Chapter 10 -- The Punishment

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  The ride home was peaceful, you looked out the window and watched as the world flew by. First, the view was filled with many buildings and people, then it started to get emptier and the stars revealed themselves from under the blanket of city lights. The view of trees slowly turned to prairies, few animals were seen, the grass was saturated in blue light from the moon.

  "Hey . . ." You looked over to Andrew as it was his first word he said on the trip back, "I want to say . . . thank you for tonight." He looked back out the window, avoiding eye contact with you. You looked at him, about to say something but instead, you just smiled and looked out of the window again.

  You sighed, 'I'm running out of time.' You thought. You noticed the prairies turned into dense forests. "We're already almost there," You muttered to yourself. The gate opened and the road turned from bumpy and uneasy to smooth. The car stopped and two people opened the doors for you and Andrew.

  Andrew hesitantly got out, you noticed he was trembling. You got out of the car and thanked the man for opening the door for you. Andrew walked towards the door and two people opened the door just as they did for the car. You quickly followed behind and they quietly shut the door.

  "What is the meaning of this?!" Andrews father quickly approached them, mainly directed at Andrew, "You know I have these rules for a reason, in order to be a good politician you must learn to follow rules! And I'm your father, you should respect me and my rules, this is my house and as long as you live under my roof you will follow them!" He boomed.

  Andrew winced at his father as he got yelled at. "Do you have any reasonable explanation?" His father gave Andrew an intimidating look. Andrew looked down and sighed.

  "No sir," He answered, his voice was sorrowful. Andrews father clenched his fist and held back yelling.

  "You're not allowed to leave the house for a year, only on trips with me." He turned around.

  "Wait!" You called, he turned around and looked at you, "It was my fault he was out that long, I dragged him along with me," You mumbled.

  "So it's your fault?" He would seem a bit more calm. You hesitated a second then nodded, he sighed, "Andrew, may I speak with you for a minute?" He gestured for Andrew to follow him.

  They walked to a nearby room, you could hear a bit of their conversation but most of it sounded like murmurs to you, then you heard Andrews voice loud and clear, "I can't do that!" The was a bit more whispers then Andrew came out of the room, he walked past you, avoiding eye contact, he just kept looking down.

  You watched Andrew until he turned down a hallway; disappearing from your sight. You sighed and walked to Nicholes room, from the entrance you knew how to find Nicholes room. You quietly entered her room and looked over at her bed, as you expected she was dead asleep. You walked over to your bed and plopped yourself on it.

  As soon as your body was on the mattress you fell asleep. You woke up to sunlight hitting your face, you sat up and looked over at Nicholes bed, she was just waking up as well. "Good morning," She groaned as she got up from the bed, her hair was a mess as expected.

  You noticed she was acting odd, covering her wrist no matter what she did. She stood up and walked into the bathroom, it only took her a couple minutes before she came out. She stepped beside, allowing you to do your morning routine.

  You too came out couple minutes later, "So, what did you and Andrew do last night?" She nudged you.

  "I can assure you we didn't do that!" You blurted, you both laughed together. There was a ding, "Breakfast!" You both shrieked in sync. You both ran out of the room and to the dining hall. You both burst through the door of the dining hall, causing everyone to look at the two of you.

  "S-Sorry," Nichole said timidly, you both sat in your seats. It was awkwardly silent, just the sound of the metal silverware clanging against the glass plates. Andrews father whispered something to him.

  "Tonight," He responded, he looked at you and his eyes were sorrowful. He continued to eat, not speaking. Finally, breakfast was over, you decided to follow Andrew again, he went into his room and slammed the door behind him. You slowly approached it, you knew he was mad about something so you decided not to knock the door.

  You pressed your ear against the door to listen to anything he was saying, you heard something glass shatter against the floor, "Dammit! I'm sick of it, b-but if I defy my father, I just don't know!" There would be a pounding sound and then silence. "I guess Frank is right, I am weak . . ."

  You listened for a bit longer but heard nothing, you decided to walk away, you navigated through the halls, you at least had some sense of direction and weren't walking around aimlessly. 'What was he talking about?' You asked yourself as you walked around. Suddenly you looked up and sighed.

  "Why me!" You yelled as you realized you were lost. You looked around, completely clueless as to where you were. You, like last time, walked down random halls in hopes of seeing something recognizable. You opened a door and found yourself in the lobby room, 'Yes! I found my way out on my own this time!' You jumped around as you were proud of yourself.

  You sat in one of the benches and sighed, thinking to yourself. Nichole found herself in the lobby as well, "(Y/N)!" She shouted as she sat next to you, "Theres something I need to tell you," She said softly, looking at you with teary eyes.

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