It's a long walk but well go tonight and look around I don't want people coming on my property" jason stated.

"Agreed" I said

"Alright go dress in all black and bring a sweatshirt it gets cold"jason noted.

"Okay, thanks and this is our first nice conversation" I laughed.

"Yeah, don't get used to it" jason spat.

But I could tell he was smiling as he turned to go get ready for our little stake out.

"Jason, be quiet you are going to get us heard!" I whisper shouted !

"It's not my fault I shot a squirrel, I thought it was a person and fucktard that happened like 20 minutes ago, GET OVER IT !!" I spat

"Fiesty, wait shhh" jason motioned for me to be quiet.

I heard rustling, jason signed me to walk over to the left window as he walked toward the front one. I heard someone behind and I knew they were there.

"Miss me? You slut" some girl said.

I ducked and she shot hitting the cabin this made jason shot the girl. Jason only hit her foot, making her fall to her ass.

"Ugh not this bitch again, this is nicole from the bg bloods, they suck and wait what was your exes name?" I questioned.

"I have never heard of them and Sam, you knew that?" Jason whispered.

"Her last name!!" I screeched.

"Oh umm Davis I think"

"Oh my god! That bitch! She's part of this girl gang along with slut here!" I spat and pointed at Nicole.

"That whore! She used me, I mean so did I but it's not cool for her to do that" Jason spat kinda pissed and surprised.

I smiled, "what" Jason snapped.

"Your nostrils flare when your mad, it's sorta cute" I laughed.

Jason just smirked.

"Wow McCann and Tally, would've never guessed that" Nicole chuckled.

She now had her sweatshirt tied around her wound and was standing up, she looked like a hot mess. She lunged toward me and I grabbed her arm twisting it behind her back.

"I would'nt have done that princess" I said through gritted teeth.

With that I pushed her pressure point and she was out and I just heard Jason laugh.

"Impressed?" I smirked

Jason just laughed and actually smiled back.


Jason's POV

We walked to the cabin and I was holding Nicole, she surprising light. I knew Briana was pissed because I was fuming. I dropped Nicole in the main room and yelled to Briana to go to the basement and grab what she wanted to torture Nicole. I could see Nicole start to rustle and her eyes flutter and as soon as she saw me, she had pure fear in her eyes. She looked around and I could see her panic.

"So, you decided that you wanted to try to spy on me and try to capture me" I laughed "did you really believe a group of sluts could take down me, McCann, are you fucking pyschotic!" I slapped her.

"I'm s-sorry, I-I needed money and this was the easiest"she stuttered.

"Ha, you could've been a prostitute! Or something that doesn't involve you dying sweetie" I grinned and put up a gun to her head. Briana walked in that moment with everything!

"McCann fucking stop! We need her for answers and then we can blow her brains out" she yelled. "Plus I want to torture the bitch" Briana smiled evilly. Then she slid the razor in her hand against Nicole's wrist. Nicole yelped out in pain. "So I see you have scars, oh dear why didn't you just kill yourself already? Oh yeah bc your a pussy right ?" Briana mocked. "When your dead no one will even care because let's be honest your a wannabe" she whispered in Nicole's ear.

Nicole hit Briana on the arm and Briana's eyes went black.

"Bitch you just made the wrong move" Bree laughed. Nicole spit on Bree's face. That's when bree took Nicole's hair and ripped It out of her scalp and screamed

"Really cunt you want to mess with me ! You know I can kill you with my fucking finger"

I laughed. She's so scary and I love it. I never thought I would meet someone who has the same effect on people that I have. I'm not scared of her in anyway but you can't tell everyone else is. She's so powerful and beautiful. I can't believe she's even as gruesome as me. Woah!

"Yo McCann, want any last stabs? Briana growled.

"Yeah I do" I grinned like a little kid who has candy. This is my drug and it keeps me alive. I took the blade to Nicole's thigh and she yelped but I marked my name "jase". I smirked "Remeber this baby, you have this scar and it will never go away and don't ever try to kill me again, got it princess"

"Okay leggo! This was fun but now you will be blown to bits and your mangled body will never be found" Briana happily said. She's sick and I love it.

"3-2-1 BOOM" I yelled and laughed "ya know tally, where pretty fucked up people! And it's so fun! " i screamed.

"Yeah it's excilerating!" Briana giggled.

And with that I kissed briana and she kissed back. I grabbed her waist and pulled her tight. I asked for entrance but she denied. I grabbed her butt picking her up around my waist and she gasped and I slipped my tongue right in. Our mouths moved in sync and I could feel my stomach flip. This girl has such and effect on me. It's weird. She pulled away but I grabbed her neck and began to suck and she moaned loudly and I smirked.

Briana's POV

I moaned, he was so good and I don't care that I'm kissing him. It's fun and I'm hyped. I started to grind and I could tell his knees were buckling. He said down on the ground and I was on top. I kissed his neck and gently rubbed him. I could tell he was big and I smirked, this will be fun. He attached himself to my lips again and he grabbed my ass with one hand and my thigh with the other. Sending chills to me body. He started to slowly take me pants off and Iet him. His hand went to me vag and I moaned. He started rubbing and it felt so damn good! Then he quickly inserted a finger and I gasped "jason" and he smirked into the kiss. Mmmm I felt my body go into pure ecstasy while he pumped his fingers in and out of me and he hit my g spot. "Ah fuck briana you are tight!" "I'm cumming jase"! I screeched.

"Cum for me baby" he whispered huskily in my ear. Which turned me on even more! I cam and my breathing hitched and my pussy was throbbing and jason kept rubbing. He then brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked them dry. This just turned me on more. I smiled and slowly took off Jason's pants....................

I am sorry !! I got my phone taken away and give me some feedback please !! Thank you xoxox
- Renee

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