The petite boy sat with his legs criss cossed on the floor at school.
His body hidden behind a wall to avoid unwanted and unessacary attention.
School has always been tough for him, he never really "fit in" and he's had a lot of trouble with bully's, he always hides so his soft skin won't get tainted with blue and purple hues.
Melanie would have been with him but her classes are on the opposite end of the school.
The bell rang letting Tyler know first period was about to begin.
He quickly made his way to class, sitting in the very back.
He sat not making a sound as his teacher babbled on about random nonsense.
Most of his classes went by this way until last class where his math teacher, Mrs. Cole, asked him to stay behind.
"Tyler, you really need to start buckling down and getting your work done, your grades are dropping drastically." She said once all the other students had left.
He just nodded.
Mrs. Cole sighed, she knew about Tyler's past and the things he deals with.
She knows about the bully's and everything.
She's Always cared a lot for Tyler and has always been Tyler's favorite teacher.
"Come by tomorrow at lunch and I'll go over the stuff with you. okay?" She said with a gentle smile.
Tyler nodded again and gave a little wave as he exited the room, wandering the halls to find Melanie.
Once he found her, they went back to their place.
Tyler changed into his white pencil skirt and oversized light pink jumper.
He stood facing the mint green wall, so his face was not in view as Melanie took the photo.
She showed it to Tyler but he pursed his lips and shook his head, indicating he wanted to take another.
He went back to facing the wall but did a slightly different pose.
He approved of the new photo and posted it with a simple caption.
Like every other time he posted, the notifications came rolling in right away.
Tyler scrolled through them, stopping when he seen a comment from the same account as yesterday.Joshudun: absolutely beautiful, pretty boy.
Tyler blushed.
This person was different from others who commented.
Most of them just say things like 'oh my God goals' or 'love your style' and such.
Melanie had gotten up to use the bathroom so Tyler decided to message this person which was extremely rare for him to do.Pretty_pastels: Hello.
Joshuadun: Hello pretty.
Pretty_pastels: I just wanted to say thank you for all your nice comments... I usually don't message people or anything but your comments caught my eye.
Joshuadun: You are more then welcome.
Pretty_pastels: I have to go now.
Joshuadun: I wish you didn't.
Pretty_pastels: Why is that?
Joshuadun: Because you are amazing.
Pretty_pastels: You're making me blush.
Joshuadun: I bet you look beautiful.
Pretty_pastels: Thank you... I really have to go though.
Joshuadun: Okay pretty boy. I really enjoyed talking to you.
Pretty_pastels: Thank you again. You're so sweet... Bye.
Joshuadun: Bye.
Tyler shut his phone off, letting it fall on his chest, a goofy grin on his face.
Melanie stood in the doorway examining the boy.
"What's got you so smiley Ty?" She asked.
Tyler looked up at her.
She tilted her head slightly.
He shrugged not wanting to get Melanie worked up.
She dismissed it and sat on the bed next to Tyler, turning a movie on and watching it with him.

Pastel Pretty Boy (Joshler)
FanfictionTyler runs a Instagram account and Josh is absolutely infatuated with him.