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Ariana's POV
As we arrived home I saw worry and fear evident on Amber's face. Wonder why..
I'm still pissed about what I found out about Amber though. As we walk into the house I call her name.
"Amber." I say, sternly.
"Y-Yes." She stutters.
"Come sit down with me in the lounge." I say.
"I-I'm sorry, I need to just do some school w-work." She lies.
"You don't have school, stop trying to avoid it and come sit now." I say.
She sighs and follows me.
I thought I might take this slow, and bring up the subject.
"So how did you like the camping trip?" I ask.
"I-It was good.." She answers. Actually fuck that, I'm gonna get right to the subject.
"So, I found something, which actually quite surprised me today, and I needed to talk to you about it." I explain.
"W-What is it?" She asks.
"Weed." I say.
"W-Weed?" She asks.
"Yes, weed. I found it in your sleeping bag. Why was it there?" I ask.
"I-I don't know what your talking about."
"Yes you do Amber! Why the fuck did I find weed in your sleeping bag?!" I say, loosing my temper a bit.
"C-Cuz, I...." she barely whispers.
"Speak up I can't here you." I say solidly.
"B-Because I take it.."She whispers a bit more loudly, looking down at the floor.

"I'm disappointed in you, extremely." I say.
"I never thought you would do something like this, for fucks sake your only 13 and your acting as if your around 18." I shout.
She flinches.
"Why do you take it?" I ask.
"B-Because it takes all my problems away..."
"What problems?"
"T-Things like not being good enough and being a disappointment to nearly everyone in my life." She explains.
"I just want to be happy.." she says.
"What do you mean by that?? How many times do I have to say to you, that when you feel these things you have to tell me." I say.
"I try..   but my boyfriend from the orphanage, he introduced me to it, he says it helps you, and it did, ever since that I've been taking it." She explains.
"You are not see him again." I say.
"W-What?" She asks.
"You heard me, you don't know how disappointed I am in you, you don't see it yourself that he's ruining you by this drug you've been taking, you have no idea about the side affects and what it can do to you. Get your shit together if you want to talk to me now." I scoff and leave the sofa l, going up to my room.
I didn't know what to say after that so I just left.

I go up on my room and lay in my bed, on my side.
I heard the door quietly opening. I knew it was Amber so I didn't say anything.
"Ariana.." She called.
I didn't reply back.
I felt the bed dip a bit, knowing was laying next to me now.
She put her arm around my waist but I shoved it away. I hear her sigh.
"Please Ariana.." She pleaded.
"I need your help." She begged.
Ugh I just couldn't stand it anymore.
I turned around so I was facing the ceiling, I still can't look at her.
"What is it?" I say.
"Help me, help me change, help me stop, please I beg you." She cried on my shoulder.
"How can I help you when you don't even help yourself." I say.
"I will this time, I-I'll stay strong I'll do whatever it takes, I'll listen to you from now one but please, talk to me and help me." She cried on.
I sigh.
This was so frustrating, what am I supposed to do?!
Well if I don't want her having anything to do with drugs, I guess I'll have to help her...
Fine then..
"Fine." I say solidly.
I'm still extremely angry so I'm just gonna take everything.
"R-Really..?" She asks, surprised at my answer.
"Well I did just say." I say.
"T-Thank you Ari, I love you so much!" She says hugging me and kissing my cheek but I push her away.
"Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I'm still okay with you, I just don't want you anywhere near drugs, so don't do that." I say sternly.
"I-I'm sorry." She frowns.
"H-How long will it stay like this...?" She asks.
"As long as I feel like it." I say.
"Oh......ok." She says quietly.
"Right to help you, every night I'm gonna do a search in your room, since you've already taken weed and it's addicting as hell you'd probably hide or something to carry on taking it so I'm gonna search your room every night. The next thing is, you'll be sleeping with me at night in case you try anything. And third thing is I'll be taking you to the doctors in a few days to get you checked out to see if everything's alright because weed affects you badly." I explain.
"Okay. Thank you Ariana." She says sincerely.
I hum in response.
"Now go to sleep, it's 11:30." I say, looking at the clock on my bedside table.
"Okay, I'm gonna change in my room." She says.
"No, you're changing in here." I say.
"Please let me change in my room." She pleads.
"I said no, now go get your pyjamas and change in here." I say more sternly now.
"O-Okay." She whispers.

As she went to get her pyjamas I went to the bathroom to go bush my teeth. I walked out and changed. I only wore my bra and panties because my nona encourages naked sleeping.
As I sat down on my bed checking my phone before I go to sleep Amber walks in, she squealed suddenly. I turn around and asked
"Y-Your hardly wearing anything Ariana.." She says a bit awkwardly.
"So...? We're sisters, it's fine, just get in bed." I rolled my eyes, I've now gotten used to saying we're sisters now.
I turn off my phone and lay in bed, facing the ceiling. Just thinking about...life to be honest.
"Ariana could you please l-look away so I can change." She says.
I get up and turn around.
"Finished." She says.
I turn back around to see her wearing a t-shirt and some joggers.
"Those are your pyjamas...?" I ask.
We both get in bed at the same time making our heads collide.
"Ow!" We say simultaneously.
I saw her rubbing her head as I was holding mine.
"Right..uh sorry."
"Me too."
It's k." I saw awkwardly.
This time I get in bed first then she does.
I turn around so my back was facing Amber. Just as I was about to turn the lamp off Amber says
"Yes." I say, turning around so I'm facing her.
"If we always have so many problems together why don't you ever think of sending me back to the orphanage..?" She asks curiously.
I'm just gonna tell her up straight, there's no point in hiding it.
"Because I love you." I say a bit weakly. Her eyes widened a bit but I pretend I didn't notice. 
"Then...why do you not want to talk properly..?"
"It's just hard ok? Now let me sleep please." I say a bit angrily since I didn't want to talk about that subject.
"Goodnight." She says.
"Goodnight." I say in a monotone voice, offing the lamp and laying down to sleep.

Today was one hell of a day.

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