Game Time

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Patrick was avoiding Pete again. He'd even gone to school early twice in an attempt to talk to him at his locker. Only to be dismissed completely by the red head. He was acting like some sort of body guard or something. Always hovering over Patrick. Making sure Pete wasn't within five feet of him.

Tonight was no different. It was just before the game. The players and cheerleaders were all downstairs in the locker rooms getting ready. Pete made up some lame excuse about leaving his lucky charm in his locker. And now he was roaming the halls looking for Patrick and his shadow. He'd heard coach talking to his son in the office earlier. Suggesting that he stay for tonight's game and show some school spirit. The dude actually said no, but then coach explained to him that it wasn't an option.

So Pete knew they would be up here somewhere. Waiting. He didn't have to look long. They were standing just to the side of the usual game crowd. The last ones in line to get their seats in the bleachers.

"Hey, guys." Pete approached them familiarly. Coach's son looked up at him. Patrick's gaze stayed on his feet.

"What do you want, Wentz?"

"To talk to Patrick." It's what he always wanted.


"Can Patrick say that for himself?"

They both glanced over at him. He bit his bottom lip and lifted his gaze up to his friend's. Ignoring Pete still.


"Look, dude-"

"It's Andy."

"Look, Andy. Every time I try to talk to Patrick, I always have to get lip from you. I don't want to talk to you."

"And he doesn't want to talk to you. So grab the hint and screw off."

"Patrick, are you seriously just not going to talk to me?" Pete stared into his face. Waiting for him to finally look back. "I don't understand what I did. I thought we were cool. I-Is this because of what your mom said about you not having any friends?"

He finally looked at him then. Well, glared at him. But that still counted. It was the best he'd gotten all week.


"Your mom said that?" Andy frowned.

"She didn't mean it like that. You know she still hasn't met you."

"How'd she meet Pete?"

"He's the one who drove me to the hospital."

"So he knows-"


"Knows what? What don't I know?"

"Nothing." Patrick answered quickly.

"It doesn't sound like nothing. I want to know what I don't know."

"Probably most of the twelfth grade criteria." Andy muttered.

"Oh ha ha."

"Wentz! What the hell are you doing up here? The game starts in ten minutes. Get in uniform!"

"Yes sir, coach." He took one last look at Patrick spinning on his heel and waking away.

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