Very timidly Tyler walked into Melanie's room.
It was the middle of the night, he should be sleeping. But he can't.
Gently he places his small hand on Melanie's shoulder and shakes her.
She opens her eyes to look up at him.
"What's wrong? Why aren't you sleeping Ty-guy?" She asked sitting up.
He shrugged.
She furrowed her eyebrows and gently pulled him down onto the bed to hug him.
He nuzzled his face into her chest and closed his eyes.
She gently swayed and rubbed his back.
Whenever Tyler couldn't sleep he went to Melanie and she'd always help.
Within minutes Tyler's breathing had evened out.
Melanie moved him carefully so he was laying down, then laid down herself to go back to sleep.Tyler woke up late the next day.
He panicked because he was late for school.
He ran out of Melanie's room and to his room to get dressed.
Melanie had run in after him.
"Why are you running what's wrong?" She asked.
Tyler pointed to the clock.
Melanie laughed and told him to calm down because it's the weekend.
He sighed in relief and sat down on his bed, grabbing his phone as he did so.Pretty_pastels: Hello.
Joshuadun: Good morning sunflower.
Pretty_pastesls: How do you know it's morning here?
Joshuadun: I don't but I said good morning because it's morning for me.
Pretty_pastels: Oh.. well good morning.
Joshuadun: Is it morning for you?
Pretty_pastels: Maybe.... Yes.. It is.
Joshuadun: Cool, so how are you, love?
Pretty_pastels: I'm okay I guess.
Joshuadun: Just okay? Something wrong?
Pretty_pastels: I didn't sleep well last night.
Joshuadun: Aw I'm sorry... Do you want me to go so you can get some more sleep?
Pretty_pastels: No.. I want to talk to you.
Joshuadun: Hmm okay.. do you have Skype? And would you be up to Skype me if you do?
Tyler panicked a bit.
Yes he has Skype and yes he wants to Skype but he doesn't want Josh to think he's weird for not talking or anything.
Also what if Melanie hears and gets mad at him for talking to strangers online?Pretty_pastels: Um.. yes... I have Skype.
Joshuadun: Would you like to Skype me?
Pretty_pastels:.... Yes...
Joshuadun: You don't sound too sure... We don't have to... Don't do anything you don't want to do.
Pretty_pastels: No I want to just...
Joshuadun: Just what?
Pretty_pastels: You'll think I'm weird.
Joshuadun: I most certainly will not.
Pretty_pastels: Yes you will.
Joshuadun: Why is that then?
Joshuadun: ?
Pretty_pastels: I don't talk.
Joshuadun: ... You mean you're mute?
Pretty_pastels:.. yes.
Joshuadun: Oh that's okay sweet pea. We don't have to.
Pretty_pastels: I want to though.. I want to be able to see you and hear your voice because you're just so nice and I want to get to know you more but I'm afraid you won't like me.
Joshuadun: You don't have to be afraid of that pretty.... How about we Skype but you don't have to talk.. I can ask you yes and no questions so you can answer by nodding or shaking your head?
Pretty_pastels: Yes please. I'd appreciate that a lot
Joshuadun: alright my Skype is Josh_Dun.
Pretty_pastels: Okay.
Tyler quickly scrambled to get his laptop and opened up Skype.
He typed in the username Joshua had given and clicked video call.
He waited impatiently for it to stop ringing and for someone to pop up on the screen, and boy was the person who popped up handsome.

Pastel Pretty Boy (Joshler)
FanfictionTyler runs a Instagram account and Josh is absolutely infatuated with him.