You can take my city, destroy my house, but you will not touch my car.

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David Steven Montana is the witch-human son of the inactive witch Richard Montana and the mortal Charlotte Montana. He is the older brother of Melissa Montana, nephew of the late Steven Montana, and the grandson of Benjamin Montana and Rosalina Montana. 

David became a reoccurring character in Charmed: The Legacy, initially being introduced in "History Always Repeats", he became the love interest of Phay Halliwell Mitchell and began a romance, initially not knowing the history between their parents. The two later on began travelling the world, and later on got engaged.
Alias: David Cooper
Nickname: Montana Junior (by the Halliwell family), David Steven (by his father), Davie (by his mother and Melissa), Pal (by Alex)  
Sexuality: Straight
Born:July 8th, 2008  
Family: Benjamin Montana (Paternal grandfather, deceased), Rosalina Montana (Paternal grandmother, deceased), Richard Montana (Father), Charlotte Montana (Mother), Melissa Montana (Sister), Steven Montana (Uncle, deceased)
Marital status: Engaged to Phay Halliwell Mitchell (Legacy future)
Species: Witch-Human
Active powers: Telekinesis-The ability to move objects and people with their mind. David showed an advanced form of this, and though he rarely fights, has shown use for it in combat. He also learned how to make a telekinetic shield.

Fading- An energy-based form of teleportation. David can travel anywhere he wishes in the world and in varying planes of existence. He developed this gift as a child, and told Phay this was the first ability he gained.

Cloning- The ability to duplicate oneself. David often used this ability to confuse demons, and exercised this ability often. He even taught them how to tap into his abilities, though they still lack real emotion and can be identified as a clone.
Basic powers: High resistance- The ability to be resistant to attacks by weapons, or magic, or of other magical beings. They can survive what would have been lethal attacks, and also posses a higher tolerance to pain and can also recover quicker.

Agility- The ability to possess magically enhanced agility. David posses heightened balance, precision, and sense of reflexes. He told Phay that his father wanted them to learn how to mortally defend themselves and not rely on magic.

Potion making- The ability to brew potions with magical properties. 

Spell casting- The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.

Scrying- The magical ability to find a person or an object through the use of a crystal and a map. 

Mediumship- The ability to perceive and communicate with spirits of any species.
Occupation: Magic school student (2012-2026), Globe Trotter (Legacy future), Entrepreneur (Legacy future) 
Fear: Becoming corrupted by magic
Personality: David is described as a bit broody, and having a loving and an intense caring demeanour towards his family and those he loves. However, he is bold and at times blunt with a sense of sarcastic and taunting humour. He is easygoing when he gets to know people, for example when he began dating Phay, he danced in public. He also displays a protective nature over his younger sister, Melissa, as well as to Phay when they begin to date. To those he doesn't know or dislikes, he is a bit dismissive, but is open to getting to know someone.

When it comes to magic he says he never uses it for personal gain and only uses it to help others. He told Phay that he loves that while he loves magic he is afraid to become corrupted like his father had been. He is devout in not using magic for personal gain what-so-ever. He believes it is there moral duty as witches to uphold their duty to kill demons and protect those cannot protect themselves.

David is also intelligent and has a rather logical nature, the opposite of Phay's personality who goes more based off feelings. He isn't cold or unfeeling though, and will do anything for his family when it comes down to it. He is very caring and kind, and is also very polite, especially towards his prospective in-laws.
Biography: Legacy future- David was born in Paris, France as the oldest child to the inactive witch, David Montana, and to his mortal wife, Charlotte Montana. When he was two, his mother gave birth to his younger sister, Melissa. David was born a witch, and therefore learned about his heritage from an early age. Though his father wanted to bind his and his sister's powers, his mother convinced him not to, as they should have the choice to make it themselves. So instead of taking their powers, he taught them to use them never for personal gain and only to help the good others, hoping they wouldn't repeat his mistakes.

David attended a magic school in Paris along with his sister from 2012 and graduated in the year 2026. He was popular in school and good at magic, fostering a healthy interest in spells and potions, though he followed his father's teachings to a tee. While still a child his grandmother passed away, leaving everything to Richard, including the Montana family house in San Francisco, which he never got the heart to sell.

After graduating David decided to become a business major, deciding to become an entrepreneur, mostly in architecture. This eventually led him to San Francisco, after he traveled some, where he took a few classes and he lived at his father's childhood home.  

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