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"Namjoon hyung!!" Jungkook shouted calling the attention of the older who was still staring at his computer.

"what?"the older answered with no expression evident in his face

"Namjoon hyung!! Yugyeom said that they have some news about Jin hyung" Jungkook watched as pain and longing flashed in the eyes of his hyung.

"After so many years being off the grid, he suddenly appeared, yeah right. " Namjoon scoffed not believing a thing he heard, he already gave up thinking Jin would comeback.

"It's true hyung, according to Yugyeom, our source found an exact match, Same name same everything.. " Jungkook continued on, almost out of breath.

"Do you still know where you last saw him? "Namjoon asked,desire filled his eyes. " about that, we found a plane ticket"

"Going where and when?"

"Back here in Korea,"Jungkook stared at the older before answering "Today"

"Well then that is settled pack your things were going to Seoul to find Jin hyung"he said with full of authority

"But hyung, I already thought of that and when I checked it was fully booked----"Jungkook didn't had the chance to finish his sentence, as Jimin butted in.

"Yoongi cannot leave, remember the last time we went on some silly goose chase,  we ended up drained physically and emotionally"


"A person hiding will only show him/herself when he/she is ready. SangRi ,Hoseok's wife, said with forced looking at Namjoon.

"But-" Jungkook never got to finish his sentence

"He's finally back after years of searching, he will come when he is ready to explain everything, but for now, please just..." Sang Ri said with finality in her voice, tears forming in her eyes,  vividly remembering her husband's cracking voice as he seeked comfort, trying to find their friend.


Min Yoongi was busy making new songs, as Min Jimin entered with snacks for the older. Distracted,  Yoongi stared at his partner's ass, appreciating.

"Jimin babe come here"he called out. Jimin gladly obeyed as a blush crept around his face. After all the years, the couple still had that effect on each other. The younger climb into the older's lap,  facing Yoongi.

"Yoongi hyung, Yoonmin is still awake--ahh"Then yoongi started nipping Jimin ear, while his hands traveled from the younger's shoulders, downwards. "Yoongi--ahh Yoonmin might hear us"But the older kept nipping on the younger's ear softly, drawing out a soft moan coming from the younger.

"Well its your fault not letting him sleepover with taekook"

"Wow now it's my fault?" Shocked. Jimin stand up looking angrily at Yoongi. " No babe, I didn't mean it like that babe"

Then the door opened "Awwwww Yoongi is Under"Taehyung said while laughing, as he and the others entered Yoongi and Jimin's house. The older glanced at his friend smirking, taunting him. "And you aren't,  funny, I heard someone spend the night in his car,"

"That's different" Taehyung quickly said defending himself "How different,huh? "


"Another word Kim Taehyung and your sleeping on the car again tonight"Jungkook warns causing Taehyung to look like a love sick puppy.

"Kookie, hey, I was just kidding"


Je bal....Yoongi please keep your hands to your self

"Yah, you know that I can hear you right?!"Yoongi butted in

"Go back to Jimin!"


I am currently revising this story, Maybe just a little tweak so I can clear things about the climax.

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