Take Me There

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Would you believe me if I said, my life revolved around fighting, my friends, and magic? Probably not, well I didn't believe it at first either. My mother, MIA, my father, just don't ask. My sister, that can of sardines I'm not opening right now. My cousin, hehe, well let's just say he is a bit too caring. My friend, he is the main problem here, why I can't let my life change but, I don't care, I care for him and that's that. Now let the story begin.

I ran across the top of the buildings in my clad black cloak. My face hidden by a black raven mask. My silver metallic wings responded to my thoughts. They spread wide, I pushed off the ground with my powerful legs. Slowly I lifted into the air. In the criminal world I'm know as Silver Wing. My real name is Seiren White and I'm sixteen years old. At day I go to school and try be the perfect student. At night I'm a notorious criminal.

I didn't choose my criminal name, I was given it by the papers. I have azure blue eyes with flecks of silver and long fair blonde hair in a pony tail. My eyes darted wildly around the area, I worked alone on these kinds of things. Tonight I was stealing from a high tech laboratory in Quercus, my home town. I live in Terra Skies, Bellator Cor, Quercus. It's a pleasant town, surrounded by trees and livestock. Many laboratories surround the area. The reason why I steal, I forgot a long time ago, okay maybe that's not true but, I don't trust you enough to tell you why just yet. I dropped down onto the roof silently. Security cameras scanned the area. I hid from view whenever a camera flickered my way. Quietly, I slipped into the air ventilation. I crawled through the ventilation shaft. I could here pieces of the conversations that the scientists were having. They talked about some pretty top secret technology, but that wasn't my target tonight. Tonight I was going after the forbidden technology.

Technology that the government believed that no person should ever have but, to afraid to destroy it. I felt someone, something watching me. I froze. Motion sensors. Slowly, my hand moved to my tazer. I used the tazer to short circuit the motion sensors. I had ten minutes before they realise something's not right. I moved at a faster speed, making more noise then I would of liked. Guards were yelling and scrambling around the building, trying to find the intruder, trying to find me.

I looked down and peered through the ventilation and looked at the room beneath me. It was the forbidden technology room. I kicked the shaft out and dropped down into the room. I looked around at all the devices hidden from prying eyes. I walked amongst the shelves full of technology. I grabbed a few small pieces of technology and stuffed them into my bag. I was about to leave when I spotted a small piece of technology that had a twin. I heard the guards out side trying to break down the door. I looked at the door and at my prize. I dashed over to the specific piece of technology and grabbed it, just as the door broke down.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. Two big bulky guys with guns walked into the room. I finished stuffing the devices into my bag. I dashed under the rapid gun fire, I felt my shoulder jerk back. Then blood seeped down my shoulder and my shoulder throbbed painfully. I winced and tapped the symbol on the back of my neck. I have a symbol with leaves and vines on the back of my neck and it's about the size of a fifty cent piece. As far as I know I'm the only person in the world who has it. Tendrils spread from the symbol and to my shoulder. They wrapped around my shoulder and healed it. After healing it they disappeared back into the symbol. I looked to my right and saw a camera. Dammit! They had caught it on camera. I dashed at one of the men and slapped his gun away. I kneed him in the crutch and elbowed him in the back of his neck. His body went slack in my arms. I shoved him to the side and looked his partner in the eye. His gun was pointed directly at my head. I knew after that display of my symbol, he would've been ordered to catch me alive instead of dead. I stalked up to him slowly, his gun was moving and his hand was trembling. I whacked the gun out of his hand and I stomped on his foot. I slapped him and flipped him over my shoulder. I could no longer escape through the ventilation. So, I ran through the facility and dodged a few guards.

I went to grab my iPod that had the mapping details of the place. I grabbed out the twin devices by accident. I looked at it and a few images came up. Four different crystals. One of them was green and had tendrils wrapped around it. A silver chain was threaded through the top of the crystal. My finger ran over the image. There was a white blinding light. I put my hand in front of my face to shield my eyes from the harsh light. I was blinded then I felt cool water over my skin then it was gone. I opened my eyes, I hadn't even noticed that I had closed them. I looked around, I was no longer in the laboratories. Greenery surrounded me and I could hear water. There were no rivers near Quercus. I looked up at the sun. It was night time when I had entered the facility. I checked my phones time. It was seven o'clock in the morning. I must have over stayed my welcome. Thank god it was Saturday, otherwise I would have to be getting ready for school. I looked behind me and saw this mirror of sorts. I could see where I had been before I was pushed to this side of the 'mirror'. I poked it and it rippled like water would if you poked it. I heard a rustling in the bushes. I spun around and extended my lance. The tip was pointed at a boys neck. He had unruly blonde hair with a black patch at the centre towards the front. He wore a black t-shirt with a purple vest. He had a belt with a zigzag pattern. One side of the pattern was a violet while the other was a golden colour. He had long brown leather pants and wore blue grey boots that had heel. He had black ears on the top of his head and a black tail curled around his leg. Was I dreaming or was this a place were people did cosplay? I guess he was around my age probably a year or two older then me, so he's probably seventeen. My first three thoughts on him specifically were 1) Who is he? 2) He's cute. 3) That's a lot of heel for a guy. Now let's compare those to the first three things I said to him.

"Who are you? Where am I? And that's a lot of heel for a guy." I said, tilting my head as I was looking at his shoes. He raised an eyebrow at me. He put his finger on my lance and moved the point away from his neck. Normally I would of kept it in place but, I let him move it away from his neck.

"Who are you to ask me those questions and what's with the mask? Do you even know the charges of pointing your blade to a soldier of the ani-morphs army?" He said with a tone that sounded like he thought I should apologies to him. Like hell I would, he was the one who snuck up on me first.

"Hehe, yeah well, no I don't because I don't even know what a freaking ani-morph is and all I asked was two simple questions. Seriously, two simple questions that would be very simple to answer." I said with sarcasm. Obviously these people didn't have sarcasm or this guy has no sense of humour, either way he was really getting on my nerves.

"You'll be taken in for questioning, now lower your weapon." He ordered. Oh that guy really did not just order me around. I lowered my weapon so he thought he was in control. He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me.

"Let go of me!" I yelled and pulled back on his grip. I tripped over my own feet and fell. I mean really, of all times I turn into a klutz. He fell on top of me as we fell back through the mirror.

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