Chapter 12

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Matt's P.O.V.

I feel really bad for putting all of that pressure on Sam. I just told her everything and now I think she's terrified. When she walked out of her room she looked neutral, not happy nor mad, just like she was debating something. I really hope she likes me back and she will tell me.

"Hey guys! Where's Shawn?" She said with a small smile.

"Oh he decided to stay behind today." Johnson replied.

"Ok well let's go." She said heading towards the elevators.

I went up to try and talk to her and that's when she said that her and I would take the stairs and meet them at the bottom. "Why don't we jut go with them? I mean I don't mind spending time with you I'm just wondering." I said cautiously.

"Well I wanted to talk about what happened earlier. I'm happy that you told me you like me. You see I like you too. I'm just scared that something might end up happening where I will end up hurt." She said.

I gave her a huge hug and whispered in her ear that I would never hurt her. "I swear Sam, I will do anything to keep you from hurting." I promised.

"Thank you Matt. This means the world to me." She said. I decided that I would take this time to show her that she means the world to me.

"Sam, you literally mean the world to me. So I was hoping that maybe you would want to go out with me tonight?" I said hope showing in my face.

"Of course Matt! Thank you!" She exclaimed while we stood there hugging for a couple more minutes. We then headed down to the lobby and climbed into the cars to head out to Friday's for lunch.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I got up while Sam was in the shower. I figured I would go to this little studio I saw while driving around the city. When I got to the studio I texted Sam telling her I was there so she didn't freak out when I wasn't in the room.

When I got to the studio I went straight to the recording section with all of the instruments. I wanted to practice a couple of the songs I've been going over a little to cover on the channel that will soon be created.

I first picked up the acoustic guitar and started strumming the chords to 'Everything Has Changed' by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. I wanted to do this song because I absolutely love Ed and it's just really cute.

I first went over the whole song on guitar. Then I went over again and sang along. I really didn't mind the sound of it when it was only me singing, I just feel like there should be a male voice for Ed's parts. I originally wanted my friend to do it but he's going to college and it would just be a pain so I guess doing it alone works out fine.

When I finished singing the song through once, I got a text from Sam. She wanted to know when I planned on being back at the hotel. I honestly just wanted to stay there all day practicing music since it's my passion, but I know she wants me back at some point. I told her I would be at least 3 hours. She said ok and told me she was going out to lunch with the boys. About 20 minutes later, after I went over the song twice more, she texted me again saying that Shawn was staying at the hotel. I guess she figures I can hang out with him if I leave and they aren't back.

I decided to move on and practice the piano. I plan on playing 'Human' and 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri for my channel. I actually want to do 'A Drop In The Ocean' by Ron Pope as well but not yet, I need to learn the music more in private. I first rehearsed 'A Thousand Years' and then moved on to 'Human'. While I was singing 'Human' I thought I heard someone come in the building. The owner told me that someone might come in but they wouldn't bother me. After a couple minutes I started singing again. That's when I was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Ashley?!" I heard this and turned around. Standing in the doorway was no one but the Shawn Mendes.

"Oh hey Shawn. I thought you were staying at the hotel." I said awkwardly. Good going Ashley, always making things weird.

"Well I was but I remembered this little studio was here and decided I would come down here and just mess around. What's your story for being here?" Shawn asked.

"I saw this the other day and asked the owner if I could come in and play. There's not much going on I guess." I replied.

"Cool. You are really good ya'know. Have you ever thought about starting a youtube channel or something of the sort?" Shawn asked.

"Yah. I was actually practicing so I can do that Sam is a little busy for the next couple weeks but it gives me time to practice. Once she isn't as busy she's going to record me." I said happily.

"That's wonderful! What songs do you plan on doing?" He asked. What is with all of the questions? I just want to play, and play alone. I'm not a big fan of people hearing me, only a few people are acceptable, everyone can hear after it's recorded.

"A thousand years, human, everything has changed, and a drop in the ocean. In the future after those, or most of them, I plan on doing say something." I told him.

"Those are excellent choices! Do you want someone to sing everything has changed with you? I will sing with you if you want." He said so sincerely.

"That would be amazing!! I thought it sounded fine just by myself but now it will be even better with you." I said and got up and hugged him. He hugged me back for a couple seconds and then we separated and he grabbed his guitar while I grabbed the one I was using earlier. We were both going to do the guitar part together and see how it sounded first. We played and it wasn't the best to have two guitars playing so Shawn is going to play it.

He started to play and I started singing when it was time to. When the chorus came Shawn sang along with me and the harmonizing of our voices sounded excellent. Then it was just him and I couldn't help but stare at his face while he sang. He puts so much passion and concentration in, it's mesmerizing. We finished the song the way it was supposed to be performed.

When the song finished, I sat there absolutely amazed at how awesome it sounded but I didn't know exactly what to do. We both then looked at each other and laughed for no reason. After laughing for a couple minutes Shawn got a call. All I could here was him saying that we were both at the studio and a few 'yahs' that showed that he understood whatever was being said on the other end.

"That was Cameron. We should probably get back. It's already about 4 anyways." Shawn explained.

"Oh yah, we probably should. I can't believe I've been here for so long." I said, whispering the last part.

As we walked back Shawn and I talked about me doing a youtube channel. He also talked about how we should collab and how I should show the world my talents. Pffff. Whatever I'm just doing it because, well actually there isn't really a reason. But Shawn wants me to go with them for magcon and perform. That's not really my kind of thing.

When we got back I told Shawn not to tell them about what happened. We walked into the boy's hotel room and we were both instantly attacked in hugs. Aaron and Sam were the only people I was able to see hugging me. I know there were more people hugging me, I just kind of had people blocking my vision.

Sam pulled me away from the group after all the hugging and told me about her date. I started jumping up and down in joy for her and she just laughed at me. We went back to our room so she can get ready. When Matt came to pick her up, they went off and I went to hang out with the other boys.

I got to their room and was attacked with a single question being shouted by all the boys. They were asking what I wanted to do. I was really lazy and really hungry so we just ordered some pizza and watched a movie. I laid down in Aaron's bed with him again. This time we watched 21 Jump Street which just so happens to be amazing. I've seen it at least 5 times. When the movie ended the boys put on Grown Ups. I love that movie but I fell asleep in Aaron's arms halfway through the movie. I was exhausted from practicing all day, but it was worth it.

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