Surprise Visitor

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Amber's POV
I'm just sitting on my bed watching Netflix, while grieving over Ariana's death.
How and why could she go?
When she promised she wouldn't leave me and she did.
Suddenly  I hear a loud bang from downstairs and someone saying,
"Oh shit!"
Who the hell...?
No one is in this house except me, I clear all the crisp crumbs off of me and get a baseball bat from under the bed.
I keep it there just in case.
I tiptoe downstairs to see a plate smashed, the blanket on the couch looks like it's been used, and I see biscuit crumbs on it as well.
Has someone been lounging here or something..?
In the corner of my eye, I see a closer door creak open a bit.
I make my way there, I open it suddenly to see a small petite figure.
A figure I haven't seen in years...
"A-Ariana..?" I ask.
"W-What, who is t-this Ariana person?" The person says.
I roll my eyes, I grab her wrist and pull her out of the closet to see her.
My eyes go wide as I see, Ariana Grande standing in front of me in flesh. She's dead though,..
What the fuck is she a ghost now?!
"ARE YOU A GHOST!?" I shout, running away from her and onto the couch.
"! I thought I left you more wiser Amber." She chuckles.
"How could you be chuckling when it seems like you just simply came back from the dead?!" She asks.
"Oh yeah, sorry for the fright. Look I don't have long, I need to explain something to you." She says.
"What do you mean you don't have long? What are you talking about Ariana, I've been depressed nearly the whole time and now you're saying  'you don't have long'? I don't want you leaving again Ari." I say a tear rolling down.
"Shhhh Moonlight, come on sit down, I need to talk to you about something." She says, hugging me.
"I've missed your hugs." I croak.
"Me too." She smiles.
As I was hugging her, just at the top of her neck I see really bad bruises.
"Ari! What happened to your neck!" I gasp.
She looks at me with sad eyes,
"Love, I need you to sit down, so I can explain everything."
"O-Okay then." I say, not keeping my eyes off her neck.
We sit on the couch and I say,
"Go on then."
"Oh right okay. Listen, a few years ago, obviously you thought I died of cancer...well along the lines of that." She says, looking down.
"Yeah, carry on." I say.
"I didn't. It was all fake ok? I used a dummy and made it look exactly like me and set it up in know suicide position in my room, that's why I wanted you out the house, so I could get everything ready.
I had to do this because I was threatened by a person, I was threatened so badly I did not speak a word, in fact even a letter to any soul, no one. I had to go with them, and seem as though I was dead, so no one could look or come running after me.
The cancer thing, that was real, the person paid for professional treatment so I got better, they want me to die but they didn't want me to die that easily, that's why they saved me.
I can't tell you who it is, but I escaped a few hours ago, I didn't know if you kept this house or not, thankfully you did, I broke in and I've been staying here, that's why you've been hearing weird noises sometimes.
I wasn't planning on revealing myself right now maybe in a few days, but you found out, obviously I wanted to do it slowly because it might've freaked you because I'm supposed to be dead, but you seem alright with it. So I've been there since. But I'm not staying here long, I'm on the run. I don't know if you know, but I'm the 3rd most wanted criminal, world wide. Yes in these past 5 or 6 years I've been in different countries, but only because the person made me. They made me do all the crimes, so they won't get caught, but I've been caught countless of times but I've always managed to get away. So yes I'm a criminal, but I'm a forced criminal. Amber I need you to know I'm letting go now okay? I won't be there that much for you anymore, my reputation is wrecked, I'm being searched by all over the world, nowhere is safe for me. So I'm going state by state and country to country getting away from the police." She breaks down in tears.
"A-Ariana, no, just..." I was lost for words.
"Ari, I'll help you." I say but all of a sudden she says,
"NO. You can't help me, please you can't get involved in any of this, it'll ruin your life, I won't let you, not one bit." She says sternly.
I sigh.
"W-When are you leaving?" I ask.
"Now.." She says looking down.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"I c-can't tell you..." She says.
I sigh as another tear rolls down.
"Will I ever see you again?" I ask in hope.
"I don't know, maybe not, I'll always be in some kind of disguise or I'd be hiding somewhere." She says.
"Just move on." She says in tears.
I was confused.
"Move on from what?"
"Move on from me, forget about my existence, forget I adopted you, forget everything we did.. I don't want you in pain." She sobs.
"No Ari I can't just forget about you." I say.
"You have to please. The people I've escaped from they may find you that's why you need to forget about me, they can't find out where I am, they can't get me back again." She sobs more.
"Ariana I..." Lost for words.
"For me." She looks with pleading eyes.
"O-Okay." I say looking down.
She strokes my cheek,
"I love you."
"I love you too."
She gets everything together, where she hid all her stuff.
She puts on her disguise, she walks up to the door and stops, she looks at me and says,
"I admire you Bellissima, you're so brave, I need to get going now, so long." She salutes me and walks out the door.
"So long Ariana." I whisper under my breath.

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