Camping •Day 2•

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Ariana's POV
I wake up to, Amber not by my side. I wonder where she is..? Since I normally wake up before her.

I get up and get changing into leggings and an oversized jumper.
I look around the tent to see Amber nowhere in sight.
I get up and search, then see her cooking something.
"Hey, I was looking for you." I say, walking up to her.
It looks like she's been crying......
"Hey babe are you okay..?" I ask worriedly.
"Of course, and look Ari I made you breakfast!" She smiled at me.
My heart warmed, we were getting along so well.
"Amber, you didn't have to." I chuckled.
"Yes I didn't have to, but I wanted to." She says looking my dead in the eye.
"U-Um..thank you.." I stammered.
"It's okay." She kissed my cheek then hugged me.
Why is she so affectionate today..? I know it's a good thing but she's never affectionate...
"Alright, what do you want?" I giggle.
"What do you mean?" She asks, seriously.
"O-Oh don't worry." I chuckle.
"Okay then.." She smiled.
I thought I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
"What are we doing today?" She asked.
"I'm gonna teach you to swim." I smile brightly.
Amber snorted.
"Yeah ok."
"Heyy! I'm serious please I beg you just do it for me." I pleaded.
"Nah, I'm not risking my life again." She says.
"I'll be there with you, holding you tight, I won't let anything happen to you if I'm there.." I say.n
"......fine.." she grumbled.
"Thank you, love you." I say, getting up.
"You too." She shyly smiled.
I smiled.
"Right now get into your swimsuit." I say.
I get in mine too as well, getting ready to go swimming. This time we're definitely not going back in the lake after what happened yesterday, this time we are going to a pool nearby here.
"Ari, I really don't want to go back in the lake." She says nervously.
"Don't worry love, this time we are going to a pool nearby from here." I explain.
"Oh okay." Relief showing on her face.

"Right now lets go, it's quite a walk." I say.
"I don't like walking." Amber whined.
"Suck it up its part of life." I say, ruffling her hair once again.
"Would you stop doing that?" She grumbled.
"Nope." I smiled, popping the 'p'.
It's been half an hour of us walking to the pool.
"Ari do we really have to this?" Amber asked.
"We're halfway there dont worry." I chuckle.
"My heels are seriously aching." She says for the millionth time now.
I sigh.
"Stand infront of me." I say.
"What?" She asks, confused.
"Just do it."
"Um..okay." She says.
She stands in front of me, looking at me awkwardly.
"Now turn around." I ordered.
She did as told.
I picked her up putting her in my back, she squealed.
"Ari, put me down this instant! I'm really heavy."
My eyes widened at her words.
"You think your heavy!" I said, accidentally a bit too loudly.
"Put me down." She says, dodging the question.
"Amber baby, you are most DEFINITELY not heavy, you weigh lighter than me, you weigh around of a feather!" I say surprised.
She stayed silent.
"Can we please forget you said that?" I pleaded.
"Okay, fine."
I smiled.
"Your back is comfy." She says, snuggling into me like a koala bear.
I just chuckle.
••30 Minutes Later••
"We're here." I say, tiredly.
"Finally!!" She exclaimed.
"How are we gonna swim if we are so tired?!" She asks.
"We will, we are human." I just smile.
She huffed.
••In The Swimming Pool••
"Ariana I'm not going in there!" Amber squealed.
I sigh.
"Amber don't make me pick you up and throw you in here." I say, sternly.
She stood there, with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
That's it.
I suddenly get out of the pool unexpectedly and pick her up making her scream.
"Put me down!!!!" She shouted, making people stare at us.
"No! We came to swim." I say.
I set her down lightly in the pool.
She whimpered.
"Hey, look at me." I say lightly.
She looked at me, so much fear in her eyes it actually scared me.
Why is she so scared of water?
"P-Please Ari don't make me swim, p-please, she started crying." I should've listened.
"W-Why didn't you tell me before you were so scared and we wouldn't of gone." I asked.
"B-Because I wanted to make you proud and I thought I could do it but when we arrived all my confidence went." She whimpered.
I didn't question her further.
I picked her up once again taking her out the pool.
I felt extremely guilty and bad for forcing all this on her.
I took her back to the camp with her asleep on my back.
To be honest even thought it's only been 2 days a lot has happened, I think it's enough for camping, when we get back I'm gonna pack everything home and go home, where me and Amber can snuggle and watch movies and everything, I'd find that much better.
••Back At The Camp••
I take Amber off my back and lay her in the tent. I'm still wondering why she's so scared of water, has something happened to her in the past including water?
I take a mental note, asking her later.
Once I pack everything up, I wake Amber up.
"Amber baby, wake up we're going home." I whispered.
As i said this she smiled
"I missed home." She says.
"Me too, now get up and get in the car, I'll be there in a few minutes." I smile.
"Okay." She says, returning the smile back.
I pack up the tent and all her stuff she left putting it in my bag. As I was packing up her sleeping bag, a little plastic bag slipped out. I pick it up, seeing what was inside. It was green...
It couldn't be..
I opened it taking a quick sniff, immediately coughing after. It's weed.
What's in doing in Amber's sleeping bag?
To be honest when I saw her this morning her eyes were really red, that's why I thought she was crying, also I smelt a whiff of weed but I didn't say anything because I would t think Amber
would do something like that. Also when I came back from the shops and she was home alone it smelt like smoke, so did she...
It all adds up...
I'm definitely not stupid.
I know exactly what Amber's been doing.
She's been taking weed.
I need to talk to her when we get home, immediately, I am actually quite angry.
I pack the rest of the things up and walk back to the car and get in, with Amber sitting next to me on the passengers seat.
"You took your time." She chuckled.
I just hummed in response, not wanting to talk her right now, after what I just found out.
"Is everything alright?" She asks worriedly.
"Yes." In a monotone voice not looking at her at all.
"Okay.." She says, shrugging it off I guess.
Amber's POV
Why is Ariana acting all weird all of a sudden? It's really...well weird. OH FUCK. I completely forgot I left my weed bag in my sleeping bag and Ariana was packing up MY stuff. In the corner of my eye I saw it stuffed in her jacket pocket.
I seriously fucked up...

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