Tyler sat in the lunch room, picking at his food.
He wasn't really hungry.
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, before he had time to react a fist collided with his face and he was being lifted up by the front of his shirt.
"Look at our little gay boy." The large guy spoke, Tyler's face just inches away from the boys.
Tyler's eyes were blow wide, tears making their way down his tanned cheeks.
The guy raised his arm to punch Tyler again, he flinched, eyes squeezing shut.
He made a small noise once the fist came in contact.
That's the first noise he's made in about three months.
The next thing he knows he's being dropped to the floor while Melanie yells at the bully.
She kneeled down beside Tyler.
"Come on I'm taking you home." She said helping him up.
Once they arrived at their place Tyler locked himself in his room.
He lay curled up on his bed crying.
Melanie couldn't get him to come out or unlock the door so she did what she thought would help.
She messaged Josh.Cry_baby: I need your help.
Joshuadun: Um who are you?
Cry_baby: It's Melanie.
Joshuadun: Oh hello. What do you need?
Melanie explained what had happened and asked Josh if he was willing to come over to see Tyler.
He agreed and left immediately.
Tyler heard a soft knock on his door.
"Tyler? Can I come in pretty?" Josh's voice rang in his ears.
Tyler slowly got up and unlocked his door, opening it just a crack.
He peered at Josh through the tiny space.
"Hey are you okay? Melanie told me what happened." He said.
Tyler didn't do anything, he just stood staring.
Yes he was excited that Josh was here but he didn't want Josh to see what had been done.
"Can I come in?" Josh asked.
Tyler sighed and opened the door, keeping his head down and his gaze on the floor.
"Look at me Ty." Josh spoke quietly.
Tyler slowly lifted his head.
Josh's breath got caught in his throat.
The whole right side of Tyler's face was tinted with blue purple and blacks, and dried tears ran down both sides of his face.
Josh opened his arms and Tyler slowly walked into them, letting Josh hug him tightly.
Tyler started to cry again.
Josh cared about him so much he drove forty-five minutes just to comfort him.
Tyler pulled Josh into his room and shut the door.
Tyler went and laid back down on his bed, Josh sat on the edge.
Tyler tugged in his shirt sleeve telling him to lay down with him.
Josh obliged and held Tyler, gently playing with his hair until he fell asleep.

Pastel Pretty Boy (Joshler)
FanfictionTyler runs a Instagram account and Josh is absolutely infatuated with him.