Chapter Five -- The Day Out Pt. 1

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  Your attention broke as the sound of metal tapping against glass filled the room, "Today, as a bonding activity, we will all be hiking down up the falls," Andrews dad said, "So be sure to get ready, we are leaving in one hour, everyone is dismissed." As he said that everyone got up and went their separate ways.

  Nichole waved her hand, "(Y/N), this way!" She whispered, you obediently followed her, soon arriving back in her room, "Today is a chance to get to know Andrew, I can take care of Diana, tell her some stupid excuse like I want to get to know my future step-sister," She suggested.

  You sighed as you didn't have anything to wear, "Yeah, sounds like a good idea," You answered as you looked around a bit more, "Hey, you got anything I could wear?" You plopped on your bed and waited for an answer.

  "Yeah, I think." She opened her closet and looked around, throwing whatever clothes were in the way out of the closet. "Found something!" She pulled out an old pair of boots, yet they looked somewhat intact. 

  "Thank you!" You said as you put the boots on, they were a perfect fit. For the rest of the time before the hour was up you talked to Nichole about random subjects, you looked at your phone, "Its time to go!" You sprang up and dragged Nichole with you out the door.

  You let Nichole lead the way through the manor, finally you arrived at the entrance. Three limos were parked on the pavement in front of the manor, Andrew and Diana in one, Nichole in one, and finally you. You had your own limo, during the start of the drive, you were having fun raiding the fridge, watching Zero Gravity Rises on the T.V., but after a bit you started to get lonely, hopefully the drive won't take that much longer.

  After about 30 more minutes the limo came to a stop, someone opened the door for you. You stepped out of the limo to a beautiful view of a huge waterfall surrounded by many trees, the sun just in view above the peak of the waterfall. You looked around and saw that Nichole was already reading signs at the hiking trail entrance.

  You almost couldn't hold back your laughter as Andrews father stepped out of the limo, he looked like a tourist, he even had the pastel flower shirt, the bucket hat, shorts, the whole package. Andrew stepped out soon after and he helped Diana out. They both looked absolutely stunning, your eyes were of course fixated on Andrew.

  He was wearing shorts, an overshirt, no shirt underneath, and a pair of rich looking sunglasses. You felt a tap on your shoulder and you jumped back, "O-Oh its just you, don't scare me like that Nichole," You said as you playfully punched her shoulder. She laughed slightly.

  "Admiring Andrew I see, don't blame you." She turned you around, "Lets get going, we have a whole day ahead of us!" She shouted as she walked you towards the entrance of the trail. As soon as they stepped foot in the trail the path became less relevant, there were many rocks, the trail was dirt, it didn't look much different from anything else.

  You grabbed Nichole as she slipped off a rock, she had almost cut herself but barely missed. You helped her back on even ground and continued to walk with her by your side, branches kept hitting you in the face, some formed scratches but most just sent a mild sting. You two were decently far in the trail, ahead of the others, you sat down on a rock and caught your breath, Nichole did the same.

  Not long after you sat down, you started to hear voices, they were mumbled, 'Finally those slow pokes are catching up.' You thought to yourself. Andrew was leading the two, he looked at both of us and sat down where we were at, so did the rest, "So tell me (Y/N), have you ever been to the falls?" Andrews father asked.

  "No I haven't," You answered, "We never really had extra money." You fiddled with a twig. He leaned over and whispered something to Andrew, he just sighed and looked down as if he was told off.

  "Come on, we aren't even halfway through the trail yet!" Nichole stated as she stood up, lightly stretching. The rest stood up, you sat for a bit longer then stood up.

  Andrew was gonna walk beside Diana but Nichole took his place, talking with her about things, they were hard for you to understand so you gave up trying to eavesdrop them. You noticed Andrew was now walking beside you, you looked away and nervously scratched the back of your head.

  "So Andrew, about last night . . ." You looked down to avoid eye contact.

  "What about it?" He asked sincerely, a puzzled look replaced his normally sly expression.

  "You don't remember?" You asked, you were kind of disappointed but you didn't mind that much, knowing it was late and he could have very easily forgotten.

  "I do remember waking up and doing something, I just can't seem to remember what I did." He looked you in the eyes, "Does it have something to do with you?" He asked. You just looked down.

  "N-No, I was just asking," You stated, your words came out quick because of being nervous. He looked at you in suspicion.

  "I don't know if I believe you?" He asked, his voice changed pitches mid sentence for a comedic effect. You smiled.

  "Trust me, it has nothing to do with me," You lied, the trees got thicker and thicker as you got deeper, the noises started to freak you out. A twig broke and you clutched onto Andrew because of surprise.

  "O-Oh, I'm sorry!" You accidentally shouted, blushing profusely. He chuckled a little bit.

  "Its fine, I'm used to it."

  'He sure is cocky.' You thought to yourself, you still laughed with him.

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