Chapter Eight -- Horseback Riding

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  'Don't worry, Andrews here, he won't tease you if you mess up . . . when you mess up.' You kept that thought in your head and built up the confidence to do it. As soon as the horse took a step forward you regretted every wanting to do it. 'No, you can do it!' You kept repeating. Every step you repeated that phrase in your mind.

  Andrew nodded his head, smiling to himself, "You don't really have any experience, do you?" You blushed and looked down.

  "Y-Yeah I do, I just need to remember how to-" The horse raised both of its front legs and made an atrocious sound. He started to run forward, the rockiness almost made you throw up, then Andrew shouted from where he planted himself.

  "If you have experience, then show me!" He just laughed to himself as you tried to look professional, you were failing miserably. 'Wow, did Andrew really do this, oh I'll get him back.' You thought. A jerk from the horse forced you out of your thoughts. The horse finally ended up calming down and you literally flew to the floor as if it were a magnet.

  It was just you and Andrew, your eyes locked. "Andrew," You said in a dramatic tone. He squinted his eyes and so did you.

  "(Y/N)," He said in the same tone you did. He got off his horse and stopped in front of you, and you stood up to look him in the eye better.

  "Andrew, let's make a deal, I was gonna get you back for earlier, but I've decided a way to redeem yourself. If you beat me in a race, complete with obstacles, then I'll let you go," You said, smirking.

  Andrew literally burst out laughing, "Hah, you think you can beat me . . . in a race, based on what I just saw, challenge accepted." He smirked and leaned down just a bit more so your faces were aligned, "And I get to choose a prize of my choosing," He said deeply, sending a shiver down your spine.

  He backed away and lossened the cuffs around his wrist, "And now begins the long part, setting up the obsticles!" You groaned as he said that, "It was your idea wasn't it?" He asked, you sighed.

  "Fine~!" You finally agreed, after hours of setting the obsticles up you two finally finished and still had most of the day for the race. Andrew smirked as he got on his horse with ease, you on the other han struggled to mount it, you tried multiple angles but fell off each time.

  Andrew lightly chuckled, "Ask for my help and I'll help you," Said Andrew, his voice was emotionless, even though you could see he was hiding a smile.

  "I-I don't need your help!" You shouted as you attempted to mount the horse again, and again failing every time. You sighed, "A-Andrew, I n-need your help," You groaned, he just simplely hopped of his horse, smirking.

  "Ask nicely," He teased, you blushed even harder.

  "A-Andrew, please help me," You said, he just smiled and did as you asked, "Ha, now that I'm on a horse you're about to eat the dust!" Andrew just smiled to himself.

  "You will try," Andrew called to you. You got in a ready position and so did he, "3 . . . 2 . . . 1!" As soon as he said one his horse shot forward as fast as a bolt of lightning . . . and your horse . . .

  "Come on, move!" You shouted, the horse didn't budge, "Come on you tub of lard, move, we're going to lose to Andrew if you don't go!" The horse ignored you and continued to graze on the grass. "Come on you stupid horse!" You continued to try to get it to move. "No!" Andrew passed the finish line. He turned his horse around and smirked.

  "Look who won," Andrew bragged.

  "My horse didn't move, two out of three!" You claimed, he laughed a bit.

  "Jelous I won huh? Fine, two out of three," Andrew agreed.

  "Go!" He sped off again, and you . . .

  "Stupid horse! Go!" You shouted, finally something happened, it moved! "No!" It just moved to another patch of grass. And soon after, like last time, Andrew came speeding by.

  "Lost again, (Y/N)," He teased.

  "Andrew whats wrong with my horse?" You whined, he just sighed.

  "You're whining reminds me of Akko," He said getting close to you, "Also, you said I get to have a prize if I win? Keep this between up." He gently placed his lips on yours. You blushed hard.

  "W-W-Andrew?!" You shouted as he took his lips off yours.

  "You shouoldn't be complaining," He stated as he backed away, "We should put everything back and get dressed in our normal cloths, we are heading inside soon." He led his horse back to the stable and so did you, you were still blushing hard. The setting sun faded your blush so it wasn't as noticable to him.

  You got dressed in your normal cloths, when the both of you entered the manor it was dinner time. Dinner was more or less the same, after dinner you headed back to Nicholes room, lying on your bed, you were almost out of it.

  "Hey, what did you and Andrew do today?" Nichole said, the tone of her voice prying the answer out of you.

  "We were just out with the horses," You replied, she smiled and thought.

  "What horse did you pick to ride?" She asked.

  "The white one, It didn't even move! It just at there eating grass!" You shouted.

  She laughed, "So you picked my horse?" She asked.

  "Wait, Snow is your horse?" You asked.

  "Yeah, isn't she a beauty?" She sat up and looked and looked at you.

  "She definatly has your personality," You stated, smiling as she got irritated at your remark.

  "You think I sit here all day eating?!" She asked as she quickly hid her chip bags and candy wrapers, you just laughed and she soon joined in. Both of you eventually fell asleep, munching on the things she had stored.

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