Ariana the MI9 Agent

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Ariana's POV
I wake up tangled in Amber's arms, I remember how I used wake up like that.
I missed it.
I wake her up,
"Bellissima, wake up prima di mordere la tua spalla." I say.
She grumbles.
"What the hell does that mean?" She asks.
"It means 'wake up gorgeous before I bite your shoulder'" I smirk.
She knows I will actually do it so she shoots up from her bed straight away.
I laugh.
"There I'm up." She smiles.
"Good, I'll get one of my slaves-"
I was about to say something before I was cut off by Amber.
"Ariana!" She said, sounding disappointed.
"Um...what?" I ask confused.
"Don't call them that! Please, it's not nice, I'm gonna help you change, and the first thing is not to call them that, in fact you don't even need these people you're capable of doing everything yourself like you used to." She says sadly. guess she's right..
"O-Okay, anything for you." I say quietly.
She looks happy all of a sudden.
"Thank you Ari." She says, and hugs me tightly making me fall down on the bed with her on top of me.
We both laugh.
We stay like that, me straddling her. I stroke her hair while saying,
"Love you still weigh lightly." I say sadly.
No reply.
I sigh.
Oh yeah I forgot to talk to her about something.
"Amber I forgot to talk to you about something." I sit up.
She sits up as well and asks,
"What is it?"
"Who were those boys at your school, the ones who hit you...?" I ask.
"N-No one Ariana." She says, looking down.
"They aren't no one to me, please tell me, I need to know." I say, a tear rolling down my cheek.
"T-They're just mean people Ariana." She says quietly.
"I know love, but who are they, why are they doing this to you? Please open up to me." I say.
I now pick her up and put her on my lap, but suddenly she gets off and says,
"No, I don't want sit on your lap, I'm too heavy, I'll hurt you." She says.
"Who said that!? It was those boys wasn't it?!" I suddenly shout making her flinch.
"I'm sorry love, it's're not fat or heavy at all, you're basically skin and bones." I say.
She ignored my statement and says,
"It started when I first got moved to that school, when you gave me back.." She quietly whispers.
A tear slips from her cheek, I quickly wipe it away.
"Take your time love, it's fine." I reassure and comfort her.
"T-They had their eyes on me all the time, they touched me and I didn't like it. They always try to get on my pants..they hit me whenever I refuse and they call me mean things, they shame me in front of my whole year, I'm known as the class s-slut.." She cries.
Anger was way an understatement of what I was feeling right now.
"Is there anything else..?" I say, keeping my anger in.
"One of the boys, his name is J-Justin, he's kinda like the leader of the gang, h-he made me go to his house, a-and..he touched me, reminded me of my past...." She cries her eyes out.
I couldn't it in anymore.
"Here does that Justin boy live?" I ask her.
"W-What..? A-Ariana please I don't want to make a big deal." She worries.
"Oh you won't be making the big deal, I will." I say, pulling a gun out of my bedside drawer.
Her eyes widen hugely.
"Ariana! Where the hell did you get that from?! And no you can't shoot him!" She shouts.
"Doesn't matter where I got it from, I won't shoot him. Trust me.
Just tell me where he lives. NOW." I boom.
Making her flinch once again.
"O-Okay...he lives two blocks away, at plomerview Avenue." She whispers.
"Okay, you're coming with me now."
She nods her head and does as she's told.
We get ready and we get in the car.
"Right you show me, where to go, understand?" I ask.
"Okay." She says.
She shows me the directions and in a few minutes we arrive.
"Right, you stay in the car." I say, taking my seatbelt off.
"W-What..?! No! Ariana he's dangerous he's gonna hurt you." She cries.
So she does care about me..
"Amber baby, look at me, I'll be fine, it's not some suicide mission, just stay here, promise me?" I say, sticking my pink out.
She sighs and links her pinky with mine.
"Good girl, I won't be long." I say issuing her forehead.
I quickly get out the car and over to Justin's house.
I slide my gun down my knee high boot, so it won't be visible.
I knock on the door, a minute later the door opens, I think it's his mom.
"Hello, can I help you?" She asks.
"Um...I'm looking for Justin, is he here?" I ask.
"Yes, but what would you like from him?" She asks.
Why she so damn nosey.
"Um...I just want to ask him something." I say.
"Oh..ok then, I'll call him down." She says.
"Justin! There's someone at the door for you!" She calls.
"Coming!" He shouts back.
"Come in and sit down." She invites.
I gladly come and sit on the couch.
I see him coming down the stairs.
He looks confused since he obviously doesn't know who I am.
"Um...hey..?" He says.
"Sup." I say.
"Not trying to be rude but who are you?" He asks.
"Can we talk in your room please?" I ask.
"Uhh...okay.." He says.
He leads me to his room.
"Now listen here I know what you do to Amber, and for your information I'm her sister, you fuck around with her one more time you just wait and see what happens." I threaten.
He laughs.
"I have a good fuck standing right in front of me, c'mon baby let's get in bed he winks."
I normally pull out my gun making his eyes wide.
"Now wanna go to bed?" I innocently
"I know everything understand? If you even look at her my gun will be your death understand?" I say grabbing his neck and pointing my gun on his temple.
"Y-Yes.." He says.
"Good." I say, and leave, leaving him shook.
I walk out the house I go back into my car, suddenly I was bombarded with questions by Amber,
"Did he hurt you?! Are you alright?! Are you bruised?! Did you shoot him?! Again are you alright?!" She rabbles, touching me in random places to see if I was okay.
I start laughing.
"I'm absolutely fine I promise you, he wasn't dangerous at all." I smile at her.
A wash of relief comes onto her face.
"Thank god." She sigh.
I start driving back home and say,
"It's nice to know you care about me." I smile.

"I never stopped." She says...

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