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Patrick was annoyed.

He appreciated Pete's concern for their baby's welfare. He was glad Pete finally stood up to his friend -if only for a second- to protect him. He was content with having Pete asking him a ton of questions to see if he was alright. He was even okay with Pete dragging him to the hospital instead of letting him go to class.

Because, truth be told, Patrick was worried too. It was probably mental, but he just knew Mikey's fist connected with his unborn child. Even as he held his middle in a feeble attempt to smother the pain, he was alarmed.

What he didn't appreciate was Pete thinking he was incapable of dealing with anything himself. He practically held Patrick on the way to the car. He chastised him every time he shifted in his seat. He dragged him into the waiting room. He made him sit down in silence while he explained to the receptionist what was going on. He spoke over him as the doctor was examining him. He even snatched the ultrasound print out before Patrick could see it.

He was so done with Pete's sudden alpha attitude. Now the asshole was making him go home instead of letting him return to school. It was pointless to argue with him in this state. Now Patrick was going to have to stay after school to make up his work again.

"I can get to the door by myself." His finger pressed the button to release himself from the seatbelt. "Thanks for the ride."

"I just want to make sure you're safe."

"I am." He pushed open the door. "Thanks for your sudden concern."

"Sudden?" It was repeated distastefully. "It is not sudden. I've been concerned since I knew. And you would know that if you didn't spend every second of every day trying to avoid me."

"I do not spend every second of everyday trying to avoid you."

"The hell you don't."

"You know what?" Patrick stood out of the car. Slamming the door. "I don't have to hear this shit." He leaned down to look into the window. "Goodbye, Pete."

"You're going to hear what I have to say."

He started his walk up the pavement. Not bothering to look back. He groaned when he heard the engine shut off and another door close. He felt rather than heard Pete rushing up behind him. His unsteady fingers fumbled with the key. Failing to push it into the lock. Pete slipped it from him. Easily sliding it in and turning it. Patrick snatched it out.

"I don't need you doing shit for me. I can unlock the door myself!"

"Apparently you can't." Pete followed him inside.

"Get out of my house, Pete."

"No. Would you just fucking talk to me? Stop running from me like a coward."

"I am not the coward here."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You can't even tell your friends who you really are."

"My sexuality doesn't define me."

"Yeah, but it a definite part of who you are, and you can't even face it. You'd rather lie about everything and date pretty, thin girls with perfect hair and short skirts." Patrick was becoming hysteric. Pete took a step away from him. "You don't care about anything but yourself! You go on living a lie. While every day I get tortured and teased and fatter-"

"You're not fat."

"Yes I am!" He shrieked. His blue eyes filling with genuine tears. "I want to be pretty."

"Patrick you are pretty." Pete had yet to meet someone prettier.

"Then why do you want Sarah?"

"I don't." He walked closer. "You know I don't. I want you. I've always wanted you. You're the one who said you didn't want me."

"I didn't mean to." His face was being stained with salty tears. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." He was pulled into the comfort of Pete's arms. "We can deal with this together."

"I don't want to do anything with you." He pulled away from him.

"What? Patrick?"

"I want you to leave. I never want to see you again."

"Where is this coming from? You're confusing me!"

"Get out!" He yelled. "Don't bother me again!"

"That's impossible. You're just acting like this because of the baby. It's making you hormonal."

"Patrick? Pete?"

They both spun around to face the open front door. Patrick's mother stood wide eyed just outside.

"Mom! What are you doing home?"

"What are you doing home?" She made sure to close the door behind her. "Again?"

"I-I just came from the emergency room.

"What's wrong?"

"I- uh fell on my stomach and was afraid something bad may have happened."

"To the baby?" Her hand pressed against his stomach. She seemed to just remember Pete was in the room when she pulled away. "I uh mean-"

"Mom, he knows."

"Of course." She was eyeing Pete with curiosity now. "Because he's the father, isn't he?"

"No." Patrick lied at the same time Pete admitted,

"I am."

"I suspected as much." She was giving a dirty look to Patrick now. He looked down at the floor in shame. "We need to talk."

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