Official Goodbyes

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Ariana's POV
I sat there waiting for Amber.
Suddenly I see her opening the door slowly, she comes and sits on the chair opposite me.
We made no eye contact.
I decided to speak first.
"You k-know I s-still l-love you.." I say weakly, tears running down my face.
"No you don't." She croaks, while looking down.
"Otherwise I wouldn't be here right now." She says.
"N-No, it's not that, i-it was just too h-hard." I cried.
"Yeah, I told you, you wouldn't be able to handle me but you being your stubborn self still adopted me." She says, still looking at the floor.
"N-No, it really isn't that, I-I'm just t-too weak.." I barely say.
"Yeah, that's true." She says.
She really does hate me.
"Can we at least e-end this on a good note...?" I ask meekly.
"No. I don't think we should end this on a good note in case you try adopting me again, I would never want that again, so no."
She stands up, and looks me straight in the eye.
She was broken.
"I hate you Ariana Grande-Butera, I hope you get blinded by fame. That is my goodbye." She says, and walks out.
Just then, I felt something rip out of my heart.
I grabbed my keys and literally sprinted out of the orphanage.
Tears streaming down my face like never before.
I get in my car and speed to my house.
When I get there I unlock the door, slamming it as I got inside and went straight to bed and broke down.
I scream.
"She hates me, she hates me." I whisper to myself.
I think I'm going mad.
I am mad.
"URGHAAAHHHH." I scream.
I walk around my room pacing the floor.
Holding my hair tightly.
I scream and scream and destroy everything in my room, I smash the mirrors, throw things across the room.
I'm mad without her.
I should've known before.
I lay on my bed.
Amber's POV
I knew it was too good to be true.
I'm laying on my bed.
I don't know what to do with my life.
My idol, the reason I live, gave me back.
I don't see the point in living anymore.
I feel like self harm is way over my point.

I need to be gone for good.
I quietly get up from my bed, and lock my door.
I open my room window.
I'm on the 3rd floor, the building is pretty high so if I jump out, I think I'd definitely die.
I carefully open the window, wide.
The weather was nice and sunny.
It was quiet.

I slip on leg out then the other, I'm now sitting on the edge.
I know I'm doing the right thing.
No one wants me.
No one.
So that means if I go it wouldn't make a difference to anyone.
Yeah, I should jump then.
I slip of the edge as fast as I can.
I see the ground coming closer.
Goodbye world.
Ariana's POV
What am I doing with my life?
I'm laying in bed right now.
With tear stained cheeks and no one by my side.
Will it be like this forever?
I get up from my bed.
I wonder how Amber's doing right now.
Ugh stop it Ariana, you need to forget about her.
It was probably just a phase in my life..
I get up and go downstairs to get something to eat.
I look in the fridge.
I need to do some shopping.
I put on a black tank top with black jeans and ugg boots.
I grab my car keys and go to the shops.
••After the shops••
I just came back from the shops and I'm now putting my shopping where they're supposed to be.
To be honest I'm not actually that hungry anymore.
I've been thinking, I want to release my 3rd album.
I want to get my mind of Amber as much as possible, but I also wanna be relevant in my career now.
I should call up Scooter.
A=Ariana S=Scooter
He picks up on the first ring.
S: Hello?
A: Hey Scooter, it's me Ariana.
S: Oh hey Ari! I haven't heard from you in a long time.
A: Yeah, I've been busy and all that, ya know what I mean? Anyway, I was wondering if I could release another album, I've been thinking about it and I think I'm ready to make another one, what do ya think?
S: Of course! That'd be great, come by to the studio in an hour, does that sound good?
A: Yup that's fine, thanks Scooter
S: It's k, see you later
A: K bye.
After that I end the call.
I'm actually quite excited to make another album.
Amber's POV
I wake up in a bright room. Huh?
Am in heaven?
I kinda giggle at that thought.
My vision becomes more clear and I can realise my surroundings.
I'm in a hospital.
I didn't die..
Ugh fuck! What does it take to get away from this cruel world!
Suddenly a doctor comes in.
"Hey, I see you're awake." He smiles.
"Y-Yeah." I manage to say.
"Well, I'm Doctor Smith, someone called the ambulance when they saw you lifeless near an orphanage ground, I suppose you stay there?" He asks.
"Um..y-yes." I say.
"I see, well just to let you know nothing is wrong except your arm, which is broken, it'll take at least 4 weeks to heal." He explains.
"Oh, ok." I say.
"Can you please give me the number of your orphanage cared so I can call them and you can go home, since you're fine to go." He says.
I hand him the phone number.
•A Phone Call Later•
Mr. Smith comes back around 2 minutes later saying,
"I've just called the carer, Mrs. Mauley, she's on her way now, you can get ready." He explains.
"Ok." I say.
I grab all my things together and wait outside for Mrs. Mauley.
I see her walking up to me after 5 minutes.
"Get up you brat." She whispers, so no one can hear.
I get up and follow her, she signs the papers and we leave the hospital.
"Next time you cause trouble like that I won't hesitate to lock you in the basement! Understand?!" She shouts.
"Yes Mrs. Mauley." I say.
•Back At The Orphanage•
As I got out the car Mrs. Mauley said,
"Oh, by the way you have school tomorrow and will continue going to school until you finish your education, you shall not miss one day, except emergencies."
I groan inwardly.
I go up to my room and lay down, I'm so tired, today is the worst day of my life, and I'm not exaggerating.
It's actually late now, I'm going to sleep, hopefully when I wake up all of this was just a really realistic nightmare.

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