𝟭𝟭 | a surprise [pt. two]

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character | tom holland
warnings | none
author's note | FINAL PART YAY.

Finally, I thought we'd never make it!

That was your first thought after you got off the private plane. It was a little bit helpful that you, Laura, and Zendaya had first class tickets, but flying from Atlanta to New York, and then to London was rough. You always disliked crossover flights, but this one was the worst: your flight was scheduled to depart from JFK International Airport at 12:00 pm Eastern Time and arrive at London City Airport at 7:00 pm Eastern Time/ 1:00 am London Time(?), but the flight was delayed for 5 hours, putting you at arriving in London at 6:00 am their time.

You three make your way outside to find a cab, not even stopping at baggage claim. Laura went to go talk to one of the airport workers while you and Zendaya waited.

"Um, Z, don't we have to get our bags?"

"Nope. The hotel that we are staying at is supposed to have picked up pur luggage and bring it to the hotel."

"Oh, okay. I should probably tell Tom that we made it."

As you were about to get your phone out, a taxi pulled up. You three got in, first Zendaya, then Laura, and you last. The taxi driver turned around and handed you an envelope. Accepting it with a confused look, you opened and read it:

Dearest (Y/N),
If you are reading this now, that means you have safely arrived in London. I just wanted to let you know how much I love you, that I miss you, and, for goodness sake's, go explore! Its London for crying out loud. I should probably stop writing now, so until next time.
Love, T.

PS. I love you

As you finished reading the letter that Tom wrote you, you realized that the cab had already started moving. The driver let you know that you were about 15 minutes away, so you just read the letter over and over again until the car stopped in front of a very fancy-looking hotel. You three got out, and as soon as you stepped inside, a bellboy had introduced himself and brought over your luggage. You followed him into the elevator that would take you to your room on floor 5. After 10 minutes of finding your room and putting the luggage inside, you finally were able to rest. Or so you thought.

"Alright! Are we ready to go?"

"WHAT?!" you and Zendaya shouted at the same time, startling Laura.

"We just got here and I'm exhausted!"

"Not only that, but I HATE crossover flights."

"Okay, yes, but its already 7:00, meaning that it's time to leave to get to the place at 7:45. Plus, we should be adjusting to the time change."

You and Zendaya groaned, but reluctantly decided to at least make yourself look a little bit presentable. You three went to the elevator and got in. As the doors started to close, your eyes met with someone very familiar. Laura and Zendaya saw the person too.

"Guys, that dude looked like Harrison."

Zendaya quickly spoke up saying, "Nah, your just jet lagged. Why would he be all the way across the world?"

You shrugged it off as the elevator doors shut.

The sign on the building read, London Photographs, Inc. Of was a modern building with a lot of glass windows, but not as tall as you would have expected. As you walked in, Laura disappeared almost instantly, leaving you and Z alone. Then, a makeup artist introduced herself, saying her name was Willa. You two followed her to a room where you then spotted Laura getting her makeup done. You and Zendaya were sat down next to each other. Other than Willa, who said she would be your makeup artist, there were tow others in the room: Carol and Patti. For the next hour and a half, you and Willa introduced yourselves, and got to know each other talking about favorite movies to the temperature that you got to bed to.

𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 | 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 & 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now