Chapter 5

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Ashley's P.O.V.

When I finally woke up it was 11 in the morning. I was actually woken up by a very energetic Sam, who was ready in her black magcon sweatshirt, faded jeans and blue vans.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! MAGCON STARTS IN 4 HOURS! YOU NEED TO GET UP AND GET READY!" Sam screamed as she jumped on top of my bed to get me up.

"I'm up. I'm up." I said tiredly as I got out of my bed starting to get ready. I swear that girl sucks all of the energy out of my body and uses it. If you haven't noticed, I'm not a morning person.

I only had two magcon shirts so I decided to wear my Aaron Carpenter shirt and bring my blue magcon shirt to get signed. I wore black leggings, black toms, and a black beanie to top it all off. "Do you want go get breakfast since I'm ready now, and starving?" I asked Sam, I was always hungry.

"Of course I do! I'm starving!" Sam replied.

"Ok. Let me just grab everything I need and we can head out to get food and just chill at iPlay America when we're done. Is that ok?" I said.

"Yah that's fine. Let me just tell my mom that we are leaving now." Sam replied and went to tell her mom that we were leaving. Once Sam got back we left and went to the hotel buffet that they served. They had the BEST waffles there. I literally ate like 5 of the waffles because they were so good, and they were huge! Sam on the other hand only had an omelet and some fruit. And she said she was starving, pffff.

"Woah. That was the best food I've ever had!" Sam said. I nodded in agreement because I just wanted sleep after eating, but I always want sleep so it's nothing different.

After we sat there doing nothing for 15 minutes we finally decided we would get up and go over to the venue. We decided we would just walk around and see what went on around there since we would be in Jersey for an extra week.

After walking around for about an hour we only had 1 hour until magcon officially started, so Sam and I went over to where they were holding it and waited.

Once they opened the doors for us to enter, Sam and I handed over our tickets, got bracelets with numbers on them, and went inside and waited for our numbers to be called to go meet the boys and get pictures with them. Sam would not stop bouncing up and down while we were waiting. Don't get me wrong I was just as excited but I had no energy to be jumpy while Sam could've ran a marathon.

After waiting for half an hour, our number was finally called and we were able to go and meet the boys. Sam may or may not have squealed before we went in.

Once we were in, we had to start with Jack and Jack, Carter, and then Matt. When we were meeting Matt I swear Sam had the biggest smile I've ever seen her have in my entire life. We all had a small conversation, well mainly Sam and Matt, they hit it off really well, while I stood there awkwardly. Right before we were going to move on to Taylor, Matt stopped Sam and they exchanged numbers. I always thought they would be cute together, I hope Matt sees that Sam is such a wonderful person and gives her a chance.

After that, we met Taylor, Cameron, Nash and Hayes, Shawn, and then last but definitely not least Aaron. I was so nervous to meet Aaron since he was my favorite, but I decided to get over it and have courage. "Hi Aaron!" I said.

"Hey! What's your names?" Aaron greeted us.

"I'm Ashley and this is my friend Sam." I replied. I actually can't believe I'm doing this considering I get scared to tell people to move from in front of my locker sometimes.

"Well that's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He said as I blushed from his compliment.

"Thanks!! Can I get a picture with you please?" I replied.

"Of course you can! There's no need for you to ask! What pose do you want to do?" He said as Sam got ready with my phone. I decided I would let him pick the pose since the girls he meets always pick the pose. He suggested that we should do 3 pictures. The first one was a regular smile, the second we did funny faces, and the third he kissed me on my cheek! I was so surprised that he did that, I mean he does it all the time with other girls, but I didn't even expect to do 3 pictures either, so I guess you should always expect the unexpected.

Once Aaron finished taking pictures with both Sam and I he asked us if we had twitters. Now me being me, was confused as to why he asked until I got a notification on my phone saying that Aaron Carpenter had just followed me!

"Oh my god! Thanks so much for the follow!" I said to Aaron.

"No problem. I'm here to make you guys happy!" He said and gave me a hug. I honestly could've stood there all day but unfortunately we couldn't and Sam and I had to leave. We were so happy we got pictures, signatures, and talked with each boy a little! I just wish I could've been as lucky as Sam and get Aaron's number, but one can only dream I guess.

When we got back into the main room, Sam was just texting away with a smile on her face. She wouldn't tell me who so I just let it go. But it was kind of weird because she stopped texting right as the show was about to start.

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