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Ariana's POV
I check in the hospital.
Me and Amber were waiting for a doctor to call me in, a few minutes later a lady came in, she was probably the doctor, and said,
"Miss. Grande?"
I get up, Amber immediately getting up with me,
"Amber sit down, you don't need to come." I say.
"I wanna know how you are though Ari." She says.
"I'll tell you everything when I come out ok? I promise." I say.
"Okay." She sighs, slumping back in her chair.
I walk over to the doctor who lets me in here doctor office thingy, or whatever you call it.
"So what seems to be the matter?" She asks.
" I've been kinda getting really like, I don't know to explain it, I've just been randomly getting dizzy, I've had a blackout and this morning I was just cleaning my house and stuff and this just shot through my head, my um sister lauds me on the couch and brought me a glass of water, while she went to get it I touched my head, where the pain had been and I found blood.." I explain.
She hums.
"Can I look at the place where it hurt please?" She asks.
"Um..yeah." I say.
"Ok then, could you just lay down here please." She says, making me lay down on a hospital bed.
I lay down while she examines my head.
She hums again.
She touches the part where the pain came and I immediately scream.
"Sorry dear." She says.
But then she looks at me worriedly.
"A vein has popped across your head.." She says quietly.
Am I gonna die?!
"I-Is there any way to fix it??" I ask, worried.
"Yes but you have to have surgery to fix these kinda things, they'll have to make a fake vein to join up again, but it has to be like now because right now your head could be filling up with blood." She says.
"How much would the surgery cost?" I ask.
"At least, $24,000" She says.
"Why so much?!" I ask, surprised.
"The surgery have 50% chance of working and we need it to make your vein as well." She exclaims.
I have the money, I'm just surprised how much it is.
"O-Ok.." I say.
"But before I just need check out and things." She says.
She actually takes some serious tests.
"Have you been smoking?" She asks.
Oh god not this again.
"Um..yes." I say.
"How long for?" She asks.
"Around a year and a half." I say.
She looks at me extremely worried.
"Can take some scans of you really quickly please?" She says.
"Um..yes I guess."
She takes me out of the room and into another room, she lays me down on the bed and grabs a weird lamp thingy, I don't know I'm not a doctor ok?
"Now just relax and close your eyes." She says.
I nod my head.
After she did the scans she told me to sit up.
"Your scan results will come by tomorrow." She says.
"Ok...but what are they for?" I ask, confused.
"To see if everything else is alright and the only reason your head is bleeding is because of your vein."
I 'oh' and nod my head.
"Right we are now going to have to take straight into surgery." She says.
"Wait?! What about my sister?!" I ask.
"She'll have to wait for you, we'll go and tell what's happening." She says.
"Wait! I don't want her knowing please, I don't want her worrying anything."
She smiles and says,
"Okay dear, do you have anyone in contact that take care of her while you're in surgery?" She asks.
I think and say,
"Yes brother, can I quickly go call him?" I ask.
"Yeah sure." She smiles.
I quickly get my phone out and call Frankie,
"Hello Frankie?" I say.
"Ariii, I haven't seen you in ages how's it going girrrl, and how's Amber you were telling me ab-"
I cut him off, god he talks too much.
"I'm sorry Frankie I can't say much right now but I need you to come pick up Amber, I'm going into surgery, I promise I'll explain everything to you after I'm done but I need someone to take care of Amber while I'm in surgery, I don't want her knowing anything though ok? Just make some stuff up, please be here quick." I plead.
"Of course Ari, I'll be there in a few minute, good luck, you know I'm always here for you. I love you." He says.
"I love you too Frankie." I smile, even though he can't see me.
I hang up after that.
I take a deep breath.
I'm scared as fuck..
I hope everything turn out alright.
I go back in and say,
"I'm ready."
Amber's POV
I've been waiting for more than an hour now, I'm getting really worried about Ari, I hope she's doing alright.
I sigh.
Suddenly someone comes up to me.
"Hey you're Amber aren't you?" He asks.
He looks around 25, he has spiky hair which was dyed a bit pink.
He was muscular as well.
I think I know, I think it's Ariana's brother, Frankie, she was telling me about him.
"Um..yes." I say.
"I'm Frankie, Ariana's brother." He smiles.
"Oh yes." I say.
He chuckles.
"Ariana called me here." He says sitting down.
I look at him worriedly.
"W-Why..? Is she alright?" I ask, a tear already slipping.
"Of course she is love don't cry, she said she's gonna be a bit late coming home, nothing to worry about, she told me to come and take care of you." He smiles, wiping my tear away.
"W-Why isn't Ari coming home." I ask.
"She just needs to do more tests and things I promise you everything's alright." He says soothingly. He takes me in a hug and I hug him back.
"She will be back right?" I ask worriedly.
"Of course!" He chuckles.
"When..?" I ask quietly.
"Soon love, soon" He whispers in my ear.

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