Chapter 34

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Ashley's P.O.V.

It's been a week and everything was planned out for today. Here comes all the grief and tears and everything I don't want to deal with. I hate having to get dressed up, in this depressed fashion. I've never been a girl to wear a lot of black. I don't wear just bright colors, but not all black.

I'm waiting downstairs for everyone to be ready. They're all coming as support because of my loss. They were all cleaned up and dressed nicely. I smiled as everyone gave me a hug.

We all left and got into the few cars that were being taken to the church. I was so nervous and scared because I had to talk in front of everyone. Aaron noticed my nervousness and pulled me into his side. I was so grateful for him this whole week. He made me feel slightly better through all of this. The only thing that I was upset about is the fact that all the boys leave tonight to head down to Miami for another Magcon. The timing slightly works out since Sam's dad comes home from the hospital but I just don't want them to leave. I guess I just have to deal with it.

When we arrived all the boys and Sam went into the church, except Aaron. My family wanted me to stand and greet people so he stayed with me and stood behind me.

Once pretty much everyone had shown up, Aaron and I went and sat down in the church. Throughout the service tears were shed, comforting thoughts were given, and acts of comfort were given. Finally it was time for the speeches and I was giving the last one. I was so nervous that mine wouldn't be as good as everyone else's.

The end had come and it was my turn to go and speak. I got up and walked right up to the microphone and said my speech. It wasn't meant to bring sadness or joy, but it was meant to remind everyone that these things happen and sadly we have to move on. In my speech I stated the good in my family that had passed on and said that they are watching over us. I said that they would want us to move on with our lives and to do the good and achieve greater things, they would be proud to see us live our lives out. I know it's cliche but it had to be said. No one ever remembers that those are the things we have to do when someone has passed on. And I'm glad I said it though, because from the reaction of the crowd it seemed that my speech was their favorite.

The service ended a little bit after my speech with some closing prayers and all that stuff. Everyone had given my family little comforts and left. We all walked out and I hugged Aaron. The whole day has been so quiet between him and I, and well everyone I guess. No one has felt the need to speak.

We went back to Sam's place to pack and change. I changed into black skinny jeans and a band tee. It was simple and I wasn't looking to overdo anything. Once everyone was ready we all got into the cars and head off to the airport. In the car, Matt and Sam are talking and just being the cute couple that they are, Aaron is holding my hand and just whispering cute things in my ear and placing small kisses on my cheek and shoulder, and the rest of the guys are all goofing around and talking.

When we got to the airport the guys all gave us their goodbyes and promising that we would all see each other soon. I smiled and agreed with them and then Aaron came up and hugged me tightly.

"I'm going to miss you so much princess," he said.

"Me too. But this is your dream and you love to make people happy, so keep doing what you do best." I say my head resting on his chest. He brings one of his hands up and curls his finger under my chin lifting it gently.

"It's not goodbye.... just see you later," he smiles and places a light kiss on my lips. I nod and smile.

"I know it is, besides we can always text and call each other and FaceTime and all that wonderful stuff that technology is for," I laugh.

He laughs, "You're very right," he smiles. The intercom goes off,

Flight 243 to Miami is now boarding, flight 243 is now boarding.

"Well that's my flight princess, see you soon," he sighs. I nod hugging him tightly.

"See you soon Aarbear," I smile and kiss his cheek. He lightly kisses me and walks away to bored the plane, he waves at me as he's getting on. I wave back, a few tears falling, and leave with Sam once they're all gone.



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