I'm Kyle, your Whitelighter.

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Kyle Halliwell (nee Brody) is a former agent for the FBI with an obsession of destroying the Avatars, who he mistakenly believed killed his parents. He possessed a vast knowledge of the supernatural world and became boyfriend of Paige Matthews after he saved the Charmed One's from exposure. He later on was killed by the Avatars while trying to stop the creation of Utopia.

He became a Whitelighter, due to his good deeds he did as a mortal. In Charmed: The Legacy he became the Whitelighter of the next generation of Charmed One's. He later on began a romance with the oldest Charmed One, Pru Halliwell, the daughter of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. The two married at the end of the series, after a slightly rocky beginning. 
Alias: the Fed (former), the Whitelighter, Kyle Wells
Nickname: Prince Charming (by Alex), Halliwell family jumper (by the boys)
Sexuality: Straight
Born: March 9th, 1975
Family: Ruth Brody (Mother, deceased), Jack Brody (Father, deceased), Max Halliwell (Nephew), Sara Turner Halliwell (Niece), Piper Halliwell (Mother-in-law), Leo Wyatt (Father-in-law), Wyatt Halliwell (Brother-in-law), Damien Pierce (Brother-in-law), Chris Turner Halliwell (Brother-in-law), Christa Turner Halliwell (Sister-in-law), Halliwell family (via marriage)
Marital status: Married to Pru Halliwell (Legacy future)
Species: Whitelighter 
Active powers: Orbing- The ability to teleport through use of blue and white orbs. Kyle seemed to have an instant understanding of this ability, as he displayed it immediately after becoming a Whitelighter.

Healing- The ability to heal injuries and diseases of others, unless that person is evil or has already died. 

Glamouring- The ability to change appearance to look like another person by creating an illusion around the user. When going around town, Kyle uses this gift to change his face, as he is technically dead.

Remote orbing- The ability to send and call another person, or item, to and from a specific location instead of having to orb with them. Kyle proved he would use this ability when he orbed Pru back to the Halliwell mansion while she was on a date.

Photokinesis- The ability to produce and manipulate light.

Sensing- The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them, however if they are in the Underworld, dead or magically hidden they cannot be found. As a whitelighter he can also sense his charges. 

Thermokinesis- The ability to mentally control and manipulate heat. Kyle displayed this ability when he and Pru were showering together and he warmed up the water.

Hovering-The ability to rise a few feet in the air, with or without orbs.

Omnilingualism- The ability to understand and speak any language without extensive training.

Cloaking- The ability to hide yourself or others from magical detection.  Kyle can only hide himself and his charges.
Basic powers: Regeneration- The ability to heal rapidly from any injury; the rate of recovery depends on how strong the user is. Kyle when hit with a Darklighter arrow wasn't able to heal from it, due to the poison.

High Resistance- The power to be resistant to potentially lethal powers or attacks. They also posses a higher level of pain tolerance.

Potion making- The ability to brew potions with magical properties.

Spell casting- The ability to cast spells and perform rituals. 

Scrying- The magical ability to find a person or an object through the use of a crystal and a map. 

Mediumship- The ability to perceive and communicate with spirits of any species.

Immorality- The ability to have an infinite lifespan and age slower. 
Occupation: FBI Agent (Former), Whitelighter (Legacy future)
Fear: Failing as a Whitelighter
Personality: Kyle is described as very determined, when he has a goal in sight he will do almost anything to accomplish it. He is also very loyal, as shown by his former dedication to avenge his parents, and has show a great level of dedication and devotion to his charges as a Whitelighter. He is determined to help them with the problems they face head on, and is unafraid to critique them, even if they don't want it.

Kyle is mostly easy going as a Whitelighter, despite being undeniably stubborn, however, when he gets serious, he expects everyone else too as well. He has a dry and sarcastic sense of humour, and banters wittily with his charges and those he is close too.  

Due to his level of devotion and how serious he takes being a Whitelighter, he was reluctant to begin a romantic relationship with Pru in the beginning. As a result he pushed her away, and became professional towards her, with her not understanding why. When the truth spell was used on him, and it all came out, he became tense around her, but once they got together he relaxed more.
Biography: Legacy future- After Kyle died, while stopping the Avatars, the Elders decided to make him a Whitelighter so he could remain helping people. Later on he was asked to join the Elders, however, Kyle told them no, due to him believing he could help more people this way. In 2008 he reunited with Paige and Leo, telling them that there was a new Council of Elders, since the previous ones had messed with the course of human events on too many times. Though not an Elder, Kyle was thought of highly, and was even able to convince them to give Leo his wings back, making a Whitelighter again, which he would need for the upcoming battle with Neena and Leo's centuries old nemesis, Rennek. 

After Neena's assault, Kyle barely scraped by, but continued to help his charges, never having a wavering devotion to them. During his time as a Whitelighter, he came across the Halliwell children, though glamoured at the time, when he was at Magic School, he noted they were going to be powerful and he orbed away.

Later on in the year 2026, the Elders presented him with three new charges, the second generation of Charmed Ones: Pru Halliwell, Chris Halliwell, and Peyton Halliwell. 

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