Chapter 9

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I shifted my eyes so I could have a look at the others. The other two looked like twins, both boys had black hair and amber eyes, wearing silver amour.

"Eh, why is there one more person then there's meant to be?" One of the boys asked.

"She's human, not bad looking at that too." The other twin said. I felt my cheeks flush, and Caleb's muscles tense along with Gaul's.

"But, why is she here with the ani-morphs?" The girl asked.

"Let's take her back home with us, she might have been caught and raised, maybe even brain washed!" One of the twins panicked.

"Even more reason to kill Cloud and his devil spawns." The girl seethed, well obviously they haven't met him, or maybe I only saw his good side. Well, I certainly knew Katrina's bad side but, as much as I don't like her I wasn't about to let her get killed.

"Eric, Leon. Take the girl, we'll take her back with us. Check her symbol first, we don't want her going berserk on us if she wakes up and thinks we're the enemy." The girl said to the twins. I felt a pair hands pick my wrists up and turn them over in their hands.

"Um, why don't you do it Silica? I mean, we're guys it's kind of inappropriate for us to search for her symbol." One of the twins said uneasily.

"Doesn't matter Leon. Besides, I think she's cute, I'll just try and make her my betrothed when we get back home." The other twin said. I think I know how to separate these two now, Eric's a bit like usual guys in Terra Skies and Leon is shy. I felt a hand on my symbol, it was already taking all my self control to not knock these guys out for good.

"Wait a minute, it's on her neck, she's harmless. She's just a healer." Eric said. I was picked up by my arms, the twins holding me.

"What is she wearing any way?" Silica asked. The twins shrugged. I'm so glad I decided to cut this so it was only just above my knees. Now I can move freely. My eyes snapped open, and I pushed off the ground, doing a back flip.

"Now!" I said, and Gaul and Caleb got up. Right before my eyes Caleb changed into a black panther and Gaul changed into a white lion, his mane surrounding his head. Both of them growled. The assassins were still in a state of shock.

"What? How are you awake?" Silica asked.

"It's called taste buds and my being an assassin myself. I always taste before eating the entire meal. Oh, and these two kitties just copied me, don't ask why they just did." I said and pulled my gun out, pointing it at Silica's head.

"Your an assassin?" The twins asked in unison.

"What of it?" I asked.

"Your a girl and what is with that ridicules weapon you have there?" Silica asked. Caleb and Gaul surrounded the twins, making sure they didn't move.

"Your a girl too," I retorted," oh, and this weapon leaves a nasty sting, just warning." Silica obviously didn't believe me, she charged and I clicked the safety off and fired. The bullet hit her thigh, making her lesser of a threat then a mouse. Her high pitch screaming made me wince. Her body wracked with sobs.

"What did you do to her!?" Eric yelled.

"I warned her, she didn't listen!" I yelled back with hard, cold eyes.

"Drop your weapons!" I ordered, Leon dropped his weapon but, Eric had other ideas. He escaped Gaul and Caleb. He charged at me, I didn't have enough time to aim and fire. He knocked my gun out of my hand. I swore and quickly grabbed out my lance. I extended it and clashed it with his broad sword. Caleb came over to help me.

"Back off, he's mine!" I snarled. Caleb backed off and sat ready to pounce just in case.

"Your sure of that pretty girl." He said to me.

"Surrender now and I'll make an effort to make sure you can walk away alive." I said in my coldest tone.

"You hurt my sister, I don't think so. Only one of us is walking away alive tonight." He hissed.

"See you in hell." I spat back. I pushed his sword back and hit the back of his head with my lance. It didn't faze him the least.

"Last chance, stand down!" I screeched at him.

"Never!" He roared back. I let out a frustrated growl. I decided instead of being on the defensive I'd go to offensive. I used the vines that surrounded the area, I willed them to grow and wrap around Eric. The vines grew and restrained Eric by wrapping themselves around his wrists and ankles, forcing him to drop his weapon. I was breathing heavily from using my magic. I was about to collapse, when Caleb caught me, I sat down, leaning on him for support. I grabbed my gun and stuffed it into my secret pocket in the dress's sash.

"When do you think they'll wake up?" I asked, giving him a scratch under the chin. Caleb just purred in response. Gaul wondered over and I gave him a scratch under the chin as well. Both of them were purring, it was quiet funny actually. I saw a river of water flowing towards us.

"Ah, just asking but, do you guys like water?" I asked, pointing to the water that was coming towards us. Gaul had completely forgot about making sure that Leon stays still that he was no free. Water drenched us, and I quickly grew vines to restrain him to and Silica for good measure. Caleb and Gaul were growling at the water. Despite how frustrated I was, I laughed.

"Come one you two, I have a fireplace in my room that you can warm up there. Follow me." I said and started walking for the door. Gaul trotted after me but, Caleb was still growling at the twins.

"Caleb get your butt over here before I put a bullet through you." I warned, he gave one more growl for good measure then trotted over to me. They followed me to my room, and I started a fire. Caleb and Gaul curled up in front if the fire. Their tails moving content along the carpet, while they purred. I got changed into the clothes I had worn when I had fallen through the portal with Caleb. They were more comfortable then any of the clothes they put out for me. I sat down beside the guys. I stroked their soft fur gently while I sat, my legs stretched out and my back against one of the chairs. I rested my head there, while I stroked them. My eyelids drooped and I fell asleep

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