Chapter Two -- Diana Cavendish

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  Andrew opened the door for you, the walls of the room were painted (F/C) with designs of many things you couldn't make out, one of them was a constellation of seven stars, The Big Dipper, being held by a silhouette of a girl. There was also a single star, with a bear that was almost unnoticeable painted around it, causing the star to land on his fore head, and many other designs of things with people missing.

  "Woah!" You screeched as you looked at the bed. The bed sheets matched the wall, the bed was framed in oak wood. You jumped on the bed, the roof of the bed was separated by small wooden frames, the mirrors they held were squeaky clean. You were admiring yourself but Andrew tapped on your shoulder, you jumped, "W-What is it?" You asked.

  "Food is ready," He said calmly, his voice was soothing to the ear, it made all your worries wash away. You smiled at him and nodded.

  "I'll be right out, I need to get changed." When you said that he nodded and exited the room, shutting the door behind him. I got up and walked to the dresser, 'Crap, this isn't my room!' You thought, you quickly walked to the door and opened it, no one was in sight. 'What should I do, if I try and find someone, I'll get lost, but if I where whats in the dresser, I don't even know!' You looked around again.

  You slowly make your way back to the dresser, 'Maybe it's not so bad.' You opened the dresser, you picked up a pair of panties. "What the hell?" You asked yourself, you looked through some more and saw that the whole drawer was full of them, you went to check the others, they were filled with girls clothes.

  "Who are you?" Someone asked, you jumped so hard you fell on your butt. You quickly closed the drawer and slowly stood up.

  "I-I'm (Y/N), I-I was invited here by Andrew," You slowly looked up to see a girl about your age, she was stunning, brown hair like Andrews, her green eyes seemed more soft.

  "Oh Andrew, hes always forgetting this is my room," She said, sighing. She smiled, "I'm Nichole, Nichole Hanbridge!" She held her hand out for you to shake it. You gladly take it and put your hands back to your side after she did.

  "Dinner is ready," She stated, "I can lead the way." She smiled. You sighed and laughed nervously.

  "I-I need a change of clothes," You said, your face turned slightly red. She walked over to her dresser and took out an outfit.

  "This should look cute on you!" She gave you the clothes and ushered you to the bathroom, "You want to impress Andrew, this will surely do it!" She shut the door behind you, "I'll be waiting!"

  A couple minutes later you walked out of the bathroom, blushing because you think you are showing to much skin. "O. M. G! Its so cute, perfect for your body shape!" She smiled and opened the door leading to the entrance room, "Now to the dining room!" She shouted, her voice echoed through the room.

  You smile and follow her through the winding halls, big rooms filled with pool tables, a personal bar, and finally making it to a set of two huge doors, bigger then then the two of you combined.

  "And voilà!" She would say as she opened the door, a sudden burst of light hit your face, causing you to squint and cover your eyes, when you got used to the difference in lighting you opened your eyes fully and your eyes widened.

  In the center of the room there was a long table, Andrews father sat at one end, his mother on the other, or at least that's what it looked like to you. There three empty chairs, one was for you, the other one was for Nichole, but what about the third one?

  "Hm . . ." You accidentally said out loud. Nichole looked at you funny, but ignored it and pulled you to the table, sitting you in an empty seat with the name (Y/N) on it. There was just one more empty seat, you tried to get a look at the name the other seat had on it but Andrew blocked your view.

  You would wait at the table, it was awkwardly silent, just the sound of silverware clanging against each other as the butlers set them up at the table. Andrews dad broke the silence.

  "So boy, why did you bring . . . (Y/N) here again?" He said in his croaking frog sounding voice. Andrew just looked away at the huge window that showed the outside, the moon shined a  brilliant blue and stars filled the sky.

  "She was alone in the park, at that hour . . . I couldn't just leave her there," He replied in a snobby manner. His father took a sip of his tea, sighing.

  "Your kind heart is gonna destroy you someday," He stated, before he could say anything else, there was a sound of heels cracking against the ground, two butlers opened the huge doors. A women came in, she was surrounded by people from the mansion asking her questions so you couldn't get a clear view of her face.

  When the people started to clear, the first thing you noticed was her piercing blue eyes, the complete opposite of Andrews, her hair was very pretty as well, it was a mix of light blue and blonde, she made it work. She was wearing a beautiful dress that defined her body well, the base was light blue, a shade lighter then her hair, and a white, fluffy material that acted as a scarf wrapped around her neck.

  "Well well, you finally decided to arrive, Diana," Andrews father blurted, taking another sip of his tea and sighing.

  You stared in awe, she was so beautiful, 'So this is THE Diana Cavendish.' You thought. She was as everyone said, stunning. She approached her chair, sitting in it, looking prestigious as you predicted.

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