Chapter 1: Habits

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I sat up in my bed, the sun shone on my face making me pull the blanket over my head. I hugged as it was my day off. I decided to get my lazy ass out of bed and explore.

I wore casual jeans and a jacket for it was fall. As the cool crisp autumn air hit my face blowing my hair back, I knew I chose the right place to start a new life. People were so kind no matter which corner I turned. As I turned another corner, my jaw dropped.

In front of me was a golden gate that lead to a mansion. The gate opened, many girls stood around the court yard, but as soon as a twig snapped under my foot, all eyes landed on me, and people erupted into whispers.

"Who is that?"

"I've never seen her."

"Do you think she's new?"

All these questions went around. During the time they were whispering, I counted at least seven girls there. I heard a creek of a door and all heads snapped to the noise.

There stood John, who I only met yesterday, he stood in an expensive suit and looked over all the girls until his eyes landed on me. It felt like we were the only two people in the yard, he held my gaze for what felt like hours, but only seconds until someone cleared their throat.

I shook my head, loosing eye contact with him and focused on an older man, probably his butler or what not.

"Ladies, Mr. Lown would like to say a few words." The older man said. "But first, come in where it's warm." As all of us girls followed, I got weary of going in. The stairs weren't that much, but felt like they were.

"Note to self, work on my cardio." I said to myself. As I entered the door, I removed my boots like everyone else.

"Thank William, please go back to your duties." John said waving William, the butler away, then he started speaking again.

"As most of you know, I'm looking for a wife. As I do this, we will be having a two day event. The first day will just be me getting to know each of you separately, and the second day is the ball. This event starts in three days, ladies, go get your dress." He spoke.

As his eyes landed on me, a smile spread across his face. A chill ran through my body as he walked towards me. As he stopped right in front of me, my heart started to race.

"I hope to see you back here, you might be the one." He whispered in my ear. A blush crept up my neck and settled on my cheeks making my face warm.

"In good time, Angel." He planted a kiss on my cheek making my knees go weak and my body go numb.

As he walked away, I felt a liking towards him, but I couldn't tell the feeling, it was hard to describe.

It wasn't love, I just met the guy, I can't fall for someone that fast, right?

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