𝟭𝟬 | hopeless romantic

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character | jack fawcett
warnings | none
author's note | jack. fawcett. is beautiful. i literally thought of this story plot while listening to this song; italics = flashback

"Jack! Where are you?"

Your 10-year-old voice rang through the sparsely wooded area. Right now you and Jack were playing hide-and-go-seek, and you were it. You had told him that you were really good at finding, so he had better hide good. You looked behind a number of trees before shouting, "Apricot!". That was the code word that meant you had given up. You waited a while, and he still didn't come out.

"Jack?! I said 'apricot'! I give up! Come on! I'm hungry!"

"Alright, alright! Fine. Let's go see what my mum has to eat."

You two raced to where your parents were currently sitting on a blanket laid in the field, food already set aside for you. As you began eating, a bee came and landed on your nose. You screamed, causing all conversation to stop, and ran around, swatting at the air while Jack laughed at the scene.

"That was not funny, Jack! I was being attacked and I could have died!"

"It was too! You were screaming like a baby. Men like me don't act like babies."

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm not a baby. And I'm a lot braver than you think."

"Yeah right. You will grow up to be a girl, and will still act like one."

"I hate acting like a girl. And I despise wearing the dresses mother puts me in. I'd rather wear trousers, like you, and your father and mine. And I won't stop playing with you either, so your stuck with me."

"-and you were so determined that you wouldn't grow up to be a lady."

You and Jack were on a picnic, just like the one you were thinking about now, except it was just the two of you. Just like he said, you didn't want to grow up to be a lady, and you tried as hard as you could to keep it from happening. It didn't help, however, that you were naturally beautiful, and all the boys would try to get a dance out of you, but you wouldn't have it. When they saw who you really were, trousers and boys games and no makeup (except for when you went to something formal, like a special dinner), they looked elsewhere. You were happy that the attention wasn't on you anymore, but as the years went by, you grew lonesome. Except for some girls that you knew since birth, and Jack, you didn't have friends. And now you were at marrying age, so you needed to find a beau soon.

"Yes, well, look at me now. Here I am sitting in a picnic gown, with a fancy hat, talking to you." You sighed. "I just wish I didn't choose to be so tomboyish, because now I'm 19, and soon I'll have to find someone to settle down with. And of course I've managed to scare off every possible boy and man in England."

"Don't fret, love. You'll find someone. Its just that the right person hasn't made himself known yet."

"Thank you Jack. Oh, do you remember the time when we were 16 and 17, and our parents made us go to that party, thrown by, oh, what was her name?"

Jack cringed. "Cara Sonny."

"If my mother was there, I'm sure she would have told her a million times to stop pulling down her dress."

"And she was an awful dancer! My feet were throbbing by the time the first hour was up."

You two laughed at the memory...

"Jack! Come on, we are going to be late! And you know how I hate being late."

"Alright, I'm coming! I just hope there is food, cause I'm starving."

"Jack, please!"

"(Y/N), will you just relax, we will get there in plenty of time. Come on now, we shall go now."

The large, Victorian house was glowing with lights. And inside, it was much brighter. There were swarms of people everywhere, especially on the dance floor. When you entered, you were created by a few people, and then instantly started dancing. After many dances with many men, you found your way to the food buffet, where you also found Jack. You were tired and needed some air, so you made your way put to the balcony, with Jack following suit.

"These stars are just lovely, aren't they."

"Yes indeed, but not as bright as the ones in your eyes."

You hit him playfully and both of you started laughing.

"Okay, okay, I'm kidding. But if I weren't, would it have worked?"

"I think it would have."

You smiled and looked back up at the twinkling stars.

"That was one of the best nights I ever had."

"I know, your welcome."

"Haha, your so funny."

You and Jack were now laying down on the blanket looking up at the clouds.

"You know what is funny, though?"

"What, (Y/N)?"

"How I am such a hopeless romantic." You sighed.

Jack sat up, and looked at you. You turned your head to see him lean down and place a gentle kiss on your lips. Before you could do anything, he pulled back.

"No you're not. Look I've been meaning to tell you this since that night at the party, but I love you, and now that I'm leaving soon with my father to Amazonia, I-"

You sat up and kissed him. You put one hand on his face, holding it, while the other was supporting your weight. Jack had his hand around your waist, pulling closer, while the other one held up his weight. This kiss was magical, not just for you, but for Jack as well. For Jack, this kiss meant that he would have someone to come home to. But for you, this kiss meant that you would no longer be a hopeless romantic.

words | 1035

𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 | 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 & 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now