Chapter 26

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and Sam was still sleeping. I still felt out of things and I tried to remember what happened last night. All I could remember was a weird dream where Aaron asked me to be his girlfriend. The weird part is that it felt so real. I wish it was real.

Since I couldn't remember what happened, I decided to just pass the time and check my social media. I went on Instagram because it is the quickest thing to go through. As I scrolled through my feed I saw a picture that Aaron posted. It was a picture of me sleeping on his chest with the caption "My princess 😍😘". I thought about the dream I had and realized that it wasn't a dream, it was real life. I was really Aaron Carpenter's girlfriend. I smiled and finished going through my feed. I looked at all the photos I was mentioned/tagged in and most of them were edits of me and him together. I thought that they were adorable.

I wanted to know what his fans thought of me so I went to the comments on his picture and scrolled through them. A lot of them were so nice saying that I was pretty. Some asked who it was or if it was me, being fans of mine I'm guessing. But some were just terrible. Those terrible comments was just all hate saying that I was ugly, fat, a slut. I don't understand why people do that, it doesn't change anything except the self esteem of the person it's directed towards. I tried to ignore all of the bad comments, but then I became overwhelmed with how many there were and started crying.

I apparently woke Sam up because she came over to my bed and hugged me. I didn't realize I had woken her up, I tried not to. She just held me for a few minutes until I calmed down a little where I was able to talk.

"What's wrong Ashley?" She asked soothingly.

"H-hate." I stuttered out.

"It's okay, it's okay. All of the haters don't know anything about you. Everything they say about you is false. Don't listen to them because you are beautiful, smart, talented, and the most amazing girl I have ever known in my whole entire life. If you don't want to listen to me then listen to the boys. They will tell you the exact same thing. And if you choose to ignore them too, then listen to Aaron because he tells you the absolute truth and nothing less." She said trying to calm me down. I just shook my head choosing not to believe her.

She just held me until I stopped. I needed to be calm to leave the room. If I left the room like a blubbering mess and anyone sees me, I would not be able just ignore it. All of the boys would demand to know what's wrong.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked decent enough where I could walk around the house and maybe not be bothered about my appearance. When I came out, I went to the kitchen for breakfast. I got down there and saw pancakes. I guess Sam made breakfast and she made the best one yet. She knows me better than I know myself. I never make pancakes unless I'm fully aware that I'm craving them. Otherwise, I crave them but I just don't realize that I'm craving them.

After I finished eating I went to Sam's room. I walked in and saw Taylor and Aaron in my bed. Weird.

"Good morning princess!" Aaron said. He got up from his spot on my bed and pecked my lips.

"Hey. What are you guys doing in here?" I asked.

"We came to see you baby girl." Taylor replied. He always used that nickname but I'm really not a big fan of it.

"Okay.... but why? There has to be more to it. Oh and don't get me wrong, I love your company, I'm just wondering." I said.

"We want to take you on a walk." Aaron spoke up.

"A walk? With me? Right now? Really?" I asked all at once. They just nodded in response.

"Fine. Just let me get ready." I said kicking them out of Sam's room.

Once I was ready, the three of us started on our walk. We weren't that far from Sam's house when the girl who lives up the street from her, exits her house.

"Ashley is that you?" Carly says.

"Um hey Carly." I say stopping in front of her house. She started smiling really big and doing flirty blinks. I know she was doing it towards Taylor and Aaron. That really pissed me off because she wasn't a true fan of magcon, she faked it all, and she was trying to flirt with my best friend and my boyfriend.

"What are you doing over here?" She asked.

"I'm just going on a walk with my best friend and my boyfriend." I said as I linked arms with the boys. "So we should probably keep walking because we have to be back soon. See you later Carly."

"Bye." She said looking very angry. There is no way I'm letting her near the guys at all. She was just all kinds of crazy.

"Don't worry. None of us would ever like that." Taylor said making a face if disgust.

"Okay. Makes me feel better." I said.

We kept walking and just talking about random stuff until we got to where I go to school. We walked over to the turf field and just messed around on the field. I took my shoes off because I love the feeling of turf without shoes on and it was fun. We ran around the field and the track and just played games for hours. When we got tired we would collapse on the turf.

One time when we were just laying on the turf Taylor said something serious. "Ashley don't listen to the hate that you see."

"What are you talking about?" I asked trying to act stupid.

"Princess, I know you looked at the hate. Please just don't listen to it. None of it is true and what Sam told you is all true." Aaron said to me.

"How do you know what Sam told me?" I questioned.

"She told us what happened." Aaron replied a little guilty for not telling me sooner.

"Okay. I will try to not listen to the hate." I said.

After that we messed around for a little while longer before heading back to Sam's house. It was kind of late when we got back. It was about time for dinner.


I need ship names for Sam and Matt and Ashley and Aaron. Comment ideas and I will choose the best one. There might be a prize to it ;).

The prize would be a follow or a shoutout or something. Sorry if that's not what you expected.

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