Things Have Changed For Me

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Pete watched Patrick shuffle to his car slowly. His backpack was slung over one of his shoulders. The other strap dangling loosely on his back. There was some kind of sandwich in his left hand. A bottle of water being held tightly in his right. He couldn't help but smile as he got closer to where Pete was parked in front of the house. The roundness of his belly was more evident than it was yesterday. Which of course was impossible. Maybe it only appeared that way because Pete was staring at it. Wanting to be able to see the form of their baby.

"Good morning." Patrick's smile was all teeth. Someone was in a good mood.

"Good morning." He placed his right hand on Patrick's knee. Squeezing it lightly. It seemed more intimate and comfortable than a kiss. "You're in a good mood."

"Yeah." He nodded. "I just woke up and felt... I felt happy."

"I'm glad." Pete grinned. Turning his focus on the street. "Seeing you happy makes me happy." Before Patrick could laugh at him or call him cheesy, he added, "Maybe we can talk about something since you're in a good mood."

He deadpanned. "You're about to ruin it, aren't you?"

"I don't know." It was best to be honest about that. "I'm not sure how you'll react to it. I'm not sure if I should even be telling you this. But I... I feel like you need to know."

He lowered his breakfast near his lap. No longer feeling like eating. "What is this about, Pete?"

"It's about Mikey-"

"I don't want to talk about Mikey!"

"I think you need to hear-"

"That guy tortures me. Punched me in the stomach, not once, but twice!"

"I know why he stopped-"

"Could have endangered our baby."

They were speaking over each other. The argument, if it could even be called that, getting louder whenever the other person started another sentence.

"He had a fucking crush on you!" He yelled much louder than he needed to.

Patrick shut up. "What?"

"That's the reason he just stopped talking to you when you got to high school. He started feeling attracted to you and-" Pete shifted in his seat. Unsure if he should continue.

"And what?"

"And." Pete stretched the word in an attempt to phrase what he wanted to say properly. "He comes from a close minded family."

"Homophobic assholes?" Patrick on the other hand, wasn't so nice with the phrasing.


"I-" He tried for words. Good. Bad. Anything. But nothing would come out.

"He hasn't completely come to terms with it all. He blames you. I'm not sure if he's gay or bi or-"

"It's up to him to decide what he falls under."

"Exactly. I just told him I would support him no matter what. And I meant it." He slowed at a stop sign. Without looking, he could feel Patrick's stare on the side of his face. "Look, I know Mikey's a dick. He's made your life hell. But he needs support right now. He needs me and-"

"Pete, it's fine." He stopped his rant. "I understand. You're a good friend. Everyone needs a good friend." There was a certain sadness hidden under the layer of his words.

Pete exhaled roughly. "Still no word from Andy then?"

"I've texted and called him so many times. He's ignoring me."

"Maybe he'd prefer to talk to you in person. I bet he's waiting at your locker right now."

He wasn't.

Pete and Patrick entered the school side by side. Holding hands might have been pushing it. They ignored the stares and whispers from their classmates. Instead choosing to focus only on each other as they made their way to Patrick's locker.

The cheerleaders passed by them. Sarah making a show of turning her head to avoid looking in their directions. A few of the other girls followed suit. Just because she was co-captain and the cheerleaders in the school were brainless sheep. Helena spared them a sideways glance. Her eyes connecting with Pete's for just a second before one of her short skirt friends elbowed her into submission. Meagan openly stared at them from her place in the back of the group. Her placement must have been planned as she was usually the head of the girls. Leading. When she was sure they were both looking, she winked. Laughing at their matching shocked expressions.

As always, the football players weren't far away from the cheerleaders. Patrick turned his back to the approaching squad. His fingers nervously fidgeted with the lock. Too unstable to actually manage opening it.

"Hey?" Mikey's voice -though low and calm- sent a violent chill up his spine. Old habits.

"Hey." He heard Pete say in the same tone.

"Uh-" It was said so nervously, so unsure of himself, so unlike Mikey, that Patrick had to turn around to make sure it was really him speaking. "Coach says practice starts a hour late today." His thumb toyed with the strap of his backpack. "So you can just hang out and wait. Or leave."

"Cool." Pete nodded. "Thanks."

Clearly an invitation for the other boy to leave. He ignored it. Shuffling from foot to foot as he stood in front of him. His teammates looked just as uneasy with the interaction. Standing a few feet to the side. This new, nervous Mikey was making Patrick more uncomfortable than regular Mikey.

"I'm sorry for hitting you fat Pa- Patrick." He reminded himself. "Patrick." Said again for good measure.

"Thank you for apologizing." He didn't really accept it but he was grateful for it anyway.

"And thanks, Pete." His lips curved upward. "For everything."

"It was really no problem. You're my best friend, Mikey."

His smile stretched. "I'll see you at practice."

Mikey rushed over to join his friends. Instantly looking more at home amongst his fellow football players. Gerard lifted his chin towards Pete. A nod of recognition. Pete accepted it with his own.

"That was fucking weird." Patrick's hands returned into the lock.

"I think it was sweet."

"I don't think I accept his apology."

"I understand."

The locker opened with a click. "And I think he should apologize to Andy."

"I'll suggest it."

Patrick pulled his book out. "Maybe you should too."

"I'll strongly consider it."

He circled to face Pete. Eyeing him wearily. His back pressed against his locker. "Why are you being so agreeable?"

"I'm just trying to make you happy." Pete lifted the book from his hands. "Mikey isn't the only one in love with you, you know."

Patrick blushed.

This chapter was so trash and I'm so sorry I made you wait so long for it. The next one will be better (I hope). Just bear with me, people!

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