It's been days since Tyler has messaged Joshua, six to be exact.
He's still posted pictures everyday and read through the comments.
He tried to ignore Josh's comments, and Josh entirely, though the colorful haired man was still very present in his thoughts.
Tyler had on his pink, blue and white striped jumper with sleeves that went past his hands and some high waisted Jean shorts, that his shirt was tucked into.
He stood in front of a white wall one hand running through his hair while the other hung by his side.
Melanie snapped a picture and turned the phone around for Tyler's approval.
He nodded and grabbed the phone.
His caption read: Can't get you off my mind.
He posted it and watched the comments roll in.Joshuadun: You've been on my mind since day one pretty boy.
Tyler but his lip and glanced up to see if Melanie was looking.
She wasn't, she was occupied with fixing her hair in Tyler's mirror.Pretty_pastels: Hello.
Joshuadun: Hello. Didn't think I'd be hearing from you.
Pretty_pastels: I'm sorry.
Joshuadun: It's okay... Who was that anyway?
Pretty_pastels: My friend, Melanie.
Joshuadun: She doesn't let you talk to people?
Pretty_pastels: She does.. she just doesn't want me talking to strangers.. I've never had good experiences with it. She's just looking out for me.
Joshuadun: Well I can assure you I won't do anything to harm you in any way, shape or form. If you don't want to do something I will not force you to, you can make your own decisions.
Pretty_pastels: My gosh you're something different.
Joshuadun: A good different?
Pretty_pastels: Yes a good different. I have to go though.
Joshuadun: Okay, Thank you for talking to me.
Pretty_pastels: You're welcome... Bye.
Joshuadun: Bye.
Tyler shut his phone off as Melanie came to sit by him.
"Who were you talking to?" She asked.
Tyler stared at her.
"Was is that Josh person?" She asked.
He nodded.
"Tyler. I can't tell you what to do or anything, just be careful. I don't want you hurt again. I really don't. You understand that right?" She asked.
He nodded.
He thought for a few minutes then re-opened his messages.
He handed Melanie the phone for her to read over them.
She did so.
"Wow Ty, this dude is... Just wow." She said.
Tyler nodded.
Melanie stared at the phone a little longer.
"This guy is really caring." She said.
He nodded with a smile.
He's happy that Melanie can see why he wants to talk to him.
"I'm going to message him is that okay?" She asked.
He nodded.Pretty_pastels: Hello Joshua. This is Melanie. I'm Tyler's friend.
Joshuadun: Hello?
Pretty_pastels: I need you to be 100% with me right now okay?
Joshuadun: Um okay.
Pretty_pastels: What is your intentions with Tyler? Like what are you trying to accomplish?
Joshuadun: I don't know. To be his friend maybe?.... Maybe more.. I don't really don't know. Its up to him where our relationship goes.
Pretty_pastels: You seem like a nice guy... We're you serious about not forcing him to do anything?
Joshuadun: Of course. If he's uncomfortable with something he does not have to do it.
Pretty_pastels: Okay good... I'm going to give you a chance but if I ever find out that you've hurt him in anyway, you will regret it. Understand?
Joshuadun: Yes ma'am.
Pretty_pastels: Good. Have a nice day.
Joshuadun: You too.
Melanie handed Tyler back his phone.
Tyler read through the messages and smiled.
Josh said he wants to be friends or maybe even more.
Tyler's stomach filled with metaphorical butterflies.
He was happy.

Pastel Pretty Boy (Joshler)
FanfictionTyler runs a Instagram account and Josh is absolutely infatuated with him.