Just Be Happy

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"There's an emergency meeting for the team in the locker room." Tyler -another one of the football players- informed Pete as soon as the school dismissal bell rung.


"I don't know. But he said to get down there as soon as that bell rung."

"It's probably about the fight." Pete mused. "He's going to kick me off the team, isn't he?"

"I don't think so, man. You're one of the best players."

"Then what-"

"Look. I don't know. But you need to get down there."

"Okay." He nodded. "Lets go."

"Go without me." Tyler patted him on the back. "I have to go tell everyone else."

Pete didn't look back as he made a mad dash for the locker room in the basement. He was afraid that if he was one of the last ones, it'd piss coach off. So he wanted to be one of the first. He burst through the door.

There were only two other people in the locker room. Coach Hurley and Mikey Way. The older man motioned for Pete to take a seat. So he sat as far away from his teammate and ex friend as he could. Coach walked towards the door. Both boys followed his movement with confused eyes.

"You two are my most valuable players." He crossed his big arms over his bigger chest. "So work this shit out. And don't leave until you do." He stepped out of the room. Slamming the heavy door behind himself.

"Coach!" Pete jumped to his feet.

"Fuck this." Mikey stalked to the door. Using both hands to push the bar. The door didn't budge. He pushed harder. It was fucking locked. "Coach!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. "Hey, coach, open this door!" He kicked it as if that would work. "Fuck!" He turned his back to it. Sliding down and sitting in front of it. "This has to be illegal. This is a fire hazard! You can't lock us in here." He tried. Hoping the coach was on the other side listening.

"What's your problem?" Pete grimaced. "He's obviously not letting us out."

"My problem?" Mikey scrambled to his feet. "What's your problem? You betrayed me for some fat fag."

"Watch it!"

And this time, he did. His shoulders slumped. "So you really like him?"


"You're really gay?"

"Yes again."

"You're not." He shook his head. Denial. "He just does that to people."

That was not what Pete was expecting. "What?"

"Just stay the hell away from him."


"Patrick has this thing." He began explaining. It was the first time Pete heard him use his real name. "Where he makes you think you like him when you spend too much time around him. Like he makes you think you're gay. But you're not."

"Dude, what the fuck?"

"It sounds crazy, but I swear to god it's true." Mikey approached him slowly. Afraid Pete might still be mad enough to hit him. "He has those stupid ass blue eyes that get to you. And that dumb laugh. And you start liking him like you should like a girl. It makes you start getting shit messed up in your mind."

"Is that why you stopped talking to him?" Pete pressed his fingers to his temple, massaging it slowly. This was madness.

"Yes!" Mikey laughed. Relieved Pete understood now.

"Because you had a crush on him and was afraid you might be gay?"

"What? No!" He drew back. Maybe he didn't understand. "I'm not a fag."

"Mikey, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with being gay."

"I'm not."

"You're not attracted to guys then?"

"Not since I stopped hanging around Patrick."

"That's not really how that works."

"I'm just not fucking gay, okay?"

"So you're attracted to girls then?" He bored into eyes. Daring him to lie.

"Girls.. are.. nice looking. Sometimes the cheerleaders are hot. I would- uh totally fuck them."


"No." It was so low that Pete almost didn't hear it. "Patrick made it so that I was only attracted to guys after him.

This was insane! How could he think that was Patrick's doing?

"Mikey, Patrick didn't do that to you. It was already inside of you. He was just your first crush."

"He wasn't my crush!"

"It's okay-"

"Not in my family it's not!" This was said louder and harder than anything else.


Pete stepped towards him. The boy was quivering. His eyes full of tears he was too proud to let overflow. He looked angry. Angry at Pete for thinking he was gay. Angry at himself for feeling like that sometimes.

"Leave me the fuck alone."

"I-If you're not sure how you feel, it's fine. If you're not ready to come out to your family, that's fine. You don't have to do that. Keep it from them for as long as you need. Just- Just don't hide it from yourself." He could feel himself on the verge of tears too. "Or you'll never be happy."

"I-I can't." The salty tears began staining his skin. Pete pulled his friend into a bone crushing hug. "I can't be popular and gay."

"You can be gay and whatever the hell else you want to be." Mikey wrapped his arms back around Pete. "Just be happy, Mikey."

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