Chapter 33

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Aaron's P.O.V.

We all decided on a movie night after my little confrontation to Ashley. I know they all heard it and I bet they think I was being stupid. But I don't want to lose her. What if she's just using me? What if she doesn't truly like me the way she says? But she's not that kind of girl who would lie like that and use someone. She's been through so much hurt and has been used herself that she wouldn't do that. I just need to calm down and stop being insecure.

I went into the room I was staying in and grabbed some blankets and pillows for Ashley and I. No matter what I'm going to try and be the best boyfriend possible. She deserves her prince since she's my princess. I was waiting upstairs in the room thinking and waiting for Ashley to come knock on the door for me signaling that she was done changing into something more comfortable. I hope she wears my sweatpants since she stole them from me the other day. I'm not complaining I just want to see her in my clothes, it's cute.

It had been five minutes without any sign of Ashley so I decided to bring the blankets I grabbed for us downstairs. We were going to share one of the chairs in the living room to watch whatever movie was picked out. After I brought the blankets downstairs I waited for about five minutes before I went upstairs to check on her. Ashley's never taken this long to get ready.

I walked to the room and knocked on the door just to make sure it was safe to come in. Sam opened the door slightly peaking through.

"Hey can I come in?" I asked. She looked back, and I'm guessing at Ashley, debating on letting me in. she finally looked back at me and sighed.

"Yeah come on in." She said opening the door more so I could come.

The sight I saw in front of me scared me. It was the sight of a broken, sad, confused, and scared girl.

I walked over to Ashley not knowing what I should do. I knew that I needed to comfort her but she didn't ask for it, she didn't come running to me or anything. All she did was sit there tears streaming down her face looking confused and broken. I figured even though she showed no sign of my appearance, I would still be a good boyfriend and comfort her.

I started to sit down next to her and wrap her in my arms when Sam pulled me up by my elbow. I looked at her confused and a little pissed off when I was only trying to help. She shook her head and said, "I just want to let you know that I'm not sure how much attention you'll get. I've been in this room for ten minutes and she hasn't acknowledged my presence when I've done everything I could. It's aggravating."

I simply nodded my head to show that I understood what she was saying. I didn't care if Ashley didn't pay attention to me, I still wanted to be here for her like a good boyfriend. Why do I even keep saying like a good boyfriend? Everyone tells me I am, but maybe it's because we fought I feel like we aren't. God I'm such a screw up.

I sat behind Ashley pulling her back so she was in between my legs with her head laid against my chest and I had my arms around her. If it wasn't for the fact she was crying and was upset, barely paying attention to anyone, I would've told her that she looked adorable.

I sat there holding Ashley and stroking her hair while she sobbed into my chest. She never said anything to me, she just grabbed onto my short and cried. After a while she started to move a little.

"Aaron. Please stay, don't leave right now. I can't handle this." Ashley said in barely a whisper.

"Don't worry princess I wouldn't leave for the world. I understand this is hard, but we will get through it together. I promise you things will get better even though it's all dark and gloomy right now." I said to comfort her while placing small kisses on the top of her head. She just nodded in response leaning against me not doing anything. It hurt not to talk to her but I know the silence is best for her to think and process what has happened to her.

Matt's P.O.V.

I was waiting for Sam to come back downstairs after checking on Ashley when Aaron went upstairs looking concerned. It was a little strange since he just got up. He didn't look at a text or anything on his phone so it was his own concern. The weirdest part about this was that Sam and Ashley were not down here, so I'm guessing he went to check on them, or Ashley at least.

After a couple minutes, Sam came down to the living room. She sat down right next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. I leaned my head down on too of hers and whispered to her. "What's going on?"

"I will tell you as long as you don't make any huge reactions to it right now because it's not place to tell you." Sam whispered back to me.

"Don't worry I won't."

"Ok well two of Ashley's cousins and her cousin's baby were in a car crash and died. She devastated." She said very quietly.

"Oh god. That would make sense why neither her or Aaron are down here." I said surprised at the news.

"Yeah he's trying to comfort and help her." she said getting more comfortable. And just like that the conversation pretty much ended. Sam told the guys to start because they wouldn't be down for a while. I didn't really pay attention, I was trying to wrap my mind around the situation Ashley is in. From what I've heard, she was quite close to these cousins of hers.

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