Chapter Eighteen -- Wedding Day

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  ~~Andrews POV~~

  How many hours has it been? It couldn't have been that long, right? I lifted my head and looked around to see if there was anything that could give away the time, but nothing. I looked at the door as I heard faint voices coming from the other side.

  Suddenly there was a loud click and the door slowly opened, screeching loudly. Finally the door stopped and three figures walked in. "Feeding time," the tallest one said, opening the tray he had in his hand and taking a spoon full of the food, which looked like cat food after it was thrown up like a dog. He then started to direct the spoon towards me.

  "Who gave you the right to treat me like a baby!" I shouted, I turned away as he tried to stick the spoon in my mouth. The tall man seemed to get a bit annoyed but refrained himself from getting violent.

  "Kid open your mouth," he ordered, I simply turned away and kept my mouth shut. "That's it." He put his index finger on my left cheek and his thumb on my right, with a simple pinch my mouth opened and he shoved the spoonful of 'food' in my mouth.

  I tried to spit it out but the man kept my mouth shut, the food was so bad I was getting nauseous. Finally I gave in and swallowed it, there was still an aftertaste that made me gag a bit. The man sighed and closed the lid.

  "That's all for now," muttered the man, I was about to say something to him but something about the look in his eyes made me keep my mouth shut. I was afraid that if I said one wrong thing he would do something to me, but then I did something stupid.

  "You think I'm just gonna go along with this, I think I know more about this organization then I thought, Lu-" I felt a sting across my right cheek and suddenly a sting turned into a headache-inducing pain. I tried to open my mouth again but the pain was unbearable. There was also an abnormal amount of blood.

  "Remember your place, not like that'll be to useful, given you'll be dead after tomorrow, also, get him a medic."

  "Yes sir," the female at his right said, the other person just followed him and soon the three of them were out of the room. I was on the verge of passing out, the pain was so bad, soon a crimson puddle was formed beneath me. My vision faded and finally everything went black.

. . . One hour . . . Two hours . . . suddenly my pupil caught a sliver of light, then I opened my eyes fully to see a nurse, smiling brightly. "Finally you're up," she said, her voice was gentle, sweet, kind. I tried to move around but she held me still, "Don't move," she ordered.

  I started to relax again, suddenly memories started to come back to me, memories of my sister, (Y/N), even my dad. I started to cry without even knowing it, "All the things I wanted to say to her," I said to myself. Suddenly there was a creaking of a chair and the nurse started to walk to the door.

  She looked back at me, "You might be able too, maybe you should stop feeling so down, you never know what your fate is until you meet it." She then shut the door.

  I sighed, "As if, I wish people around here could talk some sense," I said to myself as I leaned back in my chair. I didn't feel the cuffs that were fastened to my wrists, I moved my arms around slightly and noticed I could move them freely.

  "What the?" I kept my hands behind my back so the camera couldn't notice my the cuffs were off. I was completely confused on what was happening, it was obviously the nurse who did it but why? I decided not to question it and waited in the chair, what was gonna happen after that anyways, I can't take any of the cell checkers out, they got like, muscles you would achieve on steroids.

  I fiddled with my feet and waited, obviously this plan she had wasn't very thought out. The room started to smell a bit like smoke, and it was slowly getting more grey, smoke perhaps? I knew it had to be a fire after I heard what sounded like a stampede outside the door, people yelling and a couple knocks on the door, probably from people pushing each other.

  I jumped up and ran to the door, I turned the nob, I was correct to think it wouldn't open. I took a deep breath and held it in, the smoke in the room was pretty thick, it was causing my eyes to water.

  I stepped away from the door as it started to rattle, the door flung open, I happened to grab it before it closed. I looked at the crowd of people, there was barely an opening, I stood there for a bit, enough smoke cleared out of the room so I could somewhat breath.

  I decided to just close my eyes and walk forward into the mass of people, after getting pushed around a bit I finally found a place where I could move around a bit and followed the crowd outside the building.

  A beam of sunlight hit my face as I excited the building. I broke from the crowd and fell to the grass, I laid face down in it, I didn't care how itchy it was, I was just happy to be feeling it again.

  Sirens were going off, you could here them from all directions. They all fell to their knees showing they surrender.

  The officers stepped out of their cars and approached the crowd of people. It took them hours to get enough handcuffs and trucks to put them in. I watched as they unmasked them all, Louis, his father, all three of Diana's siblings . . . my father. I noticed he said something to the officer, the officer gave a sigh and started to walk over to where I was.

  I was sickened to even look at him, I wanted to punch him between the eyes. "Sir, are you Andrew Hanbridge?" The officer asked.

  "Yes sir," I answered in a civil tone, he turned to my father.

  "Alright, don't argue when your time is up."

  My father nodded and walked towards me, keeping his head down.

  "What do you want to say?" I asked sharply.

  "I wanted to say that, I can understand if you don't want to forgive me but, I'm sorry." He took something out of his pocket. "I should have respected your feelings." He gave me a ring with a bright green emerald inside it, the one my mom was wearing in their wedding photo. "And I should have protected you better, don't be like me son, be a better father and, I just want to tell you, there's this really good coffee shop, you have to try it sometime." He smiled and gave me a slip of paper with an address on it.

  The officer tapped his shoulder, "Your times up." My father got up and went with the officer, I looked at the sheet of paper and then the ring.

  "Hm . . ." I stuck the items in my pocket and walked off to the place I call home.

~~Authors Note~~

Omg guys, I am so sorry, that was so irresponsible of me for not having a chapter for ya'll! I have been having a lot of school and I recently moved, anyways guys, I don't even think this chapter is good but oh well, see ya'll next chapter, again, I'm sorry!

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