Chapter Seventeen -- The Killer

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~~Andrews POV~~

  I sat down on the bench and looked to the sky, waiting for Diana to arrive. The birds chirping and the chattering of people calmed me slightly, but I was still pissed as ever, why would me father hide something that important from me?

  Several minutes had passed, I impatiently took my phone out and looked at the message again. I'm sure I have the right place, where is she?

  I looked around and sighed, finally I noticed Diana, I whistled and showed her where I was. She reluctantly walked over and sat next to me.

  "What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, wanting to get straight to the point since I was already irritated.

  "It's about the recent murders. . ." She dug through her bag.

  "I already know who it is . . . I know it's my father." I said, my voice raised a bit.

  "That's what he wants you to think . . ." Diana set the things in the gap between me and her, "All the evidence, it does, in fact, lead back to your father," She started, "But here's the thing, during the alleged killings your father wasn't even close to the scene, every night he went and visited Nichole."

  I looked over the items she had placed in between us and thought to myself, then I noticed something, the person had more of a manly build than the two I saw at the hospital trying to kill Nichole.

  Suddenly the papers got snatched from the bench, the both of us looked up to see who it was. "Well well well, what do we have here, a couple teen kids meddling in business they don't belong in?" Louis asked.

  I reached for the papers but her put them just barely out of my reach. "I don't want to hurt you, Andrew, but if you continue to look into this . . . then you're no more than an obstacle." He turned around and backed off.

  "Wait!" I ran for him but due to the crowd I had lost sight of him, and I was completely lost as well. Finally, after a while, I found an opening, now I just have to get a sense of where I am. I looked around and noticed I was on the complete other side of town, the bad part of town.

  I quietly walked down the street, graffiti decorated the alleyways, shady people looking at me as I walked down the sidewalk completely alone. A group of people cut me off and smirked.

  "You're on the wrong side of town, buddy," He said in a sinister voice, the others only laughed slightly as if he said some kind of joke.

  "Especially dressed like that, you're telling me to go to jail for the fourth time?" He slowly started to approach me, each step he took I backed away.

  I felt someone from behind me grab me and put me in a lock, "Don't think you're escapin' rich boy." The person, I assume the leader, lingered over me.

  "Should we play with him a bit?" He asked as he cracked his knuckles, suddenly laughter emitted from the alleyway.

  "By now, you should know the rules of playing with other peoples' toys," The voice said.

  "Who the hell are y-" The member was cut off and there was slight gurgling as blood fell from his throat.

  "Not as fun as doing it slowly," He said, "But as I see, my 'buddy' Andrew here is in a bit of a crisis." The gang looked at the body of their member, then back at him.

  "R-Run!" The leader said as he ran off, I fell to the floor as the scronny member let go of me, everyone seemed to be a leach that just followed him wherever he went. I got up and wiped the mass amount of dirt that was on me off, then I looked up at the figure.

  He had the same costume on as the two that tried to kill Nichole the other night. He put the blade away and held out his hand, expecting me to take it.

  I got up myself and looked at him, clutching my fist, having a good idea of who it was, "Why would you save me, I thought you were hunting me?" I avoided revealing who I thought he was just in case I was wrong, I didn't know how much people were in the group, if there were even more then three.

  "Hunting you? Where did you hear that from?" He asked.

  "You know damn well what I mean," I answered.

  "Well we do plan on killing you after you marry Diana, so we can get double the pay and fame," He said as he leaned against the wall.

  I was at boiling point by now, I threw a punch at the figure without even thinking but he just grabbed my fist, whenever I trield to pull it back it failed misserably and he would twist it causing a stinging pain all the way up my arm.

  "That wasn't a smart idea." As soon as he said that I only saw a bit of movement then everything went black. Three hours? No, four, after about four hours I finally woke up, the first thing that I saw was a grey cement wall and a door, nothing else. I could hear technology and the flickering lamp that sat above me, that was it.

  I tried to move my hands but I felt cold liquid running down my hands which caused me to finally stop, I knew the liquid was no other then my own blood. The door clicked causing me to look up at it.

  "This could have been a lot easier, but things had to get in the way . . ." He walked around the chair, leaving my field of vision at some times and then coming back, "This is all that girls fault, (Y/N) was it?" He smiled, "Well she's out of the picture now." He sighed.

  "Now we have to keep you in here until wedding day because you just didn't give in . . . I do admit, you're very brave . . . but you lack strenght, you could have avoided all of this if you were stronger, but not everyone is like me."

  He walked out, shutting the door with a loud bang, then silence again, just tthe sound of computer fans murmering, and the flicker . . . how do I always get myself in these situations?

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