Chapter One -- The Mansion

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  The cool Autumn air lashed your face and made your long (H/C) hair wave, when it was tamed, your hair reached about mid-back. 'I'm gonna be late, why now!' You thought. The Sun started to set and the orange street lamps came on, your house was just a couple more blocks up, you stopped and stood at the driveway. 

  "Great, moms already home," You said to yourself. You sighed and walked up to the door, knocking quietly. As you waited for your mom to answer the door you looked at your phone, blown up with notification as always, 'Stupid spammers.' You thought. The door flung open a couple seconds later.

  "Oh, look who's finally home," Your mother said, the skin around her eyes were raw because of crying, "Explain yourself, ma'am!" She yelled, she was mainly scared, not really angry. You just looked down.

  "I-I don't have any excuses . . ." You continued to look down. She sighed pinched the bridge of her nose.

  "Your curfew is going to be 8:00pm from now on," She said.

  "What!" You shouted.

  "(Y/N), do you want it to be earlier?" She asked, standing in an irritated pose. You looked down again.

  "No! But that's unfair! It was only one time!" You called back.

  "One time?" She started to get even more mad, "More like almost every time, I'm not taking anymore of it, end of discussion!" She turned around and started to head back in the house. You got mad too.

  "Mom, one more chance, I'll come-" Your mom turned around and slapped you across the face, you held your hand over your stinging cheek. Tears fell to the ground and you turned around, starting to run blindly.

  "W-Wait! I'm sorry!" The voice faded the farther you ran away. You ran and ran, not caring where you were, not caring where you arrived. Were you running because you wanted to take your mind off what just happened? Were you running because you regretted what you did?

  You started to slow down as you arrived at Blytonbury Park, it was empty, not a single person. The streets seemed the same way, a car every once and a while, but other then that it was completely empty. As you stepped, the brown and orange Autumn leaves crunched beneath your feet.

  You wiped your tears again, messing with your vision. There was a bench in the distance, "Perfect," You whispered to yourself, its not like anyone would hear you anyways. You sat down and looked up at the stars. They always inspired you, striking wonder in your heart every time you looked up at night.

  You smiled to yourself, 'I probably look like a complete idiot.' You thought to yourself. You pulled out your phone, "Maybe Akko will let me stay at her house tonight," You said, you always seemed to have a habit of talking to yourself.

  You called her but she didn't pick up, 'Dammit.' You thought, you then switched to Amanda, she didn't pick up either. You put your phone down and looked up. The street lamps reflected beautifully off the leaves as they fell, you slowly closed your eyes. It didn't take long for you to wake up, there was a honk and you jumped out of your seat.

  You looked around frantically, there was a single black BMW parked in the parking lot, its headlights were still on so they obviously just arrived. The door opened and someone stepped out, from the distance you were at, the only thing you could make out was his tuxedo. He started to walk in your direction.

  You were freaking out and instinctively hid behind the trashcan placed next to the bench. You looked to the direction of where he was at before and he was gone, you wiped the sweat off your head in relief. You jumped back as someone tapped you on the shoulder.

  "Ah!" You shouted as you backed away, you could see more of his face now, his eyes were a piercing green, his hair was brown and parted to the right, his face was emotionless. You were now against the back of the bench, as soon as he moved you flinched.

  When you opened your eyes slightly, you were slightly surprised, he had his hand held out waiting for you to take it. You slowly reached your hand out, you jerked it away out of fear but then fully took his hand. When you did he helped you up to your feet and brushed his hand off.

  You looked at him oddly, breathing in deeply, "W-Whats your name?" You asked, he looked at you funny, then smirked.

  "The one and only, Andrew Hanbridge," He said in a snobby, faked voice. You laughed slightly at his representation of the accent then suddenly gasped.

  "W-Wait, the Andre Hanbridge?!" You looked at his face more, trying to remember where you'd seen him, and if that person looked the same, and indeed he did, "Oh my god! You are better then in the pictures!" You found yourself blushing as you thought of how handsome he was. You shook the thought out of your head.

  "W-Wait, what are you doing at the park, this late especially?" You asked. He sighed.

  "I want to ask you the same thing . . ." He waited for you to give a name.

  "O-Oh, I'm (Y/N), sorry, that was rude of me," You would laugh nervously. He would slightly smirk.

  "Its fine, but why are you here?" You sighed and looked down.

  "I-I ran away," You spoke quietly. He placed his hand below your chin and lifted your head, his eyes meeting with yours. You blushed, but then your eyes widened, what you saw in his eyes . . . sadness. He hid it well, but she saw it clear as day.

  "Come with me, (Y/N), I invite you to live with me," He spoke softly, his voice was sincere. You didn't break eyes sight, you just nodded. He backed away and straightened his sleeve, "Well, we don't have all night," He said, You suddenly came back to reality and ran to catch up with him.

  The drive seemed to take eternity, even thought it was only 30 miles out of town, Your jaw dropped as your line of sight fell to the house, no . . . mansion. "T-This is your house!" You shouted.

  Andrew just smirked, "Are you surprised? You should know, even if you've never met me, that I'm perfect," He said. The car pulled into the driveway and you were the first one to get out, you looked in awe at the mansion that stood before you, the inside must be amazing! You rushed to were Andrew and his father was. Andrew opened the door for them, from the bit you saw from the interior, you were completely amazed.

  The walls were decorated in red with custom line art painted in white, the columns that defined the walkway were also white. The floors were grey marble but there was a red carpet that went down the middle of the large room, going up the center staircase, as well as the two that branched off.

  'This room itself could fit two of my houses!' You thought. Andrew snapped her back into the real world.

  "Your room is this way, (Y/N)." He faced himself in the direction of one of the many doors that led to different rooms, you could barely contain your excitement, living with Andrew, a dream! You couldn't help but admire him, but even he has secrets, secrets you want to find out.

Help Me Laugh (Female Reader x Andrew)Where stories live. Discover now