Be Safe

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"You're going to talk to me."

Pete pushed Patrick's locker shut. Placing his hands on the connecting lockers on each side. Effectively trapping the shorter man between his arms.

Patrick's eyes scanned the crowded hall. Searching for Andy's face but of course the boy was nowhere to be seen. He'd been using his best friend as a sort of shield from Pete for the last two month.

Yes, two months.

It seemed like a lot. But the days went by extremely fast. He didn't intend to avoid him for so long. But Andy insisted Pete's constant indecisiveness would stress Patrick out and be bad for the baby. Patrick some what agreed. So he made it his personal mission to keep the two apart.

It wasn't difficult to do in school because Pete was always surrounded by his asshole friends. So he never tried to bother him then. He attempt to talk to him in class sometimes but Patrick would just ignore him until a teacher stopped him. After school Pete was forced to go to football practice and spend time with his girlfriend. But just in case he did come over, Patrick instructed his parents to tell him he wasn't home. Saturdays and Sundays were spent hanging out with his one and only friend.

He'd almost gotten use to pretending Pete didn't exist. Almost because it was hard to ignore that Patrick stupidly missed him sometimes. He'd catch a glimpse of him in the hall laughing with his friends and remember the weekend he spent laughing with him. Or he'd see him flirting with Sarah in the halls and remember all the compliments Pete would give to him to make him blush like that.

The worse was when he'd catch himself randomly day dreaming about that night. Pete's kiss. Pete's touch. Pete's body. It was impossible to forget that. Especially considering the fact that he was carrying around a trophy from it.

But this morning Andy wasn't able to drive Patrick to school. It wasn't a big deal because it wasn't the first time he'd be walking the halls alone. He didn't think he'd have to worry about Pete because Pete was usually in his circle of idiots in the morning. And he was too worried about his precious popularity to even think about approaching Patrick during school.

Not today.

There were a few people turned in their direction. But the majority of the students didn't pay them any attention. Patrick stared up at the annoyed man. Pete's darker eyes burned into his. Patrick couldn't hide the rapid rising and falling of his chest.

"What do you want?" Maybe if he kept his responses short, his voice wouldn't crack and give him away.

"You." Patrick's eyes widened at the bluntness. "Well to speak to you."

Yeah. Of course that's what he meant. What else would he mean?


"You don't have a choice."

"Andy's going to be here any minute and he's going to kick your ass."

That wasn't entirely true. Andy wouldn't be in school until after second period because he had a doctor's appointment. But Pete didn't have to know that.

"I call bullshit. I saw your parents drop you off."

"You're stalking me now?"

"I just so happen to have been in the parking lot with the guys."

"Well he's on his way now. He just texted me."

"I'll take my chances."

"Just leave me alone, Pete."

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