Chapter Nine -- Another Link to the Chain.

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  You woke up drowsy like always, you looked at the clock. It read 11:20 am. You saw that Nichole was already up and in the bathroom, getting dressed and getting her makeup on. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, stretching your arms as you yawned. The bathroom door opened and Nichole popped her head through the crack in the door.

  "Good morning!" She said excitedly, "I'll be out in a minute." She then went back into the bathroom. There was the sound of water running, it turned off after a short while and she came out. "You can use it now if you had to, or if you just needed to get dressed," She said, she scratched at her wrist a bit and walked over to her bed, sitting at the edge of it.

  You reluctantly took the request and in the bathroom, you took a shower, changed your clothes, all the hygienic stuff. When you came out Nichole was fiddling with her phone, as soon as she heard you exit the bathroom she put her phone away and smiled.

  "We should get to breakfast," Said Nichole, getting up from her bed. You nodded in agreement and followed her to the dining room. She was rather quiet, but you didn't want to say anything about it. The two of you entered the room and took your seats, it was basically the same as normal. When breakfast you followed Andrew back to his room, 'I'm not gonna chicken out!' You thought.

  You knocked on his door shortly after he entered, the door creaked open and Andrew looked at you in a confused manner, you gulped and closed your eyes, "D-Do you want to go to town with me today?!" Your voice was loud due to being extremely nervous. He just smiled and looked you in the eyes.

  "Sure, I don't have anything going on today anyway," He said. "Let me just get a couple things ready." He lightly shut the door soon to open it again.

  "Ok, I'm ready!" He jerked the door open and revealed his outfit. He was wearing gray slim-fit jeans, a plaid flannel, he didn't do anything with his hair. His shoes were some kind of rich brand.

  With that, you two were off to downtown Blytonbury. The trip took about 45 minutes, when you two got there, it was obvious something was going on. You caught a glimpse of the signs, on the signs read '155 Annual Music Festival'. Andrew smirked, "That gives us something to do today," He said.

  The car stopped and let them out, the streets were packed with street performers, vendors, street shops selling instruments, CDs, documentaries, everything music related you could think of. Andrew walked with you through some of the streets, they were all packed, there wasn't a street that was packed with people.

  They arrived at the park, "You up for Ice Cream?" Asked Andrew as he glanced at the Ice Cream vendor.

  "If you wouldn't mind," You answered, feeling a bit guilty that he was gonna pay for you, he walked over to the place and came back with two Ice Cream cones, handing one to you, "Thank you."

  "No need." He smiled and took a bite of his Ice Cream, you smiled at him and took a bite from yours as well. A song came on and he stood up, holding his hand out for you to take it, you blushed and lightly grasped his hand.

  He stood you up and twirled you, looking into your eyes as you fell in his arms. "You're good on your feet," You said, lost in his eyes, he smirked.

  "As being raised to be a formal man, I was taught to dance at a young age." As he said that he was waltzing with you, using every inch of the clearing they had. When the both of you realized where you two were, there was a crowd surrounding you, cheering and wiping tears from the beautiful dance.

  He reluctantly let you go and adjusted his hair, he was sweating from the amount of movement in the short span of time. You were sweating from the amount of heat that went to your face while blushing.

  Andrew looked at his watch and then back at you, "Ok, let's go walk around a bit more," He stated, he grabbed your hand by instinct and walked along side you through the park and then down another street, it wasn't as filled as the others so they had more room to walk freely.

  Andrew looked a bit down, "A-Andrew, is something wrong?" You asked. He looked at you and faked a smile.

  "I'm fine," Andrew answered, you looked at him with a more serious look, he looked a bit intimidated by the look and sighed, "Ok, I have to be back at the manor at a certain time or I'll get in trouble, like serious trouble." He looked down.

  "Screw that." You grabbed his hand and he looked up at you surprised, "You don't need to live in your father's shadow! You are you, and if you can't except that I'll make you, I have somewhere to show you." You dragged him out of the city limits.

  Andrew kept asking you where you were taking him, you ignored him, weaving past trees, climbing rocks, all of this was taking place as you took him uphill. The sun started to set, 'Perfect timing.' You thought, suddenly there was an opening.

  There were ruins of an old building. You dragged him towards it, and into it. You knew the hallways like the back of your hand, the house wasn't that big anyway. Finally, you reached the roof. From the roof you the view was amazing, Andrew gasped as he looked out on the town of Blytonbury. The sun was setting just over the horizon, along with the music festival gave Blytonbury indescribable beauty.

  Andrew looked down letting his hair cover his face. You looked over at him completely confused, then you noticed a tear drop. He sniffled and started full on crying.

  "A-Andrew, whats wrong?!" You grabbed his hand and looked at him, he looked up at you, his face covered in tears and a huge smile on his face.

  "T-Thank you," Andrew managed to say between sobs, "Even though I'm gonna get in so much trouble, I wouldn't want to spend tonight anywhere else . . ." He clutched your hand and hugged you, continuing to cry. "Also . . . thank you for . . . nevermind." He looked back to the sunset, still teary eyed.

  You smiled at him, you wanted to tell him but not now . . . soon, you're gonna have to let him know.

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