Popularity Pyramid

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Pete sat at the head of Sarah's bed. Watching her as she watched herself in the mirror. She twisted to the left to get a better look at the back of her. He couldn't help mentally comparing her ass to Patrick's. The corners of his mouth turned down when he realized how much more impressive the boy's was.

"How do I look?" She spun to face him.

"Great." He answered before giving her an actual once over.

Her pout was a dramatic one. Apparently he'd given the wrong response. Should he have said something negative? Pete thought girls liked compliments.

"Are you sure?" She was scrutinizing herself in the mirror again. What seemed to be a permanent frown engraved on her face.

Now this wasn't making sense. Sarah was ridiculously good looking. And she would look good no matter what she was wearing. It wasn't like they were going out somewhere. The rest of their day was going to be spent in her room as it usually was. Until Pete came up with a good excuse to leave. So what did it matter if she looked runway ready in the simple jeans and sweater? It wasn't like her to act like this.

"You look fine, Sarah." He crawled to the end of the large bed. Kicking his legs off the side to stand up. "Why?"

Her eyes met his through her reflection. "Meagan said I looked fat in this shirt." The admission was said quietly.

"I don't think you look fat at all."

"That's what Helena said." She twisted her middle. Pushing her hand against her flat abdomen. "But Meagan-"

"Is a bitch." He completed honestly.

Sarah gasped at his bluntness. Pete wasn't going to apologize for telling the truth. He'd never met someone like her before. She was legit a movie mean girl.

He knew her attitude towards him stewed from him being the first person in her life to reject her. She'd been impossibly nice before the night of the party. But she needed to understand that it wasn't his fault he wasn't attracted to her. Though, in her defense, he did turn around and start dating her best friend after telling her he was gay. Still though, she was a bitch.

Sarah seemed to realize Pete wasn't going to take it back so she shrugged it off. "She can be a bit mean."

"Very mean." Pete nodded. "Why are you even friends with her?" Sarah was nothing like that.

"She was the first friend I ever made. And she has her good days."


"Just like Mikey was your first guy friend." She added. "He's just as mean as Meagan is but you're still his friend."

"Yeah, but the difference is Mikey is never mean to me. Meagan is always mean to you."

"But he's mean to everyone else."

And then Pete had a thought. "He's especially mean to that Patrick guy."

"Who fatrick?" Sarah seemed genuinely puzzled by Pete using his real name.

His teeth were being pushed together tightly enough to permanently alter his smile. He resisted the urge to chastise her for the childish, hurtful jab.

"Yeah." The word was forced through clenched teeth. "Why is that?"

"He's just a loser." Sarah gave up trying to be satisfied with her mirrored image. She sauntered over to where Pete was waiting. Wrapping her arms around him. "Mikey hates losers." Pete easily stepped out of her well meaning embrace. She didn't seem to mind. Use to him keeping his distance when they were alone. "And because of their history."

"History?" His ears pipped up. "What history?"

"They were really good friends. Who am I kidding? They were best friends all through middle school. Even the beginning of freshman year. And then something happened and they never spoke again." She flipped her hand dismissively as if what she was saying wasn't a big deal. "Aside from the hallway insults."

"What happened?"

"No one knows. All we know is that Patrick did some shit to Mikey and it messed him up for a while. Not even Gerard knows the full story. But they've hated each other ever since."

"No one has ever bothered to ask?"

"Of course. Mikey wouldn't tell. But then he became super popular and the school forgot about their old companionship. But Mikey never forgot to hate Patrick for whatever it was."

"Now you all just make fun of him and don't even know why?"

"I-I guess." At least she had the decency to look ashamed.

"It's so stupid." He muttered.

"Hey! You're also a part of our group."

"I don't make fun of him though-"

"Look, it's just the way things are. He's at the bottom of the popularity pyramid."

"Popularity pyramid?" He scoffed.

Sarah shrugged. Clearly bored with the turn of conversation. "You're at the top of the pyramid just like Mikey is. Maybe even higher since you're better looking and nicer."

"Really?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Really." She pushed him so that he was sitting on the bed again. "If you don't like something in the school, change it. You have the power."

"You're right."

"Of course I am." She smiled. "Would your girlfriend lie to you?"

A/N: Bored so I wrote this :)

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