Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The wind whipped my hair behind me as I sped into town. I slowed into my hiding place. I parked my bike and made sure it was well hidden. Then I climbed up to my water tower. I opened the door and walked in.

"You really know how to send someone unconscious." The boy said I squealed when the boy gave me a fright. He was conscious. I felt the crystal thump on my chest. He looked to the crystal I had taken off of him and then to me.

"Why do you have my life crystal?" He asked.

"This?" I said pointing the necklace. He nodded, his tail swishing back and forth like a cats tail.

"I just thought it was pretty, I didn't think it was important but, if you give it the name life crystal. I wonder just how important it is." I thought out loud. I took it off. I let go of the chain. He tensed and reached out for it. I grabbed the chain again, stopping it from hitting the floor.

"So, it is important." I said, tilting my head to one side in a studying fashion. He gritted his teeth. His ears were back and his grey eyes studied me. I closed my hand around the crystal. His tail still swishing from side to side.

"What do you want human?" He seethed. Well that wasn't nice. I gave him a confused look. Judging from what he had said to me, I knew he wasn't human. The give away? The tail, the ears and the little fangs. Oh, and the use of the comment, what do you want human.

"Okay seriously, you're not human, I've figured that much out. What are you?" I asked him curiously.

"Either your a really naive human or you honestly don't know what or who I am." He said.

"If I knew what and who you were, then why would I have asked those questions." I responded without missing a beat. He nodded in understanding. He looked around the water tower. His eyes landed on my laptop. I'm guessing he had only just woken up when I had walked in the door. So, he probably hadn't had a look around the place.

"What's your name?" He asked. I smiled, finally some descent, non-threatening speaking.

"The names Seiren White. Yours?" I asked while I walked over to my laptop and sat it on the table in middle of the room. His eyes followed me, I could feel them looking into the back of my neck. Unintentionally, I put my finger on my symbol.

"Your a healer?" He asked.

"Answer my question first otherwise I'll have to keep saying, hey you. To get your attention." I said as I turned my laptop on. He sighed.

"Caleb. Now answer my question." He ordered. I smiled to myself.

"Any last name?" I asked, still ignoring his question. I could practically feel his glare.

"No and are you going to answer my question?" He asked. I turned around and smiled. I noticed his ears twitch in annoyance.

"No I'm not a healer. I'm guessing in your world that's what they call doctors." I said.

"No we have doctors then we have healers." He answered. I nodded, hacking into government files. I looked up for all the kids named Caleb. Quiet a few came up, but none of them looked like the boy behind me. I had kind of guessed that it'd turn out like that. I closed my laptops lid. I spun around on my swivel chair.

"So, you don't know where you are?" I asked him. He looked irritated that he didn't now where he was.

"What's the give away?" He asked sarcastically. So he does have sarcasm but, doesn't realise it.

"Do you know what sarcasm is and would you like to know where you are?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, it would be nice to know and, what is this thing you call sarcasm?" Caleb asked.

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