I'm a hyperactive spaz with an IQ of 130 who can't keep his mouth shut.

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Henry James "Hal" Halliwell-Mitchell Jr.  is the youngest child, and only son, of the Witch-Whitelighter, and former Charmed One, Paige Halliwell Mitchell, and the mortal, Henry Mitchell. He is the younger brother of the twins, Phay Halliwell Mitchell and Penny Halliwell Mitchell. Overall, Hal, is the youngest member of the Halliwell family and is the most protected. He was named after his father, Henry Mitchell.

In the Evil Wyatt future, he was one of the youngest members of the Resistance. He was mostly kept out of the fighting by his father and his sisters and was mostly given odd jobs like stealing supplies and such. He later on died with his sisters, his cousin Peyton, and his Uncle Coop, during an assault by Wyatt and his followers.

During Charmed: The Legacy, he is seen as sarcastic and young, as well as an inherit need to help others. He became a Whitelighter at a young age, as he is more in tune with his Whitelighter side, and later on chose to pursue social work. 
Alias: James Henry, Mark Matthews 
Nickname: Hal (by everyone), Junior (by Paige and Henry), little Henry (by everyone), Student-lighter (by everyone), little Mitchell-Halliwell (by Alex and Shelley), hyperactive spaz (by everyone)
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Born: October 15th, 2011  
Family: Melinda Warren (Ancestor), Penny Halliwell (Maternal great-grandmother, deceased), Patty Halliwell (Maternal grandmother, deceased), Sam Wilder (Maternal grandfather), Mark Matthews (Adopted maternal grandfather, deceased), Helen Matthews (Adopted maternal grandmother, deceased), Victor Bennett (Maternal step-grandfather, deceased), Marie Mitchell (Adopted paternal grandmother, deceased), Paige Halliwell-Mitchell (Mother), Henry Mitchell (Father), Phay Halliwell-Mitchell (Older sister), Penny Halliwell-Mitchell (Older sister), Phoebe Halliwell (Aunt), Coop Halliwell (Uncle), Prue Halliwell (Aunt, deceased), Piper Halliwell (Aunt), Paige Halliwell Mitchell (Aunt), Leo Wyatt (Uncle), Henry Mitchell (Uncle), Wyatt Halliwell (Cousin), Chris Turner Halliwell (Cousin), Peyton Halliwell (Cousin), PJ Halliwell (Cousin), Max Halliwell (Second cousin via Wyatt), Sara Turner Halliwell (Second cousin via Chris), Unborn second cousin (via Chris in Evil Wyatt future, deceased), Colin Schaffer (Brother-in-law), Kim Schaffer (Sister-in-law)
Marital status: Dating Kim Schaffer (Legacy future)
Species: Witch-Whitelighter-Human
Active powers: Orbing- The ability to teleport through use of blue and white orbs. Hal began showing this ability when he was six, after he gained the ability of telekinetic orbing. Hal can orb anywhere in the world and in varying planes of existence.

Remote orbing- The ability to send and call another person to and from a specific location instead of having to orb with them. Hal gained this ability as an extension of his telekinetic orbing, which he gained at the age of four.

Sensing- The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them, however if they are in the Underworld, dead or magically hidden they cannot be found. Hal can sense those he loves and members of his family, as well as his charges.

Healing- The ability to heal injuries and diseases of others, unless that person is evil or has already died. Hal gained this ability as a young adult when he healed his girlfriend Kim from a severe injury in season four. Like his mother, this ability was activated by the love he had for his significant other.

Omnilingualism- The ability to understand and speak any language without extensive training. Hal was the first of his siblings to gain this ability. Kim, his girlfriend, was impressed by his ability to know multiple languages. Prior to her learning about magic, he said he and his family were language fanatics.

Cyrokinesis- The ability to create and/or manipulate ice and cold and be immune to the cold. Hal developed this ability in the third season when he was protecting one his charges. Hal can absorb all existing heat around him, reducing temperatures around him and can use that to freeze objects or create solid structures. He also once made is now in order to give Kim, a "white New Year" in the fifth season. Quickly he also learned that his ability augmented his healing rate, allowing him to endure for injuries and heal himself faster. He stated though he is not immortal and can be killed. By the last season, Hal was able to create an icy mist with his breath and can freeze objects or demons with it.

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