Ariana Comes Home

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Amber's POV
It's now 6:55pm.
Ariana still hasn't come home.
I can't stop thinking about her.
Something is obviously not right if she hasn't come home yet.

Me and Frankie are just chilling on the couch, he's done everything he can to get my mind of Ari, but to be honest none of it's working.
"Frankie?" I say.
"Yes?" He asks.
"Why isn't Ari home yet?" I say.
"Amber love, she'll come home soon, I promise you." He says, holding me.
"O-Ok..." I whisper.
Ariana's POV
I finally got out of my surgery, they gave me some weird ass gas to make go to sleep.
I wake up to see so many wires connected to me it actually scares me.
My head hurts A LOT.
I press the button for assistance of a nurse.
A nurse comes in, knowing I was just I surgery she says,
"I see you're awake now." She smiles.
" could you please tell what's going on?"
Since I was confused as hell.
"Well, I'm sure you know the reason as to why you had a surgery." She says.
I nod my head saying 'yes'.
"Right so, we managed to get your vein all fixed up, you will feel some pain the next couple of days but that's natural, it just needs some time to adjust. We've stitched up your head from the top side so I seriously suggest you don't work or anything and you rest for the next at least 3 days to heal all up." She says.
"Ok, thank you, so when can I go home?" I ask.
"In a few hours, we just gotta check your head and see if everything's alright and then you're ready to go." She smiled.
"Okay, thank you." I say.
She nods her head and leaves.
I sit there thinking,
I wonder how amber's doing right now?
I hope she doesn't know anything..
I really don't want her worrying.
Oh shit, but then she'll ask about my stitches and I'll have to tell her then.
Looks like there's no way I can get out of this.
My scan results will also come tomorrow, I really hope they are all good as well..
But I still have a feeling that something is still wrong.
Meh I don't know.
•A Few Hours Later•
"Mrs. Grande, you're ready to go now." She says.
"Okay thank you." I sigh.
I'm tired.
I just wanna cuddle with Amber right now to be honest.
I've gotten so attached to her lately and I like it.
I grab all my things quickly and call Frankie to pick me up. I feel dizzy still, I think I should take everything slow.
I get out of these hospital gowns and put my clothes on o had before, I feel really dizzy with all these actions I'm doing, seriously.
I slowly walk outside the room to see Frankie with his arms crossed.
"You have a lot to explain missy." He says.
I chuckle,
"I'll tell you in the car, now can you please help me?" I croak out.
I literally feel so weak right now.
"Ok." He sighs.
He holds my hand, walking me steadily to the car.
As I get in he says,
"So what the hell happened Ariana, do you know how worried Amber was the whole time, she really loves you, you know." He says.
"I-I know.. and I'll tell her the truth when u get home and, I had to have surgery because for the past few days I've been feeling really dizzy and yesterday a really bad shit through my head, turns out my vein popped and they had to do immediate surgery." I explain.
"Oh..ok, I'm so glad you're ok." He sighs.
I just smile.
"How come Amber didn't come?" I ask.
"She wanted to wait for you to get home." He says.
"K." I smile.
•At Home•
Frankie pulls up in the drive, I'm eager to see Amber.
As soon as he parks up and open the door only for him to say,
"Calm down Ari, just wait I'll help you out." He chuckles.
I grumble,
He helps me out the car, we go at a slow pace to the door.
"I seriously feel like a old lady." U grumble as Frankie opens the door.
Suddenly I see Amber rushing down, she falls to me legs and hugs them.
"Woah...uh..hey to you to..?" I chuckle.
I pull her up and engulf in the biggest hug ever.
I kiss her forehead and say,
"I missed you babygirl."
"Ari what happened...? Why were you in the hospital and why do you have a massive stitch in your head?" She asks.
"Lest sit down and we'll talk about this." I say calmly.
She nods her head.
"Hey Ari, Amber I gotta go back to New York they need me there, I was only able to come today since I was near but I have to go now, I love you guys, I'll see ya'll soon and Amber take good care of Ari." He says.
"I will!" She shouts, making me chuckle.
She holds my hand and lays me on the couch.
"So tell me then." She says, waiting for an explanation.
" when that pain shot through my head yesterday, it was actually my vein. You see, when you went to get my glass of water I touched the part where it hurt and found blood, I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't want you to get worried at all. That's why I wanted to go to the doctors straight away, when I went there they told me one of my veins had popped and they had to do immediate surgery because it could be really dangerous and all and they took scans to see if I'm alright, the results will come tomorrow so, so far I'm doing fine bellissima." I smile.
She sighs a tear rolling down her cheek.
"If you go...I don't know what I'll do without you." She sniffles.
"I'm right here love." I smile.
"Do you need anything to eat, drink..?" She asks all of a sudden.
"I'm fine thank you." I say looking her straight in the eye.
"Well anyway, I'll be looking after you, so that means no working or anything like that, you'll be staying in bed to heal you understand me?" She says strictly.
"Yes." I smile, I was still looking straight in her eye....I don't know why to be honest.
"Wanna go to bed?" She asks.
"Yes I do actually, I'm really tired." I say, tiredly.
"Okay, I'll help you get up."
She takes my hand pulling me up, and guides me to my room, she carefully lays me down in the bed, tucking me in between the sheets.
"I'm really tired to, so I'm gonna go to sleep as well now, goodnight." She says.
"Wait!" I say quickly.
"Yes..?" She asks.
"Sleep with me please?" I pout.
She chuckles and says,
"Of course."
"Yayy." I say like a child.
She comes in bed with me, snuggling up with me, she says all of a sudden,
"Ari promise me you'll be alright?" She ask.
I pretend I'm asleep so I don't need to answer it because I don't want to break another one of her promises..

I don't think I'm still alright...

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