Chapter Thirteen -- Somethings . . . off

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~~Your POV~~

  As soon as your mother realized what was happening she walked over to Andrews father, being a bit skittish at first, then feeling more confident.

  "H-Hey, I-I'm-" Andrews father sighed.

  "Listen, lady, I don't really care right now, my daughter was just put in this room and you wanna come in here and tell me who you are?" He snickered, "Disgusting middle class." He turned away from her and looked over to you.

  "And who gave you the right to be here?" He asked, a look of irritation on his face. You looked down slightly and nervously laughed.

  "I came because of my concern for Nichole, do you have a problem with that?" He sighed.

  "I guess you can stay, I wouldn't want to kick you out and make myself look bad." His voice sounded tired. You sat down next to Nichole.

  "Hey," She said weakly, her smile was big and bright. You sighed and smiled.

  "How are you feeling?" You looked her in the eyes, she looked back out the window.

  "I'm fine . . . I'm just worried . . ." She paused, probably realizing she said too much. You looked at her, your eyes relaxed.

  "Worried about what?" What she said sparked your curiosity. She continued to look out the window.

  "Someone . . . attacked me," Whispered Nichole, her voice barely audible. The nurse walked in, her name tag read only her first name which was Olli. (A/N: Most things I mention are relevant to the plot . . .) She walked over to the technology that sat on the right side of the bed. She fiddled with a couple things then sat at the end of the bed.

  "So Nichole, how do you feel, do you need food, water, anything?" Nichole shook her head telling her no, she nodded and stood up, "Visiting hours are almost over, She said as she left, the door quietly shut behind her.

  "We should get going son." Andrews' head dropped.

  "Yes sir," He answered, waving to the three of them left in the room. You stood up from the chair and grabbed your backpack.

  "We should head out as well." You gestured your mother to come towards you, "I really do wish I could stay longer." You felt a bit bad leaving so soon. She shot a smile at you.

  "It's fine," She said in response, "Promise you'll visit tomorrow."

  "I promise." You waved to her and left the hospital room and started to walk down the stairs, of course, it took longer than the elevator, you wanted to file a complaint but it took too long and too much work.

  You sat on the passengers' side of the car and, waiting for your mom to get in, you looked out the window and sighed, 'Great, she's talking to someone.' You thought, knowing it would take hours, not literally but you get the point.

  After about thirty minutes she finally started to walk to the car, you wanted to cheer as this was the first time she had a conversation that was under an hour. She started the car and started to drive home.

~~Andrews' POV~~

  I stepped out of the limo and walked in the house with my father. The first place we went to was the dining room, it was already a bit past the time they normally ate dinner. I sat down in the usual seat I sit in.

  Dinner passed fairly quickly and right after I was excused from the table I headed to my room. I sat on the end of my bed and thought about what I heard Nichole say, 'She was attacked, by who? And why would anyone attack her?' I had so many questions running through my head.

  Suddenly a knock on my door broke me from my thoughts, "Andrew, don't get in any trouble, I'm gonna be out for a lot of tonight," He spoke, his voice just above an inside voice.

  "Ok," I answered. 'My father usually doesn't go out . . . somethings off.' I thought about trailing him but that thought quickly escaped my head as I remembered the punishments I receive when I don't listen to my father. Still though, something was eating at the back of my head, telling me to follow him.

  I thought for a moment and stood up, this may be a bad idea but I didn't care, the curiosity was killing me. On my way out the door, I grabbed my coat and shoes. Luckily he didn't leave the house yet so it was easy to find him, I just followed the footsteps.

  I watched as he got in the car and drove off, there's no way I could catch up to him . . . I was sure he was up to no good. There's nothing I can do but wait . . . one thing I hated doing. I turned around and jumped back as I was faced with one of the maids.

  "Andrew Hanbridge, what do you think you're doing?" She asked in a stern voice. I looked down, ashamed of myself.

  "I . . . I think my father is up to something and I tried to follow him . . ." I paused, "I'm sorry." She crossed her arms.

  "You should consider yourself lucky I'm not gonna tell him about this." When she said that I hugged her, she was always the nicest maid of them all.

  If I had known what would happen next, I would have ran till my legs couldn't support me anymore, because later on the news that night there was a report of a house that burnt down, the house of none other than (Y/N).

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