1 Year Later

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Amber's POV
It's been 1 year.
I haven't seen Ariana since she showed up at my house that one time, confessing everything.
She's kind of at the back of my mind nowadays.
You see, I'm going to England for a bit, or more precisely London.
I just want a bit of a getaway, so I thought London would be nice, just away from my troubles and everything. I can find a bit of peace.
I've already packed all my things and I'm now driving to my flight which will take off in 10 minutes.
Yes, I'm late as fuck.
I rush out my car, grabbing my suitcases in the process.
I rush over to the flight attendant she scans all my suitcases then I just about get in the plane.
PA Speaker: Please put on your seat belts as we will now be taking off, this flight is 7 hours long.
I groan at how long I have to stay in this plane, I just put on my headphones while going on my phone.
Nothing much is on my phone so I off it.
I take this time to think.
About Ariana.
I know she told me to forget about her but I can't.
I can't just forget about someone who means the entire world to me.
I wonder what she's doing right now..
Is she doing another crime?
No of course not, she was just forced to all that stuff.
Unless they've got her again...
No that can't be.
Where is she though?
Is she still in America?
I have no idea.
But I've always wanted an answer to those questions.
•Skip The Plane Ride•
I just landed, I take all my suitcases and get off.
Ah fresh air.
I call a cab, I tell them to go to where I want to go.
Which was my house.
I bought a house here.
I don't know how long I'm gonna stay here that's why I bought a house.
It isn't big, it's just average size.
As the cab arrived I grab all my suitcases, pay him then get out.
I get my keys out and unlock the door, I set my suitcases on the floor and take a deep breath.
I need a nap right now.
I brung my suitcases upstairs, I'll unpack later, I also need to do some shopping after as well, just some clothes and things like that. I heard the weather is mostly rainy here, but there can be some sunshine.
I change into some comfortable clothing and get in bed.
•After Nap•
I wake up to see its 4:35pm. I still have to go shop, I'll try making it a quick trip though.
I put on some trousers and a crew neck jumper.
I put some heels on and go to my car.
I drive to the mall.
Right so where am I gonna go?
I'll go Forever 21, Zara and then I'll go Victoria's Secret.
Ha...I remember the first time I went there.
When I was 13 and Ariana was forcing me to go in there to look for bras with her but I was too embarrassed, she picked me up and took me.
A tear rolls down at the thought of the treasured memory.
I miss times like that.
If only I could turn back time.
I park up at the mall and go in.
•An Hour Later•
I just got out of Zara, and was heading to Victoria's Secret when a loud commotion started going.
A couple of cops were blowing whistles and things.
A short, skinny woman comes running and the police chase after her, she has black gloves on, sneakers, trousers and a ripped jumper.
She looked a bit homeless...not being mean or anything.
She came running, not looking where she was going and bumped straight over to me.
Why is it always me?!
"I'm sorry here." She croaks, like she had the most creakiest voice ever seriously.
I take her hand.
Wait isn't she being chased by the police?
Then why is she helping me get up?
Is she even a criminal?
"It's okay." I smile.
Suddenly the cops catch up,
"As you can see, I need to go, bye!" She shouts as she runs away.
I hope she doesn't get caught, she seems really nice.
I quickly head to Victoria's Secret.
•At Home•
As I get home I finally unpack everything and put it in its place.
It's been one hell of a day.

Just a filler xx 🤗🤓

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