True Colours

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Ariana's POV
I am laying in bed thinking about everything.
Do I really need these people at my service..?
I don't think I do.
My thoughts get interrupted,
"Arianaaa I'm bored." Amber whines, jumping on top of me.
"Well, what should I do?" I chuckle.
"Hold me." She says, and snuggles up on top of my, with her head on my chest.
I lightly stroke her hair saying,
"I've been thinking, maybe I should fire all these people who work for me..I mean I can do it all by myself like I used to.." I say.
"I think you should." She says.
"Thank you Bellissima." I say.
"For what..?" She asks confused.
"For showing me what life is really like."
I say.
She just smiles.
"Okay now let's get up." I say getting up and pushing her off me playfully.
She pouts.
"I didn't like that Ari." She says.
No one has called me that for ages..
"I haven't heard that name for ages..." I say.
"Well, get used to it again." She smiles.
I chuckle.
Suddenly she sits on me.
"Amberrr let me gooo." I whine.
"Noo, I'm bored." She whines.
"Ugh what am I supposed to about that????" I say.
"I don't know, something?" She says.
"Oh yeah baby I'm enrolling you in another school." I say.
"That's good." She smiles.
I take out my cigarette only to be snatched away from me.
"Heyyy, what do you think you're doing??" I whine.
"You're not gonna smoke." She says strictly.
"Bellissima you aren't the boss of me, give it back." I say.
"I'm doing what's best for you." She says.
"Well that isn't the best, just give it back man." I groan.
Instead I just take another cigarette and quickly light it up before she can take it away from me and take a puff.
She looks at me disappointed.
"What..?" I ask.
"Ari, you need to stop smoking it's affecting you." She says.
"No it isn't, this is one thing I can't quit, i can't quit smoking ok?" I say, suddenly extremely seriously.
She hesitates at my tone.
"Listen I'm sorry, just don't say that ok?" I say.
"Okay." She says quietly.
She gets off me.
"Baby why'd you get off?" I ask.
"I don't want to breathe in the smoke." She says simply.
I sigh.
"I've been smoking for a whole year now, I don't think I'll quit anytime soon." I say.
She turns around and looks at me sadly.
"What have you done to yourself Ariana?" She says, as a tear slips from her cheek.
"It's still the same me love.." I say.
"N-No it isn't." She sniffles.
I pull her in for a hug making her cry more.
"Don't cry.." I say, wiping her tears.
"I-I just wanna live a normal life Ariana." She says.
"I'll give you all I have.." I say.
"A-Ariana promise you won't leave me again." She sniffs.
"I promise with all my heart love." I smile.
"Now princess I'll make you something to eat ok?" I smile.
"Okay." She smiles.
I get up but straight away fall down with my eyes rolling.
"Woah, Ariana are you alright?!" Amber says, rushing to my side.
"Y-Yeah, I think I just had a small blackout." I say.
What the hell just happened...?
Amber lays me on the bed.
"I don't think you should make anything, I'll make something." Amber says, tucking me in bed.
"Nuh huh, you're staying in bed." She says.
"Ok then.." I sigh.
A few minutes later Amber brings up some popcorn.
"Popcorn..?" I chuckle.
"Yup." She smiles.
She sets the bowl of popcorn down between us and says,
"Ari, are you sure you're alright? I mean that wasn't exactly normal..." She says, worriedly.
"I promise you love, I'm absolutely fine." I smile, reassuring her.
"Ok..." She sighs.
•A Few Hours Later•
I wake up to see Amber has fallen asleep, we haven't done much today, it's kinda a lazy day for us.
I quietly get up, feeling extremely dizzy, I hold the wall for support.
After I got my balance back I went downstairs.
What's been happening to me lately..?
I can't explain it, it's really weird...
I was just cleaning the house here and there when a shot of pain suddenly surged through my head, I scream in pain.
I probably woke up Amber because she comes rushing down.
"Ariana!" She gasps.
She lifts me up with ease and lays me on the couch.
"W-What happened..?" She asks, tears running down her face.
"I-I don't know, I was cleaning up a bit then suddenly this pain shoots through my head, and I just scream in pain." I explain.
"I'll get some water." She says, rushing to the kitchen.
I put my hand on my head, where the pain was only to find blood there..
What's happening to me?!
I need to go to the doctors, I quickly wipe away the blood so Amber doesn't find out because want her to worry about anything.
"Here drink this." She says, handing me the glass of water.
I get up slowly and take sips.
I thank her.
"Ariana I think you should go to the doctors." Amber says.
"Y-Yeah, I will.." I say.
I think I need to go NOW.
How the the fuck am I gonna go to the doctors when I feel so dizzy..?
I mean Amber can't drive, she's only 14...
"A-Amber?" I call for her.
"Yes." She says turning around, facing me.
"Ok, I know I'm gonna sound completely psychotic when I say this....but drive me to the hospital..?" I plead.
Her eyes widen.
"Ariana there's something wrong with you." She shakes her head.
"And plus, I don't know how to drive." She says.
"And plus it's breaking the law." She says.
"And plu-"
"Okay I get it! But please I need Togo to the hospital, nothing and I mean nothing will happen to you as longneck as I'm there wth you, ok?"
She sighs.
"Yess Miss." She chuckles.
I roll my eyes at what she calls me.
•Skip Car Drive•
As we got out the car I again felt dizzy, Amber held onto me.
"You k?" She asks.
"Yup." I say reassuringly.

But I don't think I am...

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