My girls are my life. If you hurt them, I will kill you.

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Cole Turner, formally known as the upper-level demon Balthazar, is the half-demon ex-husband of Phoebe Halliwell, husband of Jamie Turner, father of Christa Turner Halliwell and the adopted father of the late Sara Turner. He was formally possessed by the Source of All Evil, which lead to him being vanquished for the first time, and then later on a second time. After his final vanquish, Cole's soul became stuck in a cosmic void, unable to move on. However, he is still able to communicate with beings in the physical realm. He helped guide the demon called Drake to help restore Phoebe's faith in love, and helped Piper in the Cosmic Void when she was dying.

He was later on resurrected in the year 2008 and met and fell in love with the Phoenix Witch, Jamie Danvers, who later on became his wife.

In the Evil Wyatt future, he and his daughter, Christa, went undercover into Wyatt's factions, while working with the Resistance. He later on died while his daughter was in the past, trying to fix the future. Later on in Charmed: The Legacy future, he is a lawyer who mostly takes on magical cases, as well as some mortal ones. He also became the grandfather of Sara Turner Halliwell. 
Alias: Balthazar, the Source of All Evil (former), Guardian of the Void
Nickname: the Evil Jackass (by the sisters), the bastard (by the sisters and Jake), my love (by Jamie), the resurrected man (by himself and others), my lovely son (by Elizabeth), big brother (by Jake), the traitor (by demons)
Sexuality: Straight
Born: July 27th, 1885 
Family: Elizabeth (Mother, deceased), Benjamin Turner (Deceased), Jacob Proctor (Maternal younger half-brother, deceased), Lucifer (Son with Phoebe, deceased), Christa Turner Halliwell (Daughter with Jamie), Sara Turner (Adopted daughter, deceased), Unborn grandson/granddaughter (via Christa in Evil Wyatt future, deceased), Sara Turner Halliwell (Granddaughter via Christa), Harry Danvers (Father-in-law, deceased), Isura Danvers (Mother-in-law), Chris Turner Halliwell (Son-in-law)
Marital status: Married/Soulmate to Jamie Turner (Evil Wyatt/Legacy future), Phoebe Halliwell (Ex-wife)
Species: Resurrected demon
Active powers: Connection to the Cosmic Void- After Cole was resurrected, he remained connected to the Void, and became its guardian. He was able to help souls move on or recruit them to help others move. Cole can also teleport with ease to the Void.

Dusting- A form of teleportation in which the user appears and disappears through grey, dust-like particles, allowing users to appear at and disappear from a desired location. Cole has honed transportation for centuries as an ability and can travel anywhere with ease. He can also dust with others as long as he is in physical contact with them. 

Telekinesis- The ability to move objects and people with their mind. Cole posses an advanced form of it and is able to this power for multiple reasons. When his daughter developed the ability he trained her on how to use it.

Fireballs- The ability to conjure fire in the form of a ball, without burning their hands, and shoot them at their targets. Cole uses his telekinesis in order to direct them better.

Sensing- The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them, however if they are dead or magically hidden they cannot be found. Cole can sense anyone, whether they are in the Underworld, or in varying planes, or in the mortal world. When Cole became the guardian he was also able to sense new souls who were coming into the void.

Immortality- The ability to possess a possibly infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process. When Cole was resurrected, he was given this ability, as a guardian.
Basic powers: High resistance- The ability to be resistant to attacks by weapons, or magic, or of other magical beings. They can survive what would have been lethal attacks, and also posses a higher tolerance to pain and can also recover quicker.

Agility- The ability to possess magically enhanced agility. Cole seemed to demonstrate this ability during combat with other demons, or training with his daughters and wife. Although it has not as advanced as a witches, with learned skill he was able to hone this ability.

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