Instead of texting, Josh just went up and knocked on the door to get Tyler.
He smiled once he seen what Tyler was wearing.
"You look beautiful." Josh said taking Tyler's hand and pulling him in for a kiss.
A few whistles and hoots we're heard from the van full of Josh's friends, causing Tyler's cheeks to heat up.
Josh smiled and lead Tyler to the van.
He let Tyler in first then got in after him.
The two sat in the back with a very tall looking dude.
Two other dudes sat in front of them.
A girl drove while another girl sat in the passenger seat.
Just as they we're about to leave a guy popped up from the trunk.
"Who's ready for an awesome day at the mall?!" The dude yelled as he jumped up.
Tyler jumped and gripped onto Josh.
"How do you know it'll be awesome?" The girl driving questioned.
"Because I'm gonna be there and I'm awesome so you do the math." The dude said sassily.
Tyler was still gripping to Josh, his heart pounding and eyes wide.
Everyone started laughing at the dude.
Josh peered down at Tyler and wacked the dudes arm.
"Ow!" The dude complained rubbing his arm.
"What did I say about the yelling?" Josh asked sternly.
"Oh right sorry... You okay Tyler?" The dude asked.
Tyler nodded.
"I'm Brendon." He said.
Tyler nodded and shook his hand.
"And this is Dallon, Patrick, Pete, Ashley and Jenna." Brendon said pointing to each person.
Dallon sat in the back with Tyler and Josh.
Patrick and Pete sat in front of them.
Ashley drove and Jenna sat in the passenger seat.
Tyler nodded again, slowly letting go of Josh.
"You'll get used to him after a while." Dallon said.
Brendon pouted.
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" He asked.
"It means that you can be a little much sometimes." Ashley said.
Everyone mumbled in agreement.
"Aw we still love you tho Bren." Dallon cooed.
"You better still love me." Brendon said.
"I do." Dallon confirmed.
Brendon gave him a kiss and settle back down in the trunk.
Tyler smiled at them.Tyler stuck by Josh's side the entire time they were in the mall.
He was a little nervous because he didn't know any of Josh's friends but he warmed up to them toward the end.
Josh walked him back to the door when they dropped him off.
"I'll text you when I get home okay?" Josh said giving Tyler a hug.
Tyler nodded and stood on his tippy toes to give Josh a kiss.
He stood by the door until Josh got in the van and gave a little wave as they drove off.(A/n one more chapter ^_^)

Pastel Pretty Boy (Joshler)
FanfictionTyler runs a Instagram account and Josh is absolutely infatuated with him.