The Police Station

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Ariana's POV 💣
My life is going great.
I've moved to the Bahamas.
I've got my own cabin, I'm married and have 3 children and my sister lives with me.
My entire life feels like it's wrecked.
I'm in prison.
For crimes I did do but weren't actually my fault.
I've been sentenced to 10 fucking years in prison.
Everyday I get touched by men. The policemen are disgusting because they don't do anything about it.
I just lay on my uncomfortable bed all day crying.
I don't eat the food here and I'm not planning to either.
When I first arrived here I got severe punishments for my crimes I've done.
I've been whipped on my back, countless of times.
Every Friday I've heard it happens.
Unfortunately today is Friday.
And yes, I did get whipped.
I had to lay straight for a whole 2 hours because of the scars they left, it left me stiff.
I wish I could just go back to my old life...
I miss everyone and everything.
Most of all, Amber.
I just have no words because I know this fucking hell will be the death of me.
I don't walk normally anymore.
One time, I had to do something because 'the person' made me do it of course.
It was gang related.
I got shot in the ankle, and I never got treatment for it, that's how harsh they were, I just had to escape.
Even if I do get out of prison I still won't be free, they'll be looking for me.
I won't be safe.
I look down at my ankle, I sigh as I see it's bleeding again.
I quickly get some more tissue I store in my pockets and wrap it around tightly.
It always bleeds and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Suddenly a policeman comes in and I flinch, in a deep voice he says,
"C'mon, you're out of prison."
My eyes go wide, how am I out of prison?
What's happening?
"W-What..? How, aren't I sentenced to 10 years?" I ask, shocked utterly.
"Yes, you were, but someone has bailed you out, now come on." He says, grabbing my wrist.
Who can bail me out..?
I don't know anyone who'd do that.
I limp over and sit on the chair that was provided.
Yes, I have to limp now..
"Stay here." He says.
Suddenly, he brings in a girl, with long brown hair and hazel eyes,
"This the one?" The policeman asks her.
It's her..
I sit there in shock, not being able to move on muscle.
"Y-Yes." She stutters, not taking her eyes of me.
"K then, just sign here and you can take her." He says.
She quickly signs the papers and grabs my wrist we walk out, after we get out the police station i immediately take her in my grasp, I hug her so tight, I don't think I ever wanna let go.
I can't let go.
"I-I missed y-you...I love y-you." I cry, vulnerably.
"I can't talk right now, just get in the car and I'll take you to mine." She sobs.
"W-What's wro-."
She cuts me off by putting her hand on my mouth.
"Just come on." She says in tears.
I limp over to her car, she notices but doesn't say anything.
Hm, weird.
The whole car drive is silent until I say,
"You d-drive nicely."
Why am I stuttering...?
"Thank you." She barely says.
We arrive at a nice little home, it looks cosy as ever.
I haven't felt cosy in ages.
"Long time I've felt comfortable." I chuckle.
But she still doesn't say anything.
She opens the door for me and she says,
"Sit in the lounge."
I nod my head.
I go over and sit down.
A few minutes later Amber comes back holding a coffee in her hand.
"Here." She smiles gently, handing me the mug.
"Thank you." I croak.
"Wait put it down." She says.
"What..?" I ask her confused.
"Put it down." She says.
Urrrr what's happening..?
"U-Um...okay." I slowly put the mug down.
As soon as I do Amber jumps straight onto me crying her heart out.
"I missed you more than anything you don't understand!" She breaks down completely in my arms.
"Amber baby I'm here.." I manage to croak out.
"No! You're broken, my love you're so fragile you're not leaving this time! Never! You're staying with me I don't give a flying fuck if those people are still looking for you, I'll protect you don't you dare say 'oh it's too dangerous' I DON'T CARE ARIANA, YOU'RE MINE I LOVE YOU I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO, YOU HEAR ME?! I'M-"
I cut her painful screaming off,
"Amber baby...shhhh, it's okay, I'm right here." I say calmly and slowly.
Her breathes slow down,
"Shhh baby, I won't leave I promise I won't this time." I reassure here.
"I'm right here with you." I say softly.
Her breathing is now back to normal.
"D-Don't leave me A-Ari, I-I'm lonely w-without y-you." She cries vulnerably.
"Don't worry, I'm here, I'm not leaving." I whisper in her ear.
She gets up off my lap after a few minutes and sniffles,
"Sorry about that.."
"It's okay love." I smile.
"Now lemme get you out of that horrid suit." She says.
I smile and thank her after she gives me some of her clothes.
I follow her back down and I finish my coffee,
"I haven't had anything to drink or eat in ages." I say.
"I could tell when you changed, you could basically see your ribs, Ari eat more please.." She says.
"I will now I'm free." I smile lightly.
I get up and limp over,
"A-Ari?" She asks.
"Yes?" I say, going over to sit on the couch with her.
"What h-happened to you, why're you limping?" She asks worried.
I take a deep breath and explain everything to her.
She looks at me with pure sadness in her eyes.
"Ari..." She cries, hugging me.
"We need to take you to the doctors now." She says.
"What, no it's fine love, don't worry." I smile reassuringly.
She gives me an annoyed face.
"You're going whether you like it or not."
"It's my turn to take care of you." She smiles.
I sigh, giving in.
She smiles and we get in the car.
(Sorry it's gonna be bold for now because I can't manage to take the bold option off😂🤦‍♂️)
*At The Doctors*
"Your ankle seems fine, now that I've put this cast on. Just take it easy for about 3 weeks, so laying in bed and things, don't put pressure on it or anything, and within 3 weeks it should be fine." The doctor smiles.
I thank her and we go.
"See? Told you, you had to go." Amber smirks.
"I know I know." I roll my eyes, chuckling.
"So what happens now?" Amber asks.
"A new beginning, a new life." I smile, breathing in.
"What do you mean?" Amber asks confusingly.

"Baby, our story has just began, that's what I mean." I smirk.

A/N: And that my friends, is the end of, Adopted By Ariana Grande....

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